Monday, March 29, 2010

Law Of Abundance

Donna Braman
The Treasures And Abundance From Heaven


You can live in abundance even in the face of a bad economy. God wants us to be prosperous and we're going to talk about the spiritual laws that govern prosperity today. I believe in financial prosperity.  I believe that because the bible teaches it, and we're going look at those powerful scriptures concerning how God wants us to live in abundance.

The first thing we need to know is, what is prosperity?  A lot of people think prosperity is all about money but we will see from the scripture it is not all about accumulating wealth.

1.  Prosperity Comes In Knowing God
God will put a thrust inside of you to accomplish success in your life.  Look at Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." So the first step in reaching abundance is that personal relationship with the Lord that develops as we come to know him through prayer, worship and following his instructions from His Word. Remember, you can not violate spiritual principles and expect to walk in abundance.

2.  Prosperity And Abundance Is Family
You can have all the money in the world but if you lose your family then your money has not gained you abundance. That's why the devil loves tearing the marriage covenant apart. You may be a banker and make millions but if you loose your family, you're in trouble, and you need help from God. Anybody with a good business head can make money, but he is apt to lose it if he breaks God's spiritual laws that govern it.  Look at Tiger Woods, he had it all looking from the eye of the world. But what does he have now without family. So the first principle is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The devil loves to slip in the back door and rob you. Look at what Jesus had to say about abundance and what His mission is for us and what the devil's mission is.  John 10:10 says,"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance." Jesus came to give us power over the devil, now power over the devil is what I call prosperity. You will have to know who you are in Christ and what power he gives you before you can walk in abundance. Jesus has put this spiritual law inside of you, use it.  God is not only concerned about your life in the eternal but here on earth as well.

3.  Prosperity Is A Vocation Well Carried Out
Vocation looks almost like Vacation doesn't it, and that's where a lot of us are; on vacation from learning to walk in the supernatural laws.  God wants us to achieve, but we need to set goals and try to achieve them God's way.  You can make a million dollars and still not be living in abundance. What good are riches if you're miserable inside, lose your family and real fellowship with one another? God said seek me and I will fill you with the rest.

4.  What Is God's Desire Concerning You?
Ask yourself, God, am I doing what you desire for me to do?  When you get God's desire in you, you will have this thrust for success I'm talking about.  God in his infinite wisdom moves on you to put dreams inside you to help you accomplish His will for you.  When you're dancing God's dream it happens. Old men begin to dream dreams and young men begin to have visions.  You see, with Him in you, you have the breath of God's spirit. God breathed that life force into man when He created us.

3 John 1:2 says, "I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is prospering, and that you are walking in truth." He wants us to be in health.  I know strong people physically but that have weak minds.  The devil will come at your mind, to destroy it, but Jesus' words promise us deliverance.

God is concerned about every aspect of you, your mind, your health, your financial well being, and your relationships.  When you can accept that then you're on your way to abundance. He wants us whole and complete, not just in one area, but all that he has for us. Some people just want prosperity from God, some just want their health.  I want everything that His word says He has to give me. God doesn't reserve health for one and abundance for another and a good marriage for one, but he came to give all of it to us.

Pastor Nelson told a story of a woman that came to him one time and told him he should sell that new car he had and give it the money to the poor.  She drove a new car too, but she didn't think she needed to sell her car for the poor.  Her thinking was that she didn't think a preacher should be prosperous. But if we go to Duet 8:18 it says, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today." It goes on to say that if you follow after the world and its God's He will surely destroy you. There is no such scripture that says ministers are to remain poor while the flocks are to prosper only.

I don't know about you but I don't feel like everything is quite right when I look at a church that can't pay its bills or pay it's minister, and lacking in love gifts. They can't teach you how to live in abundance for they don't themselves produce the fruits of the blessings.  I want a minister to teach the word to me that lives the word, and that lives in the blessings that are our inheritance from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through the spilled blood of the Savior. Jesus lived a poor life and died a criminal's death so we could be rich in abundance. If you think you can only be righteous through lack then the devil will keep you in poverty all your life. We let the devil have what Jesus died to give us.

