Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Defeating Old Enemies

We are about to enter into a fasting period for 21 days and when we are done we're going to have a miracle service because G-d is going to deliver the enemy into our hand.  It's all about dominion and G-d's people have become aware that they can defeat the devil.  They can activate the word and favor of G-d.  When you give, and when you fast, and when you pray, He will reward you openly. Get ready to break the back of the devil off your life and off your children's lives.

I'm seeing that spirit of freedom grip a lot of people. Economist don't know what to do. Parents don't know what to do to save their children from darkness and strongholds. We've got enemies that have popped up in what we thought was a seemingly perfect life. You got to sling the word at him and put some armor on and keep giving, praying and tithing. Wars have always brought the glory of G-d and it will in this time of trouble in the world we are seeing today.

Satan knows where your faith is too. Did you know that G-d said, if you tithe He will rebuke your enemies?  The devil knows G-d will put His foot on him and rebuke him for you if you honor the seed principle of tithing and giving. If the devil can get you to compromise this principle he knows he can defeat you.

We have an unseen enemy. You have to have something mighty enough to cast down his imaginations and high thoughts.  You got to come into obedience and seek Him first, live righteous, and He will give all things unto you.  This is the year for many of you to defeat old enemies.  When we fast we become sensitive to  spiritual things.

Isaiah 58:6 says, "Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke."  We're going to defeat those strongholds, oppressive spirits, infirmities and we're tired of the devil attacking our children, our finances, our marriages and jobs.

G-d said, I have chosen this fast to do three things,  to lift the bonds, yokes and burdens, and to set the oppressed free. Sometimes your enemy can be finances, sickness, or fear.  You will come to a place in G-d when you'll have to trust Him.  The enemy could be a marriage, and just when you think you've won, he rears his other head up. It could be a stronghold on your child or on you.

The greatest enemy sometimes is our own flesh.  We feed it and take care of it and pamper it. That's when it becomes our worst enemy because left unchecked the flesh will send you to a living hell.  It could be some kind of addiction, drugs or alcohol.  When the devil has control that's when you need to fast for these yokes to be lifted.

All of G-d's prophets had to fight the devil but they were victorious and you will have to make up your mind to take possession. G-d destroyed the Ammelikites for His people. He tells Saul to kill them all and not leave any of them alive, not even their sheep or cattle.  Saul goes out to the battle field but is not obedient. He spares one Ammlekite his life.

Samuel trembles in fear when he hears this because G-d had said not to spare a single one.  Samuel knew there would be trouble on every one because of what Saul did.  That enemy that was left alive was after his destiny. You've got an enemy that wants to destroy G-d's people and when I see a people about to be destroyed we better obey the clarion call.

These were the same Ammelikites that took David's gold, wives, children and livestock because Saul had left them alive.  So, the enemy that you did not conquer will come back later and take you again. And if you don't conquer it, your children will have to.

We have Christians still smoking and doing all kinds of bad habits and never rising up to defeat it.  The time to defeat your enemy is when you're strong not when you are weak.  G-d has a plan to revive you.  Fasting can release the blessings onto our lives.  You got to make up your mind to destroy old curses.

Look at Hosea 4:6, it says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being a priest for me; Because you have forgotten the law of your G-d, I also will forget your children."

Oh my, oh my, do you see this, He said, I will forget your children!  G-d is a generational G-d and He will bring a curse upon your children for your disobedience and sin. Not only will you have to walk in obedience to save your children, you will have to repent for the sins of the father that can go 3 and 4 generations. This is why we see so many strongholds, sexual deviance, addictions, and mental disorders in families. This is the result of rebellion against G-d.

Light will perish in the dark with disobedience.  When there is no knowledge or vision the people perish.  It is the mother of destruction.  Lack of knowledge is the ruin to any person or people.  The best gift a preacher can give you is the truth of the word.  Most pastors will tell you they didn't want to be a preacher but they were called.

