Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Muslims plan to squash God's temple in Jerusalem and erect their own as well in US too

Whose Temple will reign the God of Israel or Allah?

 $100 Million  9/11 Mosque Project To Be Erected In New York By Terrorist Money

A “last-chance” public hearing to block the proposed 13-story $100 million mosque planned near Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 attack on New York Tuesday puts Mayor Bloomberg on the defense. He has rejected opponents’ demands that the backers of the plan be investigated for possible links with terrorists or terrorist groups.

New York City officials already have approved the project, and the only hope by opponents to block its construction is to convince the Landmark Preservation Commission to prevent the demolition of the 152-year-old Cordova House warehouse in order to make way for a mammoth Muslim community center and house of worship.

Opposition groups from a wide spectrum of the population—ranging from Jews to Sikhs—staged a large demonstration in early June against the planned mosque.

The Park Place site is 600 feet from the area where Muslim suicide terrorists hijacked two planes and aimed them at the two towering Twin Towers in the early morning, when the planes’ fuel tanks were full.

The resulting explosion and intense fire melted the metal structures, toppling the towers and killing nearly 3,500 people, including police officers and firefighters who arrived to control the blaze and cordon off the area. One of the engines of the hijacked planes crashed into the Cordova House roof, causing severe damage.

Mayor Bloomberg has taken heat for not conducting a probe into the backers of the mosque project, while Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rick Lazio last week called on Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, his Democratic opponent, to conduct a probe. Lazio questioned the sympathies of the center’s backers, and said that “the people have a right to know if this ‘charity’ is using its resources in a legitimate, legal, and charitable way.”

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, has charged that “the imam behind [the] proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea.

"Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its website. Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel's blockade of Hamas-run Gaza" May 31.

“It’s just two blocks away. They will pass it on the way to the memorial,” Roman Gertsberg, a Queens resident who lost his only daughter Marina in the terrorist attack told am/NY.

Building a mosque just several blocks away from Ground Zero is an insult and an affront to every single person that was killed on 9/11, to their families, to the first responders and every concerned American who cherishes liberty, democracy and freedom,” Pamela Geller, executive director of 'Stop the Islamization of America',” said at last month’s protest.

Tuesday’s hearings, which are expected to be hotly contested, are expected to last for two hours, but a decision will not be announced until later this summer.

At the same time a crowd of 10,000 declare that the temple mount in Jerusalem belongs to the Jews

Thousands of Jews gathered at the old gates of the Temple Mount Monday night and declared their allegiance to the holy site, which rally organizers said is being separated from Jews by discriminatory practices by the police.

The “pledge of allegiance” to a Jewish Temple Mount and a united Jerusalem was part of the monthly “March around Old City Temple Gates,” a colorful event featuring the recital of Psalms at various closed gates around the Temple Mount.

The monthly march usually attracts 2,000-3,000 people, but organizers successfully brought out thousands more Monday night as Jews around the world marked the beginning of the Hebrew month of Av. The Ninth of Av is marked every year as the day when foreign invaders destroyed the First and Second Holy Temples.

The marches feature music and dancing and are peaceful, but police have barred several of the monthly prayer rallies during the past year because of fears of Arab violence.

National Union Knesset Member Uri Ariel told the crowd that deterioration in security and the increasing discrimination against Jews in Jerusalem prompted the unusually large turnout. In his speech he described the “surrender of Jerusalem to Arabs,” the worsening security in several Jewish neighborhoods, disturbances by anarchists and the discrimination by police who severely restrict the ability of Jews to ascend the Temple Mount.

Jerusalem council member Aryeh King reminded the crowd that the Temple Mount site is closed to Jews most of the time while police allow non-Jewish tourists to freely visit the holy site.
Israel accepts Muslim rules that forbid a Jew from praying out loud or even carrying a prayer book when ascending the Temple Mount.

Wilson Voice: How long will it be before bibles and open prayer will be shut down for Christians? Can we say we still live in a free country when terrorist money can determine when and where Muslims temples can be built while the University of Iowa fires a professor of religion for teaching on the church doctrine of how God is displeased with homosexuality? But its okay to teach how Allah  will reward you for killing in his name. 

This country better decide just what constitutes hate crime. What a slap in the face for the 3, 500 Americans that were killed by Muslim terrorist to use their money to build over the blood that still soaks the earth of their loved ones with a Muslim Mosque.

Folks you better start reading the bible, you need for it to be burned into your mind and heart before too long.  That the Jews cannot even openly pray on the Holy Ground of the temple before their God is just another way of the Palestinians to show disdain for the living God of this universe.  

The PA wants a two state Jerusalem when they won't even allow the Jews to pray openly or go to the temple mount on the Sabbath with the Torah, God's Holy Word. It doesn't take a genius to see its not very popular to worship Jesus or God in this nation or in Israel.  How come is it that the Jews show up for God but Christians sit back in denial of what evil is trying to do to our nation and Christianity?

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