Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How we measure up with our relationship with each other with God's weights and balances


This article is the conclusion of The Writing On The Wall, God's Weights and Balances. This article deals with the last six commandments that reflect our relationship with one another.

There is a thing going on in the Christian world where some think they don't have to keep the ten commandments, that Christ paid for it all at Calvary and the law became moot.  I think you'll see differently after looking at each one of these commandments and the scripture that refers to them in the old and new testament.

The only law that was done away with was ceremonially law of sacrificing an animal for redemption, and the cleansing law and circumcision.  These 10 commandments are eternal laws and forever settled in heaven.  The church has forgotten these laws and this nation and if you'll look closely you'll see that we are under judgment.

I believe today it is the church only that is holding G-d back from horrible wrath.  We are in the last days and the anti-christ is about to appear.  The church is going to be caught up and out of this world. We need to make our calling and our election sure, and make sure we don't violate these eternal laws.

5th Commandment
Honor thy Mother and Father, so thy days will be long.

Today we see more and more disrespect for parents than we've ever seen.  We live in a day of permissiveness where everything seems to be okay.  It seems children have lost all respect for authority.  If a child doesn't learn respect for authority with parents, it is not likely they will learn to respect the authority of G-d either.

We need to be Godly parents and rear our children in the doctrine of Christ.  How can a child respect a mother or father that curses each other?  How can a child respect a parent when they come in with liquor on their breath or mother's dazed from pills? We are rotting at the core and we need Godly parents and Godly leaders in this nation.

The bible tells us what righteousness is and we need to see some people that are living examples of G-d's word on holy living. Jesus showed us that and we cannot wield the power of G-d without holiness in your life. You have holiness in the camp with sin.  We need to take our nation back.  If you live by our present culture you'll end up in a devil's hell.

The word has a lot to say about parents.  Look at Ephesians 6:1. It says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right."  Honoring your parents is the first commandment with promise.  Obeying your parents is contingent to things going well in your life and determines the longevity of your life.

Who in this world would want a long life if things didn't go well.  So its a two part promise.  I want to walk in prosperity and holiness.  Parents have a responsibility to teach respect and honor to their children.  That's real love, wanting G-d's blessing on them. Even if it means putting the board of education to the seat of understanding. Proverbs 29:15 says that the rod and reproof gives a lot of understanding.

We could get this by listening but some of us have hard heads and have to go our own way, and children must be redirected from that.  The rod gives reproof and wisdom to the child when it is given with love.  Children feel more secure when they are disciplined.  A child without discipline feels unloved.  A child left to himself will bring shame to his mother.

How many of you have said to your child, "This is going to hurt me more than you." Trust me, the child has a hard time understanding that until they are grown and have children of their own. But if you don't do it, they will live a life of disobedience to you and to G-d.  He will be rebellious to you , to school authority, to a boss' authority on his job, to his spouse and finally to G-d.

Don't go jumping on teachers when you know your child has misbehaved, that just reinforces a life of disrespect and disobedience. Never spank a child in anger.  Cool off first, think it over, pray on it and then discipline.  Even parents not born again knows that hitting your child out of anger is wrong.

My grandmother never struck a child in anger.  She dragged it out making you go and pick your own hickory.  You had plenty of time to think about what you had done wrong.  She switched the legs just enough for it to sting.  I'm not suggesting here to cut the blood out of your child's legs.  But a good sting is sufficient.

If you correct your child in anger you will go overboard, and you'll regret that with much quilt.  Today, you can be charged if you leave marks on your child. The bible in no way suggests beating your child, but to apply enough pain to get his attention. Neither does it tell you to slap your child in the face, that is degrading him in his person. A swash on behind or the legs is sufficient. You have to use good judgment and apply discipline to meet the age and understanding of the child.

Advice to young adults, show respect for your aging parents. You will not always have them and you will carry quilt to their grave if you don't show it now.  Honor your father and mother. God entrusts you with it. Spend time with them so you won't be standing at their caskets saying, Oh I wish I had done more with you.

6th Commandment
Thou shalt not kill

A lot of people think this commandment means only to murder, but we will see here with scripture that there are other ways we kill people. You can kill a person with a heart full of hate and bitterness.  I'm talking to church people here, not people on death row.

You say you've never killed a person. Search your heart and see if you've ever done something to a person that damaged their life.  Sometimes we kill people with our words, thoughts and actions. A husband can kill a wife's love through cruel words.  He can do that through neglect and unfaithfulness.  A wife can kill a husband's love through nagging. Solomon, in the Proverbs warns men of what its like to live in a house with contention.  Be a loving wife, a helpmate.  Be thankful for the husband G-d has given you.

Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church.  If we could learn to do that then there would be no divorces in the church.  So you can kill love.  A son or daughter can kill their parents through a life of rebellion.  Children can literally take years off their parents lives by a rebellious life style.  They worry them to death.  You can make people sick by causing worry to come upon them.

This is why the bible has these instructions for us to live by. 1 John 3:15 says, "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer."  All you've got to do is have hate in your heart.  No murderer hath eternal life in him. So you may be asking, if I hate someone does that mean I won't go to heaven? I didn't say this. G-d said that. Also read the book of James, it tells you what other sins will cause you to not enter the kingdom of heaven.

You can't have hate abiding in you and the life and light of Christ at the same time. A lot of people get up from the altar and still harbor hate in their hearts. We need to purge our hearts and be clean before him. G-d gives us the words of admonition and correction so we can live the abundant life he wants for us. Others see you, eyes are watching. They will shun you as a Christian if you display a contaminated heart.

People can see when there is no light radiating from you. The people that come to you and say, will you pray for me? They see Christ in you, and they will be drawn to the light in you. Don't let the devil deceive you on this matter, to keep the seed of murder in your heart.

I've heard Christians say, yea but you just don't know what they did to me, or how I was raised, or how my spouse hurt me.  I don't care!  What's important to know is that when you can begin to love that which you have hated, then you know you have the spirit of Christ in your heart. He is the one that restores all to you, not people. He will judge your heart, and he will hold you accountable for what's in your heart. Unforgiveness does not hurt the other person, it hurts you. G-d will keep taking you back to your heart issue until you resolve it.

Some people hate so badly that they wish another was dead, and some think about killing another. They are violating G-d's commandment on killing.  So we can see by the scripture this is sin.  Look at James 2:10. Paul tells us we will be judged by the law of liberty. If you break the law of adultery, but not in killing you have still broken the whole law. This is law Paul is talking about here, the 10 commandments. We are required to keep all of them.  You can't pick and choose which law you will keep, for if you break one of them you've broken all 10 of them.

The truth is you won't be able to keep any of them unless you love G-d with all your heart, mind and soul, and strength. Jesus told us to love others as ourselves.  So speak you, so do you.  Paul tells us don't be yolked again to sin. He's telling us to keep the law and not enter back into sin. Are you going to become a Christian and then step back into lying, hating others and committing adultery?

The law is our school master, that we might be justified by faith through the blood of Christ.  When I studied these 10 commandments I realized I was a sinner and that caused me to seek repentance and turn to Christ to be released from the bondage of sin. The law can not save you but it shows us how badly we need Christ. The law reflects how far off you are to righteousness.

Just try following the law without Christ's righteousness in you. You will fail.  It is through his Holy Spirit living in us that gives us the power to overcome sin and to live by his righteous law. Romans 6 and 8 shows how the Holy Spirit does that and how Christ justifies us by faith. Are we justified by works, heaven forbid.  Paul says, Christ wrote the laws upon our hearts.  You will not come to him until, by the law you see how wretched you are and in need of the Savior.

We keep the law through Christ. He came to fulfill the law in that manner. He did not do away with it. How did Christ fulfill the law.  He did it by living it to the letter. He satisfied G-d's claims of justice and taking sin upon himself on the cross.  It is our love for him that gives us the grace to walk righteous before him.  If our love for him is with all our hearts we will walk righteous therefore fulfilling the law.

When we go to him he gives us amazing grace and that grace helps us to obey his commandments.  So he justifies us before the father.  Stand firm in that liberty that Christ has given you to let go of sin. Glory to G-d!

7th Commandment
Thou shalt not commit adultery

The American culture endorses sexual promiscuity. They say, you only live once, so get all the gusto that you can.  Americans may put a stamp of approval on sexual sin but G-d has stamped his disapproval on it.  His word shows us the consequences of sin.

King David is a prime example.  David was a man after G-d's own heart.  G-d's champion of Israel.  David is a man my own heart loves very much.  He paid a heavy price by breaking the law of adultery.  He lost his child over it.  His own daughter was raped as a result of the sins of the father.  His own son tried to kill him.

One of the most important things about adultery is when you step out of your marriage covenant you've stepped out of covenant with G-d as well. For that reason, there will always be a heavy price for that sin. Don't let sin and lust enter your heart.  Nobody is without this lust in their heart until G-d does a heart change.

