Monday, March 29, 2010

Walking In The Supernatual - Law Of Confession

Words Create

Donna Braman


If we are to walk in the supernatural then we must learn the spiritual laws which govern Kingdom principles.  The law of confession is the mystery which reveals manifestation.  I'm not referring to confession of sin, but truth that is released through the spoken word with faith.  Confession in this text means to speak your promises from God. (Philippians 4:19)  Now we know that if we break natural laws there are consequences.  For instance, if we disobey electrical laws by sticking our finger into a live socket, we will experience a painful shock.  The spiritual laws work the same way in that there are certain outcomes or consequences if we break them, and those consequences show up in no results with our prayer life, no financial manifestation, no anointing by the Holy Spirit, no metaphysical power evidenced that changes our circumstances.

Let's take a look at Joshua 1:8 and see how the law of confession works with people.  Moses selected 12 men to go and spy out the promised land to see just what it was going to take to possess it. (Numbers 13:27-32)  Well, the men came back with a negative report and said it was a mountain to overcome with armed giants, (the Anaks) and there was no way we could overtake them.  Now this is a prime example of looking at the natural law.  But oh, Joshua said, I will possess that which God has given unto us.  Joshua allowed the possession to become God's battle and not through his own strength.  Joshua understood the law of confession.  He walked out the truth of that Kingdom principle and he brought the walls of Jericho down.  He led the people into taking possession of the promises.  

The law of confession is still the same today and that's why we have Christians perishing who will never possess the promised land.  We are living in a period of famine, wars and rumors of war.  God is gathering the Jews back to Israel from the four corners of the earth.  A spiritual shifting is occurring in the body of Christ at the same time to separate the wheat from the tares to light up the remnant for the lost to clearly see.  He who has ears, let him hear with a spiritual ear.  There are powerful forces of the spirit world at work in this earth and powerful forces of darkness to try to counteract what is to come.  It is a clash between a negative energy and a positive energy.  

Darkness can not overcome light.  You see, blood means life and light, but you've got to be covered in that blood by walkig in the new covenant with Christ.  He gives us everything we need to know about how his Kingdom operates in the gospels by his own words.  Now, if you don't understand who you are in the Kingdom then when the devil comes, and he is coming with three of the most powerful demonic forces like the world has never seen, and he is going to overtake you.  We need to take a look at what spiritual forces were at work when Isaac possessed the land during famine.  Isaac understood seed principle and as he dug wells and water began to flow, King Abimelech said, go from here before your God overtakes us. 

Look at who is prospering in these dried up economic times.  A report was released last month showing that the intake of tithes in the churches hardly even decreased last year.  So you see the end time prophecy unfolding with a transfer of wealth taking place as nations fall, big corporations go under and the rich commit suicide.  What I'm trying to say, is there is plenty of spoils for God's people.  Today, Israel is one of the richest nations on earth. The bible warns us that when Israel's barren deserts become plush green agriculture, look out God is up to something, a shaking is going on from the heavens.  Let us remember what happened in Egypt when famine and plagues hit them, and darkness fell on the land.  There was a light that beamed brightly in Goshen where the blood of the covenant rested on the children of God.

I believe today, the number one reason why Christians are perishing is lack of speaking with belief of who they are in Christ and lack of understanding of what works Jesus accomplished on the cross for them, and not being able to define their inheritance.  Today, we have a form of Godliness but no belief in its power, pretty much why God's Shekinah glory left the second temple and he allowed it's destruction.  We need Shepherds that have enough courage to preach the word in spirit and truth.  The United States has become a Ninevah, with cold hearts and abominable sin which is the norm for tolerance in today's society.  

You see, Ninevah needed to be jostled out of their accepted norm and have the word rightly divided so a light switch would come on so they could see how far from God they really were. Truth is what makes us repent and return to covenant, not feel good messages and entertainment teaching.  We have Shepherds today that have their eye on the world and delight in man's approval while the people perish with little or no understanding of the blood and its transforming power, or how to begin to apply biblical principles that govern victory in the spiritual life.  Jesus' parable of the sower gives understanding to all parables and to all biblical truth.

