Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Tribute to Wilson Heros

Memorial Day is a special day to honor men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military to defend and protect our country.

Many events are planned in Wilson to honor servicemen and our fallen heros.  There will be a poppy sale with ceremonies and special guests Saturday  downtown Wilson. Today, the Boy Scouts placed flags on veteran's graves at both Maplewood and Evergreen Cemeteries.  At Rest Haven Cemetery, members of American Legion Post 17 posted flags on veterans' graves starting this morning at 8:30 a.m.

On Sunday, there will be a Memorial Day service near the office at Maplewood Cemetery at 5:30 p.m.  American Legion Post 13 is sponsoring this event, which is free and open to the public.  On Monday, there will be a Memorial Day program at the Wilson County Courthouse starting at 10:00 a.m.

Portions of the program will honor soldiers who are Prisoners of War or Missing in Action.  The event is sponsored by the Wilson Committee on Patriotism.

Try to remember what this holiday is all about as you go about your cookouts, and church service Sunday, that these people were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and deserve so much appreciation.  If you know a military person tell him or her how much honor you have for them and thankfulness that they served to protect you.

The following is a list of military servants from my church Westmoreland PHC and people in my personal life that have served, some not with us any longer, but their memory lives on in our hearts.

Pastor Jerry Nelson, Woody Bradley, Joey Tedder, Bill Curley and others in Wilson who served: Doug Ellis, Lawerance Ellis, Ralph Knight (Sandoz Pharmacueticals), David Stewart (Sandoz Pharmacueticals) John Willard Collins, John (Jay) Luther Collins Jr., Larry Rowe, Allie Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Hank Braman, Dale Braman, James Lee Braman Sr.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  God Bless the United States of America and all our servicemen.  Let us once again be united as one nation under God, and make the Holy Bible the foundation again that blessed this nation from its birth.

The Answer To A Dying World: Pentecost

Easter and Christmas are special holidays because those are the times we celebrate the birth of Christ and Passover.  Pentecost is just as important.  It was the day the church was born, and it was born with fire. Acts 2:2.

Pentecost was one of the 7 feasts that Israel celebrated.  The City of Jerusalem was filled with things about Christ's resurrection.  Then the 12 disciples were up in the upper room in Jerusalem and they were praying with expectation.  Now, Jesus had promised them the Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:11.

Jesus never baptized anyone in the Holy Spirit until he ascended.  These disciples were not disappointed. John 1:33.  The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove.  John had discernment about this. John 14:26 and Acts 1:8.

These are just some of the scriptural promises they had.  Jesus said, I've got to go back to the Father first.  I've got to complete the work of the cross, and be glorified.  The descent of the Holy Spirit was sudden.  Cloven tongues hit them.  God had a fire for them, and God still has a fire for us today.

As the Spirit of God filled them, they received the promises.  The former rain and the latter rain was theirs.  Now, there is a church that is arising in these end times that is going to be on fire.  The Holy Spirit endues us from on High to complete his work and to overcome all opposition.

You don't have to be afraid of the devil, and you can get the promised blessings here in this world today.  It is not by our power or might but by him.  We've got too many churches trying to do it without his power.  The disciples came out of that place  on fire and began to preach.  I believe they were rejoicing, dancing and shouting.  The bible doesn't say that they were dancing and shouting but I know when the presence of the Holy Spirit is the midst of a congregation this is how the people react. These disciples were pricked in the heart and they knew how to preach to get a reaction from the people.

We can look back in Pentecostal periods like in the day of the great preacher, John Edwards in the second great awakening and see the same reaction.  One woman grabbed hold of a pillar in the building because she was afraid this power was going to lift her off the ground.  And as in today, some people don't understand when you begin to shout and cry and praise the Lord.

I praise and worship him in the spirit because one day the Lord passed by me and healed me and brought me from darkness into his marvelous light.  This is foolishness from ordinary people.  But you can not touch God through the intellect but must come through the spirit.

Spiritual things cannot be discerned by the natural man.  This is that Joel the prophet spoke of when he said God would pour out his spirit upon the sons and daughters with power.  People say, well I have an opinion about all this.  Well, I don't have an opinion, I have the word on the matter.  God said, I will show you miracles, signs and wonders.

Peter said, Jesus was raised up because the devil didn't have the power to hold him down.  Well, Glory!  Peter preached the cross and the Holy Spirit gave conviction power to that crowd that day on Pentecost and three thousand people were saved.  The reason we don't see that today is because the message is wrong.

Peter's message was simple, he preached the gospel, and all of it, not just half of it like we see today.  We're living in the dying hours of this world.  Perilous times, a time that is difficult to deal with.  You're not dealing with the dark spirits of the 1700's here.  These spirits are powerful and determined because they know their days are numbered.

Let's take a closer look at what is going on in the world and in the churches and get some discernment of how the gospel has been lost.

1.  World Is Dying Morally

Young people coming into the church doesn't even know what biblical morals are because we have become accepting of morals that are of the world.  When you've got back stabbing Christians, gossipers, bad stewards, and sin up in the church.  Young people see that and absorb that quicker than they do a Sunday School lesson.  Its time for us older Christians to clean up because we are responsible to teach the younger Christians and the Lord will hold us responsible for that one day.

