Friday, July 23, 2010

The Mystery Of The Blood Covenants

The Mystery Of The Blood Covenants

     You can never understand covenant until you get discernment of the mystery of the blood trail with the three blood covenants God made with man.  Make no mistake about it, the Jews always knew that God would present the unblemished lamb that would become our redeeming savior.  But they had become so dependent upon the law and legalism and passing their sin onto the red heifer once a year that when their appointed time for final redemption came in the form of a servant they had a hard time believing that he would have to become sin for them in the nature of a common criminal and hang on a cross, cursed. They expected a King to relieve them of the oppression from Rome.  You see, Christ's blood could not have become light had he not become as a humble servant,overcome the world and take upon himself sin and suffer and have to spill his blood on a cross with cursed of society.  But you can’t change how the light is to come, because that is a set given with the essence of God’s being. The Jews were expecting a King to come out of no where and, that he would be royalty without the price of pure unblemished (righteous) blood that ignites light.  It is to our fortune and the whole world’s really that the Jews rejected Jesus because God then blinded their spiritual eyes and for a time so the whole creation could have a chance to be saved. We are living in a set time where we are beginning to witness the blinds being lifted from the eyes of the Jews. A mass movement of Messianic Jews have arisen in the world and huge organizations of Christians and Jews have formed alliances.
     Now I’m going to take you into each blood covenant and I’m going to show you how they all unveil the mystery of the blood and how God operates as he revealed his end time plan beginning in Genesis and comes full circle in Revelation.   You will then see clearly what a veil of blindness the Jews have been under and what it means to the Gentiles and how it is going to work into a great Jubilee of the natural branch being en grafted back into the root and how and when the fulfillment of the number of the Gentile Christians is to occur.  Lets take a look at how God orchestrated this magnificent plan to be reconciled to his beloved and at the same time blow Satan’s mind in the process. If you are not in love with Jesus and coming into the presence of the King of the Universe by the end of this article then you need to get yourself to the altar and pray the sinners prayer until you weep with humility and a contrite heart.  God began with the law and he ended with capturing our heart through the son showing us the Father’s great love by becoming flesh to save us and reconcile us back to him from the fall of Adam.
     The blood has been a mystery since the beginning of time, but most importantly it has been a mystery to Satan.  Remember, blood means life, a pure light source.  God required a pure or unblemished life force in order for sin redemption, or to be able to come into His presence. The High Priest had to go through a cleansing process before he could step behind the curtain to present the offering.  If he wasn't righteous he would drop dead and that meant no sin redemption, so the people would gather outside of the Tabernacle and listen to see if the bells stopped ringing on the hem of the Priest's garment.
     When we think of the first sin, we automatically think of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, but the first sin was not committed in the Garden of Eden.  It was committed in heaven by Lucifer, also known as The Morning Star.  The sin committed was pride.  Lucifer was called a Son of God. (Job 38:4-7).  Ultimately, he defiled the throne of heaven and was cast down with a third of the angels with him.  Now, it is interesting to note that in Revelation Jesus is referred to as The Morning Star. Morning star means son, and Lucifer lost that status when he thought he could be as big as God and eventually defiled the throne of heaven with sin in his heart.
     Jesus said in Luke 10:18, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.”
     Still defiant after defiling the throne of Heaven, Satan intervenes in God’s creation to subdue mankind. So after Satan tempts Eve God lays out the foundation of redemption but withholds the mystery of the blood from Satan. He's really mad now because God calls mankind his sons. Lucifer was no longer part of God's family.
     The fight had begun for dominion of the earth and mankind, and the throne (or the temple) of heaven is the central stage and as it was in the beginning, the battle of Armageddon will begin with the ultimate Holy War for the throne in Jerusalem between to two Princes, the son, Jesus and the Satan’s Prince, the Anti-Christ.
     But the blood is still an issue. So let’s clarify how the blood has played out so far and how it will again in the end in this heavenly war against Satan over God's authority over his creation.