Wealth is evil if you have the wrong thinking about it.  God will anoint you to be successful in business.  God will give you things you couldn't ever get on your own. But if you'll apply biblical principles concerning money you will be prosperous.  There are biblical financial precepts you must follow.  Learn them, because God gives you abundance so you can bless others.

Pastor Nelson tells a story of this precept he applied several years ago in his life.  It was back during a time when Jentezen Franklin had just built his new church and was taping services for television and he was having a hard time with the equipment he had been using for 5 years or more. Most of the cables and wiring were duck taped.  He asked his members and viewers to help him raise the million dollars it was going to take to for the equipment to broadcast his preaching. Well, I don't have to tell you that he raised the money and very quickly. I can look back on his ministry and see why he is so blessed. I remember in the first church him feeding the poor in Gainesville and clothing them, and starting outreach to the drug addicts and helping the elderly and the Hispanics.

Nelson was one of those contributors of a thousand dollars for Jentezen's equipment. He said the Holy Spirit came to him to give this money for another ministry.  He had just retired from the private sector and really thought he should give it to his own church he was ministering in. But he said, if he did that, he would still have control over how it was spent.  He said its all about the seed principle. The seed can not multiply until it leaves your hands. If you want to hold on and still be connected to your money you give then you will not see a harvest from it.

I see a lot of people look at it in that light.  They give their tithes and yet they want to control the church because of it. You will never see a harvest, because you have wrong thinking about the seed and harvest principle.

There are laws on sowing and reaping.  It's the anointing of the seed that destroys the yolk.  You can't bless someone unless you have God's blessing and anointing to do so.  You've got to walk in covenant to be a blessing to others. You've got to know God's nature, his seasons, and the order He operates in. He displays His nature beautifully through the nature of His universe. If you will follow His principles that govern prosperity, you will prosper. But make sure you are serving the right master.  Matthew 6:24 says, "No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money."

Where most of us fall short in accumulating money is that we develop greed and love of money. 1 Timothy 6:10 tells us, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. Most want to accumulate it for their own selfish desires and not for the purpose of blessing others. So if you are out of line with God's purpose to give you wealth, it will not be forthcoming, and if you acquire it on your own, you will lose it. You will miss abundance if you covet money.

I'll give you an example; Abraham was blessed, and so was Lot.  But greed was in Lot's heart. He looked over the land and wanted Abraham to give him the choice land.  Abraham did so, but look how it turned out.  Abraham still became wealthy in the lessor valued land, because the blessing and anointing was on him through his obedience and following God's principles.  Lot, well he ended up like most of us who accumulate wealth for the wrong reason. You see, some people get a taste of prosperity and it destroys them because money goes to their head.

Don't ever think that you can not prosper in bad times.  We need to start digging wells and planting seed because now is a ripe time for financial miracles to occur in the Kingdom. When you see the worldly rich fall then look out, for that is the season God will release the wealth He has stored up from the rich and give it to the righteous. He gives to us to bless others and it is two fold blessing process.

Years ago, there was a man that Pastor Nelson helped start a business and the business prospered.  One day the man called him up and said I want to bless you back.  He threw him the biggest feast for his church members and friends at the country club. Many were blessed through that blessing that came back on the Pastor. So remember, what you do for others God will make happen for you.

5.  There Are Laws That Regulate The World Of Finance

Begin to love the Word, and from it you will walk in the will of the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. But you've got to line up with His word. Begin to crave a love of the word, your future, your destiny and your abundance are defined in that instruction book. It is a lamp unto your feet.  Nelson says, "I love the word, I could just eat it sometimes," and he takes a piece of paper with a daily scripture and begins to chew it in his mouth. As he is chewing the word, he adds, "Abundance is not an accident.  The key is so simple that most people miss it.  It does not take a rocket scientist to see it. Jesus says it, to seek me first, and the rest will be given to you." Matthew 6:33

God is interested in holiness in your life, and you'll not reap benefits of prosperity until you become sanctified and walk a righteous life. Obey what the Holy Spirit is telling you. 1 Peter 1:2 says,"Who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood. Grace and peace be yours in abundance." If you walk in the light and be obedient to what His word tells you to do, He will bless you. Peace in your life is abundance, you can have money without this peace and unspeakable joy you get from an intimate relationship with the Lord.

