Monday, December 20, 2010

7 Steps To Kill Your Giants

Practice killing some Lions Before Facing A Giant

How do you kill your giants?  There are certain things you must do if you're going to be successful at killing giants. I'm talking about addictions, sexual obsessions, fear, a health crisis, the devil coming at your children, and your friends turning on you. All  these things that plague Christians at some time or another.

We're going to look more closely at King David in this teaching because there is a tremendous amount of knowledge and discernment from his life that teaches us the principles of slaying giants. If you ever are going to be a giant killer you'll have to put all your trust in the Lord.

The number seven is significant to perfection and we see groupings of 7 throughout the bible. The 7 churches, the  7 candle sticks, the 7 spirits of G-d, and we see Nahum being told to dip 7 seven times in the river. We see the 7th day rest, and G-d creating the earth in 7 days, and we see Joshua marching around Jericho 7 times. So taking 7 steps in accomplishing things is an order G-d set up for us. So I use a lot of  7 steps in teaching the how to's from G-d's word. There is going to be times in your life when a trial, test or oppression comes to you and you will search G-d's word for the answer. These are some powerful truths that is being handed to you by someone Else's experiences in working G-d's word in their life situation.

Let's look at 1 Samuel 17:41-51, "So the Philistine came, and began drawing near to David, and the man who bore the shield went before him.  And when the Philistine looked about and saw David, he disdained him; for he was only a youth, ruddy and good looking.  So the Philistine said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?"  And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.  And the Philistine said to David, "Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!"  Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin.  But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  "This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you.  And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a G-d of Israel. "Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands."

"So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.  Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth.  So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him.  But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it.  And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled."

David was not anything to come up against this foe.  He was a small guy in stature but David didn't get his strength from his own physical power, yet he was a mighty warrior.  The biggest mistake the giant made was cursing David's G-d. Goliath called upon his god. His god was called Dagon. Well David knew that if you cursed G-d it meant death to you and because of this he knew G-d would deliver the giant into his hand.

There are giants in this land today as well.  David killed his giant and if you'll use these steps you can kill your giants too.  The devil will laugh in your face if you keep things in your life that the spirit has spoken to you about getting rid of.  That Philistine laughed at the wrong man when he laughed at David because David was an anointed man.

Let's take a look at the 7 principles that caused David to have victory over his giant.

1.  He was Faithful in all his Labor 

David was faithful in his work in the field with the sheep. I'm sure he went about his work while singing and praising the Lord.  David just didn't sing, he sang with his soul how great his G-d is. When you're tending to the sheep work as unto the Lord and be faithful. There are some preachers who won't even go visit people in the hospital.  You'll have to be faithful when he's placed a responsibility on you.

People want to get to the top in the Kingdom before they've been faithful in their labor. You won't kill any giants until you've been faithful in your labor. You'll have to faithful in holiness, purity, service and love as well.
Nobody was watching over David to see if he was faithful, he was faithful on his own.

2. He was Responsive to G-d and to Spiritual Growth

There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth, you'll have to grow before you can kill giants.  When G-d tells you to put something down, then do it.  When he says walk, then walk through the door. G-d does not reward abilities and intellect. You will have to show thyself approved.

Respond to G-d. You can shout and sing all you want but real power comes through prayer and facing the devil and casting him down in your life and in others lives. These are powerful dynamics and truths I'm telling you and that you will take a life time to dig for. Because Christians who have walked through trials and tests and faced giants by digging into G-d's word and applying it to there situations have a discernment that you need. I have sat up under one of the most gifted preachers of the mind gifts, and Pastor Nelson speaks of his own experiences and how he got victory by using biblical principles.

When you got a giant to face, don't fall apart, don't let the devil win, go to G-d's word and stay in it until you find the answer that applies to your situation, then pray with perseverance until the answer comes. If these truths came natural or easy then all the church would be walking in victory. But G-d says the only way you will grow spiritual is with me. Rightly divide the truth of the word. Refuse to be stagnant. Refuse to be in a dead church. I'm gonna keep on praying and fasting for growth in the Body of Christ.

Let's take a step back to 1 Samuel 16:12-13, "So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking.  And the Lord said, "Arise, anoint him; for this is the one." The Spirit of G-d can move in your church and anoint the least of all of you. For he is not looking at your skills, abilities or knowledge, he's looking at the heart and how faithful you are to Him. David was the least of his family and was an outcast. He had a distressed life and had trained 600 nobodies and turned them into a mighty army.

Champions produce champions. G-d's call on every Pastor is to raise up some mighty men of G-d. Pray for G-d to send you some who love Him and not lovers of themselves.  David knew what it meant to be down, and he knew what it meant to raise others up.

When David was anointed he didn't rise up and say, Oh G-d I'm too young for this pick one of my brothers. He was responsive to G-d. Don't sit stagnant in the church! Don't stay ignorant.  G-d expects us to study His word until we know the truth and walk in it.

If you're going to get real treasure then look at experience with a walk with Christ and fires they have walked through with victory.  You respond to the word by what it's saying to you in the midst of tests and trials. David didn't just go out there and kill his giant out of blue one day. He took steps that prepared him for that.