Matthew Harvey sums it up in his writing when he says, "both the people and priests rejected His knowledge and G-d said because of it I'm going to reject you. The priests weren't teaching because they hated the word and had no heart for it. They fought G-d's laws and principles.  Nor did they want to pass it on to their children or the people's children."

Sounds like a lot of our churches today doesn't it? Some of us are like these priests, we have a knowledge of the word but are being disobedient to it.  If you don't walk in the light, then you're walking in disobedience.  You have knowledge but you choose to rebel and treat G-d's laws casually.

When you tithe, G-d requires 10% and you ignore it.  You will never, never defeat the devil and your children will face the same enemy when you rob G-d. Hosea 4:1 tells us what happens to us, generation after generation, for sin and disobedience.

You see, we are priests before our Lord and we are causing G-d to forget our children.  G-d has given us the bible and we don't teach it in the schools anymore, and the church people just want a good sermon. But at some point you got to get some obedience in you. I see people sit in church week after week with sullen faces and lifeless. Get some praise in you for Him. You've been saved by the blood and snatched up from the darkness, get a heart for Him. Be a doer of the word.

James 1:22-23 says,"But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the word, this one will be blessed in what he does." A doer of the word is blessed,  what a simple message.

I really want G-d to bless you, to bless the church and to bless your children. Blessings drive the devil back into the corridors of hell.  G-d not only wants to influence your children but He wants the church to take dominion. You can't just live it yourself and ignore others. You got to teach it to others.  We're a body and when one is hurting then you should hurt too. G-d, let us get a heart for the members of the body.

If you want your prayers answered, obey G-d.  Do you want G-d to forget you and your children?  You may be saying, well that's old bible. Well, G-d changes not.  That's the only way to get your blessings. It's the only way to get goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.

I have knowledge. It didn't all come when I began studying to become a minister. I began getting it when I was little in that little country church from the preacher, from my Sunday School teacher, and from my granddaddy. They all taught it to me.

Don't let alcohol, drugs, addictive pills, obsession with porn and sex destroy you. And don't let what your parents did destroy you.  If you let these things defeat you then your children will have to battle them.  G-d is a generational G-d, and the devil is a generational enemy. Don't make your children or grandchildren do your work.

We are in war, get suited up and on the battle ground.  Don't go on the battle ground without being suited up and without your weapons.  It's not a game, it's real war and I see some try to come onto the battle field not fully armored up.  They have no prayer life, no praise on their lips, and no tithe to bring to the storehouse of G-d.

Write His laws in your heart and live them, and teach them to your children and they will have power over the devil.  The reason you're not winning your battle is because you keep vacillating. You got to get prayed up and praised up. It takes anointing to win a spiritual battle.  G-d wants to promote you and your children but He can't until you defeat these old enemies.

How does G-d promote you?  What does he do?  When you got a sword you are just fighting for you. After a while the battle intensifies. David went for lions and then for the giants in the valley at Rephraim.  David had to fight the battles for others. And you can break the power of the devil off your children and future generations.

When G-d promotes you, He goes enemy shopping.  When you've defeated one, then He will give you a bigger one, and so on until you reach your destiny.  He don't match you to your enemy, He matches you to your destiny like He did David.

So you better start waking up with a praise and song in your mouth. I love that song, "He woke me up this morning..."  See, Saul wanted David to put his heavy armor on but David had his own armor.  We run to the church when the enemy comes at us, but get battle ready and start fighting for your destiny and children's destiny.

What gave us victory in the past will do it today, prayer, fasting, tithing, faith and commitment.  When the enemy tells you you can't defeat him just keep slinging the word of G-d at him and the giants David killed, you will kill too.

This is what we're going to do this year, we're fasting, praying and we're praising and we're reporting to duty. He's called you to duty too.  Get suited up!  The devil's in your destiny and he's got to be defeated. I already know what the devil can do, cause I've been so close to him I could smell his breath, and if you think the devil puts fear in you with his lies, just wait and see what power G-d is going to show you. Get ready Saints to march, and trample the devil and defeat those old enemies.

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