2. The World Is Dying Educationally

We got schools that teach evolution and deny our children of hearing the truth of God as the Creator of the Universe.  That's not education, that's control over our children's minds.  They are not allowed to all sides, but one side, and that is to cut God out of this nation starting with the education system, which are our children.  We have a President that's telling our young teenagers its okay to go get an abortion.

We have fools teaching our children that there's no God and all that exist is some big bang.  But we know now since DNA that even a single molecule has a pattern. Scientist now call it a divine intellect, and our children don't even know who this divine intellect is since the bible is banned from schools.

We're living in a society where our children have access through electronics to see and hear anything they wish and making it near impossible for parents to monitor.  There is no honor to ministers, not even honor to his seat which God hath appointed.

The world is dying because men are lovers of pleasure and never able to come to knowledge of the spirit. Modern thinking will carry you to hell because God is left out and when he is left out so is truth.

3.  This World Is Dying Religiously

Our churches are luke-warm.  I know Pentecostals that the only fire they have is in their kitchen.  You say you're saved but we see no change in you.  Have you ever had a divine healing?  Have you been set free from something?  I remember the day I was set free, light clashed with darkness and I was changed and got up and turned my life around 180%.  My old friends didn't recognize me anymore.  I had different words on my tongue and the aroma of Christ was about my countenance.

We've got to stop preaching on partial gospel, but all of it.  Peter said, Repent and be saved and receive the Holy Ghost.  But you see people don't like preaching like was in the early church.  But the Holy spirit is raising up a remnant that will preach and walk in the power of the Holy Ghost.

Change would come in the church if we would raise up some Jeremiah's with some backbone that was all about obedience and not the people.  What gospel did Paul preach.  He was preaching to rich Greeks.  Oh they believed in God even in their sin.  Paul preached repentance, a new way, new life in Christ, reborn in the spirit to King Agrippa.

The early church did preach repentance.  You will fail with conviction of the people with preaching a half gospel.  The church must get things back in order.  Be careful not to apply the wrong faith doctrine.  You can't talk your way into faith, but it comes through self reproach from sin and feeling sorry and contrite for your wrong.  You will feel a desire to change direction and take steps to making a commitment and love for Christ. 11Corinthians 7:10.

Most people don't want to change their heart.  But a change in the heart must take place at the altar.  You have to experience a Bethel in your life.  A place where God changes everything about you, the way you think, the way you act, the way you love and a whole new set of morals.  Then people will turn and say, Wow, he's a new person.

The name means nothing if you've lost the fire and fallen out of love with Christ.  We have to allow him to do an operation on our hearts.  I'm not going to walk with the name Christian without the power of the Holy Ghost.  You are a sitting duck for the devil.  Because he is pouring out 3 powerful spirits upon this earth as the Holy Spirit is pouring out his enduement upon the sons and daughters.

Get a blazed and hear the mighty rushing of the wind.  The disciples turned the religious world upside down and we need to do just that too.  When the word has put a message up in your bones you can't help but talk about it.

You don't think your city can be saved.  Paul preached to many sin filled cities and the people were changed. He preached that no liars, fornicators, back stabbers, gossipers, and dividers would inherit the Kingdom of heaven.  When you've been washed a radical change occurs and you are not going to have these characteristics in you.

Ephesus was a city that worshiped the Goddess Diana.  The power of  word changed it.  These are the days that God's word has told us about, the outpouring.  Pentecostal power can change you  and your city.  The mission of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Jesus and the power of his blood.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Worthy Is The Lamb

 John The Revelator

John,  The Revelator is on the Pat mus Isle, and it is a lonely Island.  He got into the spirit and he received the word of Christ in another spiritual realm. We are going to look at just what all John saw and heard from Jesus in the flesh, and Jesus on the throne.

God is spirit.  You don't just touch him from the intellect but through your spirit.  Pentecostal people has it right, with a shout, "Glory to the Lamb of God."  Every creature in heaven and on earth heard them saying, "Blessed is he who sits on the throne."  (Revelation 5:9-12)

Christ is worthy of our honor, love and everything that is in us.  We need to give all the praise to him that is in us.  He redeemed us with his precious blood and only he is worthy.

John had been an eye witness to Jesus' ministry. (1 John 1:3)  So when we come together it should be a celebration when we invite Christ in our churches, homes, and our work places.  He wants us to have fellowship with him and the Father.

John said, I walked with Christ.  I heard him teach and preach.  I'm writing these things so your joy will abound.  John was there the day Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.  Water baptism is a outward sign of our inward experience with Christ.

My Pastor told a story of this lady once that wanted to be baptized in a service that he was a visiting minister at.  She couldn't get up in the pool of water to be immersed.  She could not bend very well. She just couldn't physically do what it would take to go up those steps and be bent backward into a pool.  The Pastor said, "So, I decided, she has faith and she wants to be baptized, so I took a pitcher of water on the minister stand and said, come here, and I poured it over her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I thought the Pastor of that church was going to call me down.  He stood and pointed his finger at me and said, "my brother, now that is faith in action."

You may not be where everyone else is in your faith and walk, but God will honor faith acted out. You should testify of him when he saves you.  When Jesus came up out of the water, a dove lit on him, and a voice was heard saying, "This is my Son, whom I am well pleased."  There you have the trinity in the Baptism of Christ;  the voice of the Father, the Son, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

We are a bible based teaching church and we preach the word. His own received him not, but those who did receive him received the spiritual birth.  If you don't like your first birth try the second birth. Oh, taste and see how good it is!

Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost giving evidence when he came up out of the water.  God wants us baptized in the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a surprise package.  I don't know how or when he will move when giving his word.  They are supernatural surprises.  So go to church and see what he is doing. Get in the spirit and take your eyes off of people and he might reveal some things to you from the Kingdom.

Just start praying and pray in faith.  You get to a place where you think you can't lay hold of the things in the spirit, but prayer and worship brings breakthrough.  Persist, and lay hold of the altar until you get your answer.

John was there when Jesus came up out of that water.  It is God's will for you to be filled with the spirit and sanctified.  He wants us to be filled and walk in his power.  All of the nine gifts will work through your life with the Holy Spirit.  Don't ever underestimate the power of the blood, the name of Jesus, or the power of the Holy Ghost.  All he needs is a virgin spirit.

While Jesus was tempted for 40 days and nights, he overcame all the temptation by saying, "It is written."  The word leads you to truth and power over the enemy, so make every effort to learn who God says you are and the power you have through Christ.

John was there and saw Jesus rebuke and overcome Satan, the tempter.  Jesus went into the temple on the Lord's day as was his practice every Sabbath.  He lived by the commandments and he kept the Sabbath Holy. He rested on the 7th day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if America could get a hold of that truth about the Sabbath.  And that is another sermon!

John was there when Jesus picked up the scroll and said, I have come to free the captive, its Jubilee! John was an eye witness to the Messiah.  He gave an overview of Jesus' ministry.  He saw Jesus heal many and restore the Samaritan woman's life. John was there with that wayward woman.  He saw Jesus change her life. The gospel will change your life and give you hope for a future.

I don't know how you feel about women preachers but Jesus made that Samaritan woman an instant evangelist.  John heard Jesus say to a dead girl, "Damsel, I say unto you rise."  John saw a funeral procession come through and boom, light and darkness clashed.  Jesus stops the whole funeral and he tells the young man that is dead, "Arise young man."

John was there when he heard Jesus say,  "Lazarus, come forth,"  Jesus commanded, oh death loose him.  If you are bound by darkness or bondage, when Jesus says, loose him, then you are free by the blood.  He is able, cry out to him.  Hear him say back to you, loose him!

You can be free!  You don't have to be bound by your past, or anything anybody did to you in your past.  He said in John 10:10, "I have come to give you life abundantly."  John heard the leper say, "Master, if you are willing you can make me well."  Jesus said, "I am willing."

I believe when John preached, he told about the transfiguration on the mountain.  Jesus' body broke forth into a countenance as white as snow.  A voice said, "This is my son, whom I am well pleased, listen to him."  Moses heard the voice of God say, "I AM  that I AM."  The people heard the voice say, "he carries my word."

I love the story of blind Bartimeus.  He was sitting on the road side.  He cried, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me."  Back in the old bible times, a beggar had to wear a certain garment to identify him as a beggar and needy.  It was a red and white garment and it gave you the right to beg for your support publicly.

Bartimeus heard about Jesus, but Jesus kept walking.  Bartimeus cried a little louder, "Jesus, Son of David."  We need to cry out with persistence and a little louder.  Jesus suddenly stood still, he heard Bartimeus.  Jesus said, "Bring him to me."  Jesus may have been thinking, Oh this is why I came down Jericho Road today, to run into Bartimeus.  Peter probably said, Oh Bartimeus, you got it made now for you have gotten the attention of the Master and he is calling for you.  Bartimeus laid his garments aside on the Jericho Road.  Well, glory!

When Jesus comes the tempter turns away.  The blind receive their sight again.  Jesus said, "What is it that you need?"  Bartimeus  said, "Lord, that I may receive my sight."  Immediately as Jesus touched him his eyes were opened.  You see his faith healed him when he called Jesus Lord.  He has dropped his garments and made Jesus Lord.

Jesus is the Son of the Living God.  He takes care of all of human suffering.  He was in the beginning, and the word made flesh.  We behold God's glory in the flesh.  John was there at the last supper.  Jesus passed the wine, his blood and the bread, his body.  Jesus was laying the new covenant in order.

John saw Judas betray Jesus.  John was there when Jesus said, "stay awake and watch."  John was in the garden when the sin of the world was on Christ's shoulders.  The man in Jesus said, "Father, let this cup pass from me, but your will be done."  John said, I heard him cry in agony in the night, but I got sleepy.

His brow dripped blood and the weight of sin nearly caused death unto him in the garden. It was the beginning of a dark night for the work that our Lord had to accomplish for us to be redeemed, and that darkness lasted until the following evening when Jesus said, "It is finished." So never wonder why in heaven when everyone looks around no one can be found that is worthy to judge or to pass out rewards, or to open the book of life.  No one, but the Lamb of God.

John said, I saw him die on Calvary for us.  John heard Jesus say, "I will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days, and that's just what he did.  Jesus stood up in the tomb and he walked out of that make shift altar where his blood spilled for us.  He had taken the keys from Satan and death reigned no more.