     After the sin in the Garden of Eden man was cut off from the tree of life and a curse was handed down to man separating him from his creator. God did not want this, but sin will not stay in his presence of pure light. (Genesis 3:15)  God said to the serpent, “I’ll put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers.  He will crush your head and you will bruise His heel.”  The “He” that God is referring to that would crush Satan’s head is Jesus, so we know from this that God is referring to a singular seed, not many seeds.  The ultimate blood sacrifice and  God’s word 'come in the flesh'  had been released in the Garden of Eden.  The seed of God’s word, Jesus, was hidden in the woman. (Luke 1:30-35). From that point God made the blood a mystery unto Satan. That truth of God becoming incarnate in the seed of a woman and in the flesh of Jesus baffled even the Pharisees, and Satan never saw what hit him.   Because the blood of Jesus would ultimately purify the heavenly altar that Satan had defiled.  Now if Satan had known this mystery of the blood he would have never killed Jesus. (1 Corinthians 2:7,8).
     As soon as the blood of the slain Lamb of God spilled and his death occurred the host of angels swooped down on that concrete, makeshift altar and rushed that pure blood life force up into the heavenly throne and poured it onto the altar. Jesus resurrected from the same power God used to create the earth, a spoken word and to us a Kingdom was established, with all the power and authority invested in Him by the Father as our final High Priest and redeemer. He then went to the depths of hell and took from Satan the keys of death and the power of sin that had separated us from our creator.  The arch angel swooshed down to the earth and clothed him in his high priest garment and he ascended to the throne where he sits at the right hand of God interceding for us.
     In a later article I will show you more about this powerful truth as I go into the the subject of divine intervention and the four works of the cross.
     You may be pondering right now, well, why didn’t God just send Jesus after the Garden of Eden?  Let’s look at an analogy of just what a Father is and how he thinks about his children for a minute.  God had created the angels for his pleasure and Lucifer was the most beautiful angel he had, and was called a Son of God.   He had authority in heaven. He had God’s presence and his ear.  Lucifer was the worship leader and it is said that his voice sounded like the 7 musical keys when he spoke. He had pipes coming out of his chest when he worshiped before God.  That's why King David was a man after God's own heart, he knew how to worship and please the Lord. Lucifer had it all and failed God because greed for power overtook his heart.  So God said, I’ll create my own family. He created Adam from the dust and breathed life into his nostrils. We all have God's likeness in us and he weeps for that communion with us, but sin separates us from his glory.  Adam failed him also, ah but Jesus, he sealed the covenant, a man without sin and he took the burden of sin on his shoulders and it was heavy almost to the point of killing him physically as he prayed in the garden of Getheseme and blood dropped from his brow as he pleaded with the Father, take this cup from me, but his will was to reconcile with his creation and it was not God's will to rescue his son.  Yes, you were bought with a heavy price. Righteousness always has a price.
     God wanted to commune with his creation again.  He wanted man to become righteous again, to reconcile back to him for the purpose of pure love and to be with us that had been created in his own image. The flesh has to be subjected to the spirit for righteousness and communion with God to come and the regeneration of the blood is the only thing that will work to accomplish that.  He wanted that part of us back that was made in his likeness. He began his plan of reconciliation through covenants. It’s all about free will that he gave us and if love has to be forced then it is not effectual.  On the other hand God could not commune with man in sin.  His righteousness, holiness, light and life force cannot mesh with darkness that is in the natural man.
     We are going to take a journey into learning righteousness through covenant. A covenant is contract and within a contract you have commands and then you have blessings.  We are going to learn just how God has a relationship with us through our covenant with him; how he operates, his seasons, his patterns and just how Holy He is.  Our minds cannot even comprehend the enormity of who our God is and the power and blessings he gives us through our blood covenant.  But you can get a glimpse of his majesty and what His presence is like through the tabernacle tent right and at Calvary’s Cross.  