3.  He was a Comfort to Others

King Saul was being vexed by G-d and He allowed a spirit to come upon Saul because of his heart and spirit.  David was a man of courage and war.  People know that about you because of what they've seen you do. David was a prudent man and a spirit with life and light, and all could see that the Lord was with him.

1 Samuel 16:23 says, "And so it was, whenever the spirit of G-d was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him."

When you can lift a person up, encourage them, comfort them when they are hurting, touch them with anointing then you are a person that can bless others. You have become blessed to be a blessing to others. If you're selfish and this is where all your focus is, then you will never be a giant killer.  It will cost you to serve with your time, even might take your money or your job when G-d tells you to. Whatever demands G-d puts on you is so you can bless others so He can bless you.

David was a comforter but he was much younger than most others. David could find a man all the way down and go play his music and lift them up. If you're going to be great in the Kingdom then you'll have to be a blessing to others.  Get all the negative stuff out of you because your joy is what gives you victory.

4.  He was NOT AFRAID

Fear can destroy you.  Fear has to go from your heart. Fear destroys families, and your self esteem. You're always afraid of what MIGHT happen. The devil loves to get you in this state.  Don't worry about what another person is saying or what they have received.  So don't worry about your job and getting blessed. Don't let fear intimidate you.  G-d has not given us a spirit of fear but of joy and a sound mind.

You can get so busy in life that you don't even remember going past the Zip Mart or a certain red light on the way to work and fear grips you. You go, did I remember to turn the coffee pot off or feed the dog?  Man's heart will fail them in the end days because of fear. David was not afraid of anything.

Look at 1 Samuel 17: 34-35, "But David said to Saul, "Your servant used to keep his father's sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it."

Are you ready to chase lions? Well, don't try to for giants until you can chase lions. When the devil sends his hindering spirits to your door, kick the door in and tell them to come on in cause you got G-d's word for them. When you're mature enough in G-d's word and walk in some victory with the lions then you can kill some giants.  Don't try to believe G-d for a 3 tier cake if you've never had a 1 tier cake victory. You believe in G-d according to the level of your faith, and faith takes walking in it for it to grow.

Learn to rub the devil's nose in your battles because the battle is G-d's anyway. Remind him that he's not fighting you but your G-d. This is why he hates it when you speak G-d's word back to him like Jesus did on the mount during his fast and encounter with Satan.

You can't kill strongholds of lust, alcohol and drugs and spirits of infirmities until you kill some lions first.  You go try killing some devils like these and and they'll turn on you and tear you to pieces. David first took the lamb out of the lion's mouth before he went up against the giants. David's confidence was not in his human strength but in G-d's. The devil is no match for Jesus' blood.  I've had people say, oh I'm afraid to pray over them they've got spirits on them.

A demon is no match for Jehovah so know who you are in Him and what your power is through Him before you face a giant.  1 Samuel 17:37 says, "Moreover David said, "The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine, And Saul said to David, "Go and the Lord be with you."

You see King David had taken steps in the power of G-d.  It's better to be obedient than to sacrifice. If you could get that in your spirit you'll be a giant killer.

5.  He Challenged the Challenger

1 Samuel 17:42, for he disdained David for he was only a youth,ruddy and good looking and small. It angered that giant that such a small youth would be brave enough to challenge him. It angered the the giant to have to kill a baby face instead of some physically strong warrior. But don't let those baby faces fool you for some of them are anointed and empowered by G-d.

1 Samuel 17:43-44 says, So the Philistine said to David, "Am I  a dog, that you come to me with sticks?  And the Philistine cursed David by his gods." David challenged the challenger. David knew the giant had messed up by defiling G-d's name. So look at your enemy, are they defiling G-d and cursing Him in their life with words and worldly gods?  Know who your enemy is. If you're obedient to G-d then you are a formidable warrior.

6.  He Killed His Giant

People will tell you that you can't get up.  Tell the devil, whether you live you live unto the Lord, and whether you die you die unto the Lord. 1 Samuel 17:48, "When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet
David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."

You see David wasn't afraid of Goliath's army, they were a bunch of lions, and he had already killed a few of them, and when the giant fell, all the little lions ran cause you see when you kill the giant the smaller hindering spirits run because you are more powerful than them.

I love the spirit of David, he's a praiser, a warrior, a man after G-d's own heart.  Look at David, he's got that sling shot, and I can just see him now taking a running start toward that giant.  Can you face and run toward your devil today, or are you shrinking back and saying, I can't beat this mess?

1 Samuel 17:51, "Therefore David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his SWORD and drew it out of it's sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. " You can cut the devil's head off today with the Sword of the Spirit. Then watch all those little devil leave you.

G-d said to the Israelites after they saw the Egyptian army swallowed up in the sea, You will never see this enemy again.

7.  He kept a Humble Heart

You've got to stay humble. 1 Samuel 18:14, "And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. After victory it's easy to walk tall, but you better stay humble. He didn't run out and say, Oh I'm a giant killer but he said, the battle was the Lord's.

Stay humble before the Lord. Where were you when Jesus found you?  Never forget where G-d has brought you from.  He gave you victory in your dark pit and he'll give you victory one step at a time.  1 Samuel 18:16, "All of Israel loved David because he went out and came in before them."  He never tried to be taller than the people.

Don't get arrogant when you've accomplished a few victories with the lions. David would have become an outcast to the people if he had become arrogant.

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