John saw Jesus return and he spent 40 days with him.  John was on the Pat mus Isle on the Sabbath and he was taken up in the spirit and he saw Jesus.  (Revelation 1) The glory of his power and majesty. His hair was like wool.  His voice was like many waters. His eyes like flames of fire. And his feet like unto fine brass. He held seven stars in his right hand.  Out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword.  His countenance was as  the sun shining in its full strength in him.

 Jesus said, "Fear not, I AM the first and the last.  I AM he that liveth, and was dead, and behold, I AM alive forever more and have the keys of hell and of death."  John said, I was there and saw the eternal Son.  He is worthy of our praise.  Worthy is the slain Lamb.  Worthy to be praised by ALL nations.

John had been washed in the blood, and a beloved disciple of Christ.  Thank God for our redeemer.  Let us be his unblemished bride.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The fire of the Holy Spirit falls in Wilson church

They were praising and the rush of a mighty wind came

Several local churches gather for a three day revival to celebrate Pentecost early at Perry's Temple Free Will Baptist Church in Wilson.  Thursday night's service was preached by Apostle Norwood Simmons of Deeper Life Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Several denominations worshiped under the same roof  with multiple cultures represented in the congregation.  They all had one thing in their minds and hearts; for the fire of Pentecost to fall.

Bishop J. N. Perry Jr., Pastor of Perry's Temple sat back subdued in the spirit while enjoying the worship and mighty anointed singing by Perry's Temple Choir.  Present in the service and a speaker was Pastor Douglas Bell of New Bethel Church in Freemont, North Carolina. Rev. Jerry Nelson of Westmoreland Pentecostal Holiness Church of Wilson was present with some of his congregation.  Evangelist Samatha Hooker of Wilson was present and so many more.

It was a packed house with at least 250 people.  The attendants were passing out the fans with loving hospitality. Parents brought their whole families. There was no day care, the children were in the midst of the worship and preaching just like the way it used to be.  It was like an old time gospel revival with a worship spirit united like so many churches have lost in the last 30 years.  The voices praising and singing together sounded like one voice with all the 7 music keys mingled together. Now that's how you make the devil mad!

It didn't take long for the spirit to show up when the Choir stood to sing, 'How Great Thou Art'.  Right about the time they started to sing 'Revive Me O'Lord' Pastor Nelson jumped up and danced across the altar with his leg hiked up in the air.  King David could not have done any better.

The sermon was entitled, 'The Whole Truth'. The Bishop preached from the book of John, chapter 10 with emphasis on verse 10.  He said, the Lord came to give us abundance and wholeness and doesn't want us to be in lack and half filled, and that its time for the church to be whole again. He said you can't help the lost if you're only half filled yourself.  He described the bible in a nut shell saying, "The old testament is the root and the new testament is the fruit."

He said when people ask him what denomination he is he tells them, "I'm a Church of Christ because I was redeemed by the blood of  Jesus Christ.  I'm a Presbaterian because I'm pressing my way on to heaven.  I'm a Methodist because I'm needful of my Lord.  I'm a Disciple of Christ because I'm a follower of Christ.  I'm a Baptist because I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit.  I'm a Pentecostal because I'm empowered by the Holy Spirit."

He continued, "Thank God we have a new High Priest.  We don't have to go to the temple and let some priest go behind the curtain for us, and not knowing if he is going to drop dead while asking for atonement for us.  You don't have a curtain, you can be out in the country all by yourself or in the car and grab hold of the steering wheel and approach the throne with boldness."

He added, "Jesus said, hold on cause I'm gonna send the Holy Spirit so you'll be able to do the works that I did and more. We have the power of the Holy Ghost today!  We are in the last part of our journey and we need to strengthen the body.  We want folks to get saved that stay saved.  We don't want church people that are professing to be saved and going out committing sin and not even knowing if you're being led by some molester or worse."

The Bishop holds up the Holy Bible and says, "Eat this book of words.  It might be sour in your mouth but it will be sweet in your belly.  If you're not ready to give praise and glory to the one who saved you then you don't have the whole truth yet.  If you ain't got it yet, keep on praying until it manifests."

The revival will continue tomorrow night for its last service beginning at 7:30 P.M. The church is located at 5000 Tartts Mill Road, Wilson, North Carolina, off Hwy 264 East at the Saratoga exit. Turn right and then a mile and a half turn right onto Tartts Mill.  The church phone is 252- 291-4124.

Links:  'The Refreshing' a sermon by Rev. Jerry Nelson  (teaching CD's on the early church and Pentecost)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fresh Anointing

Get Pentecost refilling

Pastor Nelson told a story of how his mother showed him one day several years ago that he needed to refresh his anointing oil.  He said he stopped by to see her that day and she told him she wasn't feeling well.  He carries a small container on his key chain of anointing oil.  So he took it and put some on his finger tip and touched his mother.  She said, "Oh, that oil stinks you need to get some new." He said he got that in his spirit and in meditating on it for about three years and then one day the Lord dealt with him about it.  He found his answer in Psalm 92:10, "But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

It is a good thing to give thanks and to sing to the Lord, but David begins to cry out of his spirit to be anointed afresh.  Oil represents the Holy Ghost to empower those who stand in a position of office for the Lord.  King Saul had backslidden and God told the prophet Samuel to go and anoint another.  Saul had been selected but he lost out because of his hardened heart.