The flesh will get you on this sin.  Satan knows that too.  It was the first temptation he used on mankind. He still uses it today. Pornography is running rampant in this nation. Now the devil will put three hooks in you, lust of the eye, flesh desire and pride of life.  When he gets his claws in you, its an addictive thing. It's just as addictive as alcohol and cocaine. So be careful where your eyes look.

David, who wrote 'The Lord Is My Shepherd', had a round with the devil with sexual sin.  So if you believe how powerful this is then you better know that if it got David, and that it got Sampson, the strongest man alive, then it can snatch you up with one look! David talks about this in Psalm 51. He knew G-d was going to judge him on this and he cried out for mercy. It took a great deal of repentance for this sin. For this sin when committed is a sin against your own body and a sin against G-d. If G-d didn't let David and Sampson get away with it, he won't you either.

This eternal law that David broke has still not changed.  Dip you hand into the sin of adultery and see if grace will stop the consequences from G-d.  His commands are in stone and each one has a consequence when we break them.  They will never be done away with.

Pray for the Lord to cleanse you, wash you with hyssop so you will be white as snow. Create in me O'Lord a clean spirit. You know full well that when you fall down at the altar you have sinned against G-d or you wouldn't be there. His spirit has shown you his law and that you are condemned.  That is what causes us to come before him, broken hearted and feeling empty and dead spiritually, and guilty.

It took a prophet to go to David and tell him of his sin through an imaginary person. David said, where is this man, he deserves death. The prophet said, "You are that man."  The wages of sin are death. You are bought with a price, make your bodies a living sacrifice. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Matthew 5:28 says, Jesus died to give us dominion and power to keep his commandments.

The law is perfect in converting the soul.  You don't have preaching like this anymore, but it will save your soul. I am about taking every soul that's lost to heaven with me. That is my commission.

8th Commandment
Thou shalt not steal

There's lots of ways to steal.  You can steal by having unbalanced weights.  Like a jewelry store selling jewels claiming they are perfect when they're not.  That's not only stealing but lying too.  False advertising to lure customers in is the same thing. It is sin.  The customer may not know you have robbed them, but believe me, G-d knows it.

You can steal from a boss by not doing an honest day's work.  You are stealing when you gossip about someone to steal their good name.  You are stealing if you don't pay your employees a fair wage. You are stealing when you don't pay your tithe.

In America the government gives you a way to steal by filing bankruptcy, debts you piled up on your own. Look at what Donald Trump did a few years ago. He filed bankruptcy, but he still had fine houses and cars. He said he rebounded.  Well, do you think those people he robbed of condominiums ever rebounded from what he took from them? Like, not.

You can file bankruptcy in man's court but you won't get by with it with G-d. Christians who do this bring reproach upon the cause of Christ. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. G-d will weigh you in his balances.

9th Commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness - Lying

Why do people lie in business deals?  Why do people lie to friends or neighbors? Why do they lie to their spouses? Why do they lie to their children?  James 3:5 has something to say to liars.

A lying tongue comes from hell.  It's the fangs of a rattlesnake. It's poison is deadly. Proverbs 6:16

We should speak truth, and a Christian's word should be trusted.  Pray for the Lord to help you to control your tongue.  Don't be weighed in G-d's balances and be found wanting.

Controlling my tongue was the first thing I gave over to G-d.  But for some the tongue is not tamed, even after years of walking the Christian life.  If you don't believe me just go to any church and you'll hear untamed tongues in just a few visits.

10th Commandment
Thou shalt not covet

You should not intensely desire something that belongs to another. Covetousness leads to all kinds of sin. It can lead to stealing. It can lead to murder. It can lead to adultery.  The bible says covetousness is the same as idolatry.

It can become a thing of the heart when you think you've got to have everything that the Jones' have.  You don't have to have what another has. Your kids don't either.  This is another sin that will get its fangs into you and grip your heart.  You are where you are because that's where G-d has you for the moment. Don't sink to a worldly mind to build up treasures here on earth, but build your treasure for your future home in heaven. G-d will supply all your needs here.

Prosperity is not measured by the American culture.  Prosperity means a lot of things, health, a happy family, peace and a spirit alive in Christ.  Material things cannot bring any of G-d's blessings to you no matter how rich you get materially.

I've lived with the rich and I've lived with the poor, and by far, the poor in Christ are happier. G-d will only bless you with material things as you learn to use it to bless others.

Money is the root of all evil.  It takes charge of your heart. It causes you to be cold. It deceives you into thinking it can bring happiness. Read Ephesians 5:5, and see that all power comes from G-d.

Link: www.westmorelandphc.org to listen to all content on the study of the 10 commandments

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