When the Holy Spirit convicts you and lets you know He is not pleased with you, He will put his finger on that area of your life, and bother you about it until you change it.  If you will seek Him and please Him you will see abundance. So you can see here that abundance is not all about money. If you are not prospering financially take a closer look at what you are doing. We become what our habits are. Are you creating too much debt through credit cards? Are you giving to others? Are you tithing what belongs to God? Obey that law of giving, your prosperity depends on it. If you cheat God, you will go lacking just as you have shorted Him. You pay your tithes to the place God has put you, the church that feeds you spiritually. Your love gifts go to bless others, but the tithe is to be brought into the storehouse of God for the purpose of supporting the church and the minister.

There are two points to make about the law of giving:
1.  Your seed must be planted and what you sow you will reap. Genesis 8:22
God built resurrection power into nature, look at the seasons and how the seed must die before it can replenish and multiply. You will stay in lack until you learn how to plant and multiply seed. God gives us opportunity to plant seed so our harvest will be abundant.  Every seed produces after its own kind.

2.  Luke 6:36 says, "Be merciful, just as I have been merciful to you." It's not about that "me" thing. Give to others! If you'll pay your tithes and give to others, walk a righteous life then  you will see the 100% harvest. Grace and mercy will chase you down! Everything you put your hands to will prosper. Sow your seed in the Kingdom and you'll see manifestation. Jesus tells us in John 12:24, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if if dies, it produces many seeds."

3. Release the seed from your hand when you plant it, let it die and it will come back to you multiplied. It has to become useless to you before it can produce of its own self. In other words, it must cease to benefit you before it can grow of its own!

Don't expect a miracle in your church financially when you've not blessed other ministries as well. Pastor Nelson says, "I have people that give to this church that are not even members. Why?  Because I continually bless others outside this church."

I have personally seen Pastor Nelson go visit many people who are sick in their home or at a hospital that are not even members of his church. That comes back to him in blessings that one can't even measure. I heard a Pastor say one time, "Oh don't expect a visit at the hospital unless you're loyal to my church, that's the benefit of being a member." You know what, this Pastor's church will perish inside it's walls too! Man can not set up the laws of prosperity to his liking, he must obey God's way of receiving abundance, and that is not by operating a church club with exclusions of love and giving.

4.  The Heat Test
Ask Christians for transparency and you'll get the real deal of how righteous they are. Open up your check book to someone for them to see what you pay in tithes.  Malachi 3:10 says,"bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

I have to tell you of an experience I had three years ago when I began to bless ministers and widows and orphans by preparing feast of weeks baskets on Pentecost. It was about two weeks later I got a call from my neighbor who has acres of garden each year.  He said, "my son's are too lazy to come and harvest my fields, they don't want it unless I harvest it for them. So you go into my fields and harvest all you want." My blessing had come in a 100% fold.  I not only had to clean my barns out (freezer) to make room for the harvest but I gave even more blessings to the shelters in town and to many elderly widows. I had put a spiritual principle into practice and God's word did exactly as it said it would do. A year later I received an unexpected love gift of $4,000 dollars when I began to set Believers Ministry Inc. up as an outreach teaching ministry. If God did it for me, he'll do it for you.

You see tithing and giving is an eternal law. God told Abraham to take all the tithes to the High Priest, Melchizedek and then God told Melchizedek to go and give bread and wine to Abraham and anoint him.

Your tithe and seed money also assures a blessing to your children. You need a blessing for your children? Go and plant a seed for them. God said he would rebuke the devourer if you tithe. Knowing all this from the word, you can't afford to break this spiritual law, yet so many don't see the significance of their prosperity by obeying this principle.

Prosperity changes things in our homes, our marriages, our attitudes and the way we think. Giving will change your life more than anything I know.  It helps our faith to grow, but it's a hard test. When we can pass this test, God gives us His promise for an abundant life.

This teaching was taken from a bible teaching taught by Rev. Jerry Nelson with my commentary on the subject. If you would like to have these teachings in their entirety you can email me at: or from Westmoreland PHC, at

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