God tells Samuel to go to Bethlehem to the house of Jesse and anoint a certain one there.  Look not on his countenance he told Samuel for it is his heart that has earned him the favor of God and the anointing.  Whenever God finds a holy, submitted vessel he will anoint that vessel, and make it holy, sanctified and consecrated unto him.

Samuel looked at all the sons of Jesse, but none of them was the one.  He asked Jesse if he had another son.  He tells Samuel that he had a young son but that he was out in the shepherd's field tending sheep. I can just see David now at 16 out there with those sheep singing up a storm on his lyre his heart full of praise.

He was rejoicing before the Lord.  David delighted himself in the Lord and he also encouraged himself in the Lord.  Yes, he was a man after God's own heart.  When David was come before the prophet, Samuel said, "Arise, for the anointing of the Lord."

God said, this is the one I have chosen.  David wasn't too much in his family but God loved him and his praise.  So praise can lift you above what others think of you.  God isn't looking for qualifications the way we do, but he's looking at your love for him and how you express that.

In the old testament the spirit of the Lord came upon certain people to operate in a certain office.  But today, God has poured his spirit upon all the sons and daughters.  Some do not know this spirit but those that know  this spirit can be sanctified and empowered.  This power comes through submission to the Lord and giving everything of yourself to him.  The world can not see the Holy Spirit.  God is trying to get his church ready through the Holy Spirit's pouring out. This pleases the Lord. 

God said of David, I have anointed you with gladness.  David pleased the Lord and God was with him and anointed him.  There is a place where we can be filled and refilled by the Holy Spirit.  There is a place of untold resources we can tap into.

There's nothing to hinder us.  God says you will find me if you search for me with all your heart.  It's a place full of God's glory and unlimited power.  One word from God can change your whole world.  There's a place in God where we have power over the devil.

God has a place for his people and he desires for you to experience a fresh anointing.  Think about when you were first saved.  You had excitement for the Lord.  You were ready and willing to work for him.  You had a praise on your lips.  Then after a while they backed off, because they didn't get refilled with fresh anointing.

You are anointed for ministry, the gift of the Holy Ghost to give to the people.  He has to be endued with power to reach into darkness and pull somebody into the light.  The Holy Ghost was a promise to us and he wants us to experience it.  

Lets look at Acts 2:2-4, and they began to preach Jesus after the anointing.  They were drunk with this power.  The natural man cannot know or understand this.  Those men looked like they had just left Joe's Place at about 2:28 a.m. and were drunk.

Let me tell you what the Holy Spirit did to these disciples.  They were anointed to preach the gospel with power.  Light had come into darkness.  This was their message; Christ was buried and was raced from that make shift alter in the tomb.  God manifested in the flesh.  Jesus was exalted to the name above all names, above all principalities and is seated on the throne.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to the glory of the Most High God.

In Revelation 1:14-18, John tells of the glory of his power and majesty.  John says, "His head and his hair were like wool, as white as snow; his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.  Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.  When I saw him I fell at his feet as dead.  He said unto me, "Fear not; I am the first and the last. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, and have the keys of hell and of death."

The purpose of Pentecost is to have power, to live in abundance. (John 10:10)  And signs and wonders followed them.  Peter said to the blind peddler in Acts 3:6,"  Silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give to you.  Fasten your eyes on me, and Peter raised that man up and said, "now be healed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

You cannot be healed without an encounter with God.  When you've been healed you've had a powerful encounter with the Master.  Search me oh God and see if there's anything unpleasing in me, and allow God to change you, and you will be filled."

These men who were filled with the Holy Ghost in the upper room.  That place was shaken and they spoke the word by the Holy Spirit.  We must have fresh oil! If you haven't received this power then you need it. 

 Paul went to Ephesus and found twelve followers of John the Baptist.  He laid hands on them and anointed them to preach.  Paul said, "Have you received the Holy Spirit?"  He's talking about the unction, the power on high.

How do you receive the power of the Holy Spirit?  Well, what do you do when you hear a knock at your door?  You go to see who it is and invite the guest in.  Jesus says, "Any man who hears my voice and opens the door receives my power."

The men told Paul, "We haven't received the Holy Ghost and the authority of Christ."  Paul laid hands on them and they spoke with unknown tongues.  

There is an initial filling of the Holy Ghost.  Just because you got filled twenty years ago doesn't mean you're still filled.  If you haven't been refilled then you are spiritually stagnate.  David sought refills, he said, "my horn I will exalt like the Unicorn and I will be filled with anointing."

Some people miss God in Pentecost.  The heavenly bakery is still open.  Now lets jump to Ephesians 5:19.  Paul is still talking to the same men, " Be filled with the spirit, speaking to one another in spiritual songs and making melody in your heart to God."

The bible records Paul's instruction on how to be filled.  Paul is energizing them here, the same people that gets filled and refilled.  The early church was continuing to be filled. They were looking for Jesus to return and they kept praying and fasting in seeking refillings of the Holy Spirit.  A spirit filled person is prepared for honor, sanctification, to be prepared for good works.

Don't allow the things in this world to draw the anointing out of you.  Go to him and he will refill you!

This teaching is from my notes taken from a sermon by the Rev. Jerry Nelson, Westmoreland PHC, Wilson, NC.  To hear sermons of his on CD go to:

The Virtuous Woman

Who can find a virtuous woman?  Rubies are what her worth is. Proverbs 31:10  A diamond only sparkles on the outside but rubies have a through and through sparkle.

