Tuesday, December 21, 2010

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful

And A Child Is Born Unto Us

Have you found that special gift yet?  Whatever the gift may be, I'm going to tell you today of the greatest gift that ever was. What is your gift wrapped in? Perhaps a beautiful Christmas paper of the best quality and design! Or maybe just newspaper or brown paper bag!  Whatever your gift may be wrapped in it is not the paper that it comes in but the love behind the gift.

The greatest gift ever that I'm talking about came wrapped in rags and His name was Emmanuel, G-d with us.  You would think that He would have been wrapped in a robe and born in a King's Palace. But there was not even room for Him in the Inn.

Luke 2:7 says, "And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn."

Love is the most important gift of all. Love is what the Father gave us. "For G-d so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and He that believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16.

Mary laid Him in the manger.  Powerful influential men came and bowed before him and worshiped him with gifts of gold, myrth and Frankincense. I can't sing very well but I try always to make a joyful sound to Him. Sometimes, I just burst out singing that old hymnal, "He came to me when I couldn't go to Him but He came to ME!" Aren't you glad that He came to you and to all of us?"

The best and most wonderful of G-d. G-d walked through 42 generations before He sent His Son to us. That ought to make somebody shout a praise.  G-d found Mary and she conceived a Son, and His name was called Emmanuel, wonderful, counselor.

The birth of Jesus is powerful.  The prophet Isaiah tells us that we must make it personal. He came and lifted burdens, people bound in chains were freed. People that were slaves to sin and possessed no hope from within became full of joy with hope again. Jesus picked me up from a dark pit and gave me life and light. His sweet love came to me and He came to make it personal to me.

In my darkest hour He came to me! It's simply the greatest gift, that He came to us.  "A child is born." That speaks to us to His humanity. No one ever came to us that understood us like Jesus.  Jesus was betrayed and disappointed.  He was acquainted with grief and sorrow.

Unto us a Son is given. The Son that taketh away the sins of the world. Jesus was there all along. He spoke the creation into being. He created the moon and the stars. 1 John 3:2 says,"Beloved, now we are children of G-d; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as He is."

We shall see Him as He is! This is what happens when He comes into your spirit. It is through G-d's Son we have been redeemed.  There's no other name by which we can be saved.  G-d gave His Son to the whole world. The preaching of the word is powerful to those who are perishing.  Jesus ascended up to His Father, a redemption  that He set with His own blood.

He breaks shackles from the gutter to the most gutter. We are nothing without Him.  Isaiah 7:14 says, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High, without Him you will be brought low to the lowest depths of the Pit."

If we had chosen how our Savior would come, we probably would have chosen a silk and linen robe.  But G-d wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. (Most likely worn Jewish cloths) He's the greatest story ever told and yet was born in a stable.  You can sit in your church and hear this story over and over and if you ignore it, which some will, you will continue to sink deeper and deeper into the depth of the pit. Jesus is the only way to the light and to the Father.

In Luke 2:11 the prophet said His name shall be called wonderful counselor.  His name is Jesus. We couldn't go to where He was but He came to us. He is man's advocate and intercessor. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 says, "For there is one G-d and one Mediator between G-d and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time."

Jesus identified Himself with us and He loved us so much that he condescended from His throne and said, I'll come in your midst so I can see your condition.  When we get to heaven we will see a man and 100 % G-d as well.  Jesus is the negotiator that bridges the gap between us and G-d.  He is touched by our infirmities.  He is our lawyer. He has never lost a case and never will.

If you will kneel at the cross, go in the secret place of prayer, He will come to you!  He is our High Priest and He sprinkles our words with incense, and as they go up to the throne they become sweet incense to G-d's nostrils.  He is the mighty G-d that spoke, let there be light.  He hung the world on nothing but His spoken word. He flung the stars with His fingers.  He's the mighty G-d that is my anchor and speaks to the wind and they blow over the oceans with a roar.

Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  If the problems have mounted up and you can't seem to find a way, come to Jesus in the secret place of prayer. He's the everlasting Father. Revelation 1:8 says,"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." The Palmist said He is from everlasting to everlasting.

Jesus will never vacate His throne.  He created all things.  In Him was life and that light shined into the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it.  Your heart should leap for joy and bubble up with a message like this.  He will bring down your walls and snatch you out. He will break every shackle in your life and set you free.

Not only is He the wonderful counselor and Almighty G-d but He's the Prince of Peace.  In a world that is full of discord and pain, He stands alone as the Prince of Peace. John 4:27 says,"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of G-d; and everyone who loves is born of G-d and knows G-d."

Jesus can conquer your fear. He's our mighty conqueror.  Thanks be unto G-d that causes us to always conquer.  Our faith is awakened by G-d. Our High Priest sits on the throne in His Majesty. All these names we call Him are beautiful but what is the name that causes all men to bow? There is no other name above it, He shall save and His name is Jesus.  He can save you and give you joy unspeakable. The greatest gift and story of all.  Summed up, He is John 3:16 and He came to us!

I pray this season that Jesus will be very personal to you.  He died to save us all.  He came to me when I was bound and possessed with no hope from within, and He drew me to His side and now I sweetly abide in Him. Do you know Him?  Have you received Him as your PERSONAL Savior?  For as many as receives Him He gives the power to be Sons of G-d.

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