Christians need to be taught where the resting place is, and we need to position ourselves there, because when the devil comes at you, and he will, you will be unmovable and you won't fall for the world's lies or stay in a carnal church that Jeremiah blatantly calls the Harlot church.  Preachers are afraid to be Jeremiahs or John the Baptists because there is no favor with man with that. Now I know why Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet. When Joshua said, we are going forward and we are bringing the covenant back, things changed; blessings and protection followed them. They positioned themselves before trying to take the promises.  Look at Psalm 91:1-2, it says, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."  It goes on to say in verse two, "He will save me from the fowler's snare and the deadly pestilence."  Most people think King David wrote this Psalm but, but according to Rev. Nelson's biblical research, Moses did.

The body of Christ has been attacked by the devil with infirmities, cancer, heart disease, depression, mental illness, addictions because we have stepped out from the shelter and the resting place of the Most High.  We need to reposition ourselves and start confessing God's word from the depths of our heart.  I like the song, 'I Am Redeemed'. One verse goes, "when they ask you who you are, just say, I AM THE REDEEMED". (the remnant)  The world will fear you when you start to look like the redeemed because you will be dressed in fine linen and adorned with precious jewels and you will walk your talk like Joshua, King David, and Daniel did.  

When Paul put the law of confession to his circumstance in his midnight hour, it caused a move of metaphysical power through an earthquake that loosed his chains.  Now, the man guarding Paul repented and became saved.  Why? Because he saw the power of the living God.  I would have fallen to my knees too, and so will the lost of today if we evidence our faith into matter.  Where are the Paul's today in our pulpits.  God doesn't just want to free us from bondage, he wants us to prosper abundantly and soar like the eagle. So, don't accept less in your spiritual walk than what the sacrificial blood promises you.  That is like saying, Jesus, I'll just take half my inheritance, so I can still partake half way of the carnal world.  That is one of those deceptions that will cause you to loose ALL of your inheritance.

Rev. Jerry Nelson, in his teaching Wednesday night made a profound statement, he said, "Your faith will never rise above your confession."  The devil will try to pull you out of the shadow of the Almighty.  He will start with weakening you through the physical senses, the eye, ear, taste, or smell and talk you into missing a few prayer times, withholding a few tithes, staying out of church, not reading your bible as much until finally you say, well it won't hurt to partake of this little sin as long as I don't make a habit of it.  Don't lay down for that slaughter.  You've got a miracle in your mouth, start confessing it today!

Now, I'm going to give you the biblical do-not's of confession that steal your manifestation and victory.  The number one is do not confess lack.
*Do not confess fear and anxiety (2Timothy 1:7)
*Do not confess lack of faith. (Romans 12:3) (or weakness, because through Him you can do all things who strengthen you.
*Do not confess sickness (1Peter 2:24)
*Do not confess ignorance (1Corinthians 1:20)
*Do not confess worry. (1Peter 5:6-7)
*Do not confess failure, never, never, never (11Corinthians 1:20) Remember all the promises of God are in Jesus!

There are a couple of scripture you need to memorize, the first is for the Shepherds, 11Corinthians 2:14, "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.  And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit.  On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God."

If you want to serve the Lord effectively put this verse in your memory bank, Romans 8:2, "through Christ the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death,"  and that law is activated by the tongue that gives off life and death forces.  For the Shepherd who was once enlightened by the Holy Spirit and gifted with knowledge, wisdom and discernment of the word, woe unto him who abuses that gift by not speaking it, for it will cost him the unfading crown of glory!

References and credits on this article:
This article is based on my notes from Wednesday night's bible study at Westmoreland PHC taught by the Rev. Jerry Nelson, as well as my own commentary.  If you would like to order a copy of the complete bible study 'Law of Confession' on dvd or cd go to:

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