We live in a politically correct world and the world's rules are bound to wreck our family roots.  Can the world tell us what is correct?  The world rejects biblical truths and their rules are subject to change without notice.

They speak for women, abortions, gay rights, and equal rights.  But a Godly woman has nothing in common with the worldly woman.  Lets look at the ideal, scriptural model of a great woman.

God's description of her says:

1. She has moral purity (Proverbs 31:10)

2. She has character. (Proverbs 31:11)

3. She will do her husband good and not evil all the days of her life. The heart of her husband doth safely trust her and she is committed to her husband. (Proverbs 31:12)

4. She works with her hands and is creative in making things and they are profitable to her. (Proverbs 31:13-14)

5. She rises early and her priorities are for her family and she gives to each of her household. (Proverbs 31:15)

6. With the fruit of her labor she plants a garden in her life and she is the strength of her children and husband. (Proverbs 31:17)

7. She has great compassion and helps the poor and those less fortunate than she. (Proverbs 31:20)
8. She is a woman of dignity. (Proverbs 31:21)

9. She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness. (Proverbs 31:26)

10. She keeps her focus on her home and family and does not eat the bread of idleness, gossip or partake of ungodly things. She has great honor. (Proverbs 31:31) And her children call her blessed! (Proverbs 31:27-28)

A Godly Mother doesn't have a problem getting her children to pick up their clothes or to wash to dishes, or take the trash out.  Her husband tells her she is the best.  Now if all women could get that, they would all become virtuous! Why wouldn't she, she's getting what she needs from her husband and her children.  If she had this she wouldn't want to run to the clubs. She would be a woman of dignity.

The virtuous woman is amazing indeed.  She's God's ideal woman.  She cooks and she uses her hands for the Lord.  She makes money. Her kids get up everyday and bless her.  They are obedient.  Dad's put some things in order for her, like discipline of the children.  He has put the board of education to the seat of understanding.  Men, you could have a virtuous woman if you take your place in your home and get order God's way.

80% of all the mothers on amphetimines wouldn't need them if their husbands would tell them, I love you and you're the best.  That's the power of love.  A part from the name of Jesus, the name mother is the sweetest name there is. Grown men on a battlefield when they're dying will want their mother.

Christians are the salt of the earth.  (Mathew 5:13)  Without this the home is corrupted.  Now you can see why a good woman's price is worth more than rubies.  The world is wrong to try to redefine the values of the home.  If the bible says its wrong, then its wrong.

When you tell this to people they say you are narrow minded.  Well, I've got something for them, Jesus said narrow is the road to heaven and wide is the gate to the world.  No, I won't change what the word has said about what a woman should be and a husband and discipline of the children.  What we need is an awakening of holiness, purity and righteousness in the home again.

My Mother taught me logic.  She said, if you fall off that swing you won't get to go shopping with me.  She challenged me too.  She would say, when that lawn mower cuts off your foot don't run to me. She gave me great anticipation too.  She would say, just wait till your Daddy gets home.  I'm thankful for my Christian upbringing.  My parents were people of faith and they honored the word of God.  And what Mother and Dad had in them got into me.  Your Christian influence will affect your children.

A good mother prays for her children when they are sick, and they remember that. Even if they walk away from that Christian upbringing, trust me there will come a time when they will say, oh I need my parent's Lord. Just because your parent was a Christian doesn't mean you are.  You must be born again.

If you have a woman of valor in your home, thank her many times over and show her appreciation, and thank her for her prayers.  Covenant that your Mother has with the Lord, you will need one day.  The Lord will remember it when he deals with you and calls you out by the Holy Spirit.

Who do you think taught the young Timothy. Eunice, his mother and his grandmother. (2Tim 3:15)
Can a mother make a difference? You bet she can.  We need to rectify family values in this nation and come back to the foundational truths.  Thank God for the Christian woman.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Christian Dinner Theater

A Christian dinner theater will soon being opening in downtown Wilson in the old Heilig-Meyers building at 113 Barnes Street.  It is a two story building being renovated.  It is a two story building and the upper floor will be five loft apartments, and the ground floor will be the dinner theater using 16,851 square feet of space.

The owners are Allan and Safiyah Bell of Nashville, North Carolina.  "We love gospel music and we thought it would be great to have a place for Christian concerts, where Christians can gather," Bell said.

The first floor will have a resturant and entertainment is planned every Saturday night.  There will be ticket admissions which will cover the cost of dinner and performance.  The performances will range from choirs, to solo acts to quartets and other singing groups.  The performers will get a 10 percent proceed from the night.

"We want to form partnerships with our performers", Bell said. The Restaurant, Christian Connections, will be open throughout the week for breakfast, lunch and dinner and evening events will take place on different nights.

"We'll have gospel karaoke, family Bible trivia, open-mic poetry, live Jazz music and Wii fitness games for the retired," Bell said

The breakfast will be cafe style and will serve bagels, donuts, biscuits and drinks.  Lunch and dinner will be a full menu for all meals.  There will be no alcohol served at this business.  Other spaces in the building will be used for business conferences.  Hours of operation will be from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 11p.m.

"I'm excited," Safiya Bell said, "This is something that's been in the works for four years.  We have a lot of work ahead of us.  We're just ready to get it open. It's going to be a place of fun for Christians and non Christians as well."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why you should honor your mother today

Honor of a Mother gives you long life
Honor of a Mother gives you long life
Honor of a Mother and Father

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 6:20-22

God tells us "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters." 2 Corinthians 6:18.
The word tells us quite a bit about what kind of heavenly Father we have as well as living principles with your earthly parents. The wisdom of Solomon says, Good friend, follow your father's good advice; don't wander off from your mother's teachings. Wrap yourself in them from head to foot; wear them like a scarf around your neck. Wherever you walk, they'll guard you; when you wake up, they'll tell you what's next.

Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God will give you. I was well into my thirties before this truth sunk in; that honor of my parents was contingent to me living long and my prosperity. That kind of lack of knowledge causes a lot of us to perish in the fulfillment of our lives.

So now, in the Kingdom family Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call us his brothers and sisters. Jesus also tells us that whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1. As the father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. That little bit of fear is what produces respect with the heavenly father as well as with the earthly parents.

The bible tells us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. He says that when you left the womb he cradled you, since the moment of birth he has been your God and watched over you. For this reason, I bow my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.

For those who are without earthly parents or have parents who have fallen short of their duties as a parent the Lord has this to say to you: For my father and mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take you in and cradle and nurture you. Psalm 27:10 He says in his word; "I am the Father to the fatherless, defender of widows-this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. Psalm 68:5-6.
If you have a mother today tell her you love her and show God thankfulness for her today.  Those who honor their mother will give honor and not shame.   No one has a perfect family, but the thankfulness and respect for the one he has given you is dependent on the longevity of your own life!

A Tribute To A Praying Mother

A Tribute To A Praying Mother


How many lives has your Mother given you!
How many lives has your Mother given you!

A Tribute to a Praying Mother

It was the summer of 1964, and the Vietnam war film was just being seen for the first time on television. I often played with a friend that was 8 years old in my North Georgia mountain hometown of Dahlonega, Georgia. I had gone into her house that day searching for her, but she was not there that day. I found her Mother pacing the floor praying as I got a glimpse of the film shots of dead men on the ground without legs and arms.
My Grandmother was a woman that prayed every night after her bible reading, but I had never heard praying like was coming from the voice of this woman. She fell prostrate on the floor and with a loud pleading voice for her son who was a sergeant on a Vietnam battlefield. I will never forget the urgency of her prayer as she began to speak to the Lord, "I ask you Lord to spare my son. I'm not asking you to send him home to me whole at this point, but he is a first fruit of my womb and I ask you to just spare his life. I praise you Lord for the day that you gave him to me and I now put him in your hands and I trust you that my heart will be spared of losing my son to the enemy. I come before you humble and weeping without strength and ask you to go before me in this battle for my son's life."
I froze as I listened to the most heartfelt prayer of my young life, and suddenly this Mother began speaking in a language I had never heard. I slipped out the front door to leave this prayer of just a few moments but the impact of it has never left me. It affected me and influenced me and became recessed in my mind until I began my prayer life and became a prayer intercessor. She taught me more about the power of intercessory prayer than any preacher ever has.
I was sitting a barber shop in Dahlonega 5 years ago with my son and I heard the barber call out a customer's name sitting waiting, "Well how are you, Joe Patterson?" Joe Patterson, my mind raced and I realized it was the son that this woman was praying for that day so long ago. I got up and went and sat down beside him.
"You are Debbie Patterson's (my little friend's) brother aren't you.?'' "Yes," he said curious as to who I was.
I have a story I would like to tell you about your Mother when I was six years old. When I finished telling him he began to weep. I told him to take care of his Mother because she had given him life twice. He said, she still was a praying woman and was 75 years old, and he took her to lunch twice a week, and had bought her a house after coming home from Vietnam. He not only came back alive, but he came back whole. He became an antique broker and was a wealthy man. I was not surprised to hear that because I remember his little sister showing me his collectibles when I was little.
We played with his jar of silver dollars. He had grown up poor in North Georgia and he remembered how he used to go to the boy scouts at the Salvation Army with tattered tennis shoes with his uniform. He had contributed a significant amount of money to poor children in education benefits and several church buses for small churches. In high school I recall his sister was one of the most well dressed in the school. She became a model and work for an ad agency in Atlanta. I never knew it was him that had made her life better.
Praying Mothers do make a difference in their children's lives. If you have a praying Mother you have been blessed beyond measure for they stand in the gap for blessings that you may not have deserved but because of their covenant with the one on the throne you are blessed too.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Prodigal Son And The Other Son


We've all heard the story of the prodigal son but we've heard very little about the other son.  There is a story about him as well that needs to be told.  In many ways he was as empty and lost as the prodigal son.  We see these two mentalities in the body of Christ everyday yet we have a hard time discerning what is really happening in the fathers house.

Now, the prodigal son ends up in the hog pen in the world and he says, "even the servants of my father's house lives better than this." Luke 15:15.  As he is coming home to his father's house the father said, "Bring out the best robe and put it on him, a ring on his hand, scandals on his feet. Bring the fatted calf and let us eat and be merry." Luke 15:22-23.  This boy is fifty years old and he's been living with Harlot's but the father still loves him.

The brother was angry about this saying, and in Luke 15:29, he says, "These many years I have been serving you I have never transgressed your commandment at any time. Yet you never gave me a young goat that I might make merry with my friends."

In Luke 15:31 the fathers says, "Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours. Your brother was dead and lost and it is good that he has been found and alive again."

Now hold on to your seat because I'm going to get up in the mess of the Father's children in the church of today with this story.

The eldest son had always been with the father with the opportunity of unceasing fellowship with the Father, but in many ways he was worse off than the wayward son.  All of the joy and fellowship had been there waiting for him.  It was available to him but he never had to ask for it like the wayward son.

He never fellowshipped or ask the Father for anything.  He never fully enjoyed what was in the Father's house.  In the Father's house is a fellowship that's awesome when we delight ourselves in him and our thankful in our hearts for his gifts.

He who comes to the Father's house must believe that he is a rewarder of those who love him.  Here, we see the Father's compassion upon the wayward son.  God loves you like that too.  He loves you when you're right and he loves you when you're wrong.  He loves you when your strong and he loves you when you're weak.

In God's love encapsulated is healing, prosperity, love and restoration.  All that I have is yours!  God told the oldest son, all that I have is yours.  Yet he complains of what God is giving to the wayward brother.  He said, how could you give him a fine robe and a fatted calf after what he's done?  Then he makes matters worse by saying, all you gave me was a kid and you gave him the fatted calf.

We get so comfortable with our own images in the church and committed to the house instead of committed to the Lord.  The one day that lost sheep returns to the church and he's on fire for the Lord and Holy Spirit elevates him to blessings that look like are bigger than yours after serving for many years.

But really the oldest brother didn't believe he had everything from the Father and he didn't because of his mentality.  You will have to fellowship and ask God for your blessings. We are in a rare time in the Lord's house right now and some of us are running for our lives.  We need and want that abundant life.

You've got to believe something is coming to you to run for it.  You've got to run your race with everything you've got.  Everything doesn't run smooth all the time.  But you got to hold on because he will come through for you.  God wants you to make it, to enjoy your salvation and fellowship with him.  He wants us to enjoy all the treasures of heaven.  Don't be jealous of what another has in the Lord, the same thing is there for you if you'll get off the "what about me thing".

I love the faith that Paul had.  He says I know I'm not there yet.  I press toward the goal for the prize and I've laid aside sin. Philippians 3:13.  He finished his course and that lets us know that we can finish strong too.
Nothing moved Paul except living for the Lord. That's faith, that's stability in the Father's kingdom.

I love Peter too.  He had his faith tested.  He failed but like the prodigal son, he repented.  He knew what it was like to have your faith tested.  He knew what is like to have to fall down before the Lord in humility to regain what he had lost. Jesus restored him just like the father of the prodigal son did.

In 1 Peter 1:7 Peter said, you will be severely tested.  The way to the Father's house and to have the Father's treasures are those who are sold out to him, bold in their race and blood bought, not man bought.  You have to have the power of the resurrection in you. You got to be persuaded and committed.

Nobody likes a test, but sometimes God lets the hedge down and tests our faith.  Your faith will have to stand the eternal test of time.  We have evil at every side.  God wants us to be unshakable.  That's why he tests us to make us unshakable.  1Peter 5:8 says, The devil walks around seeking who he may devour.

How do you resist?  Stay steadfast in the faith.  You're not the only one being tested but they are common to all your brethren.  The God of all Grace who has called us to glory is there to strengthen us.  If you want to live a life of victory you've got to know that he will bring you through.

You have to trust him.  There comes a time when you will have to just stand while the storm surges or darts are flying at you. Commitment, commitment and commitment, there's your key.  It's during the trials that the devil comes to try to get you to doubt.

He'll say to you, where is your God now, your health is failing.  Your children are lost, where is your inheritance now?  Or you have lost a family member in a tragic death, and the devil will say, why did your God abandon you?  You say back to the devil. My God is where he has always been, right here with me through it all, and nothing will move me from my foundation.

Why not?  Because the Father says, all that I have is yours.  Luke 12:32 says, "do not fear little flock for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."  Let your spirit get a hold of this truth and revelation. When we fellowship with the Father and love him and attentive to him, he says, all that I have is yours.

This is attainable through constant fellowship with God.  Paul says, I'm pressing in to the goal.  It's the Father's  good pleasure that we will receive.  You can be in the Father's house and never receive all the gifts because of lack of fellowship, and not asking the Father to supply you with your desires.

You might be thinking, I'm so weak, I can't get it right.  No, you can't get it right but the Lord can get it right for you. It is our love for him that helps us get it right and then all that is his is ours.  Well, you say, I can't overcome this habit I have, but God says all the riches and treasures are there for you to help you overcome.

There are two sons in this story.  The prodigal son and the son out of fellowship.  They both were poor but could've had it all.  They both needed repentance, and both needed to claim their inheritance.  The real Christian spends time alone with God, in his word, and they use their faith.  But others don't understand how to get all that is theirs in the Father's house or all that is there to get.

Abandon yourself unto the Father and his love and hear him say to you now, all that I have is yours and I give it all to you in the Spirit of my Son.  I wish above all that ye prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.  You are heirs and joint heirs to the Kingdom with great treasures that gives you life to its fullest while here on earth and an eternal home to fellowship with the Father for an eternity.