You have to understand that when God makes a redemptive covenant he always seals it with pure blood.  First we will look at God’s first blood covenant after the destruction of mankind that had left only Noah, while Enoch was resurrected into heaven. God promised to never destroy his creation again. However, it is important to remember God’s wrath in Noah’s day for He will display that wrath again in the end, not by flood but by fire.  I see the world rampant with sin and dishonor of his word, immorality and idolatry just as in the day of Noah and in the day of Sodom and Gomorrah.  When covenant is lost in a society the first thing that falls is character and when character is absent immorality flourishes. Character and righteous living raises a standard and our nation was built on such standards and the bible was what our natural laws were based on.  When our nation returns to covenant with the God of Israel that blessed the United States and made us the most powerful nation in the world, then you will see God's blessing and strength in our nation again.


     The first covenant God made was with Abraham.  God had destroyed all the people during Noah’s time because of corruption and sin among the people.  He chose Abraham to covenant with.  You may be asking, why did God choose Abraham? It wasn’t because he was an elite tribe, or even the largest.  There was something very unique about Abraham.  He was an inquisitive man, and although he had grown up around idols and idol worship, he began to question that kind of worship. How did it benefit man?  How could it improve our situations? How could it commune with us?  At the core of his soul he knew there was a living God, and he diligently sought the living God.  God saw this longing and character in Abraham and he chose him to make known himself through this desert man.  God did not choose him because he was a Jew.  Noah was a Gentile.  As Abraham developed his relationship with God and God spoke to him, God saw a thirst, faithfulness, and truth seeking substance to Abraham.  It was for these reasons, especially after Abraham passed the test of faith that God made a covenant with him, and sealed it with blood through the blood letting of circumcision of every new born male child at eight days old, and promised him that he would become the Father of nations.
     Abraham thus became a God-like figure. He would do something that later God would have to do himself; sacrifice his own son. A foreshadowing of God's final redemptive plan.  Abraham was the only man that ever lived that got a glimpse of the pain and despair that it took to sacrifice the loved and promised son.  This act was a foreshadowing of what was to come in the future, an act that God would do himself with his own son. When Jesus hung on that cross suffering and near death, and called out, “My Father why have you forsaken me?”  God had to look the other way for he could not look upon sin or bear the pain to see the unblemished son’s suffering. So never think that sin doesn't hurt God, for it takes his family away from him.  It hurt him to have to be absent as Jesus had to carry the world's sin on his shoulders on that cross. It is incomprehensible to even imagine the sin of the whole world upon one man who knew no sin.  God's essence could not blend with that, Jesus had it to do alone.  God could not look upon the incomprehensible burden Jesus was heavy-laddened with. That's just a peek of how dirty sin is to our Father in heaven.  Still Jesus took that dirt upon his life and was obedient unto death.  He could have called ten thousand angels. But Jesus was obedient till death. So never think that obedience is not necessary for a righteous life.  Jesus knew that if he called upon the Angels with the power of the spoken word, Satan would win, and he wanted to give the Father back his creation that he has longed for.  Jesus had spent a thousand years in heaven with the Father as one with him.  Reconciling his creation that he had breathed his very life into was a fixated desire of God, and Jesus gave that gift back to him.  So never wonder why Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father, given all authority and power over God’s creation.  It is for this reason that he is the only one worthy to open the book of life and to be the Prince of Peace and High Priest seated on the throne and to speak our futures at the Great White Throne of judgment.  He is the only one who truly understands mercy and justice and that is what he will judge us on.
     Abraham was the man that came closet to understanding the power of obedience as Jesus did.  Abraham is our patriarch Father that we inherit the promise of Christ from.
     Isaac became a chosen to inherit that promise and to inherit the land of Canaan which is Israel today, which includes Jerusalem.  I’m going to prove this to you as I discuss further the journey Abraham took to sacrifice Isaac.
     I certainly understand why Abraham did not announce that he was about to take his son upon a high mountain and kill him for the living God. These ex-idol worshippers would have assumed he was gone mad in the mind.  We have a lot more discernment now through the Holy Spirit and knowledge in the Kingdom that most of the time when God calls us to do a great work for him, it never makes sense to the carnal mind.
     Now Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael.  God also blessed Ishmael and promised to make him a mighty nation.  But Ishmael was not the son to inherit Israel or the promises. (Genesis 17:19-21) God did not make a blood covenant with Ishmael, in spite of Abraham asking God to do that before Isaac was born.
    Now the covenants that were sealed in blood were made with the Jewish patriarchs that carried the scepter to the everlasting throne in Jerusalem.  To have discernment about the end time Holy war with the Anti-Christ and Jesus over the temple throne in the battle of Armageddon you  have got to understand and follow the scepter of the blood line. I pray my fellow Christians for you not to be ignorant of this truth for it is the unveiling of the mystery of the blood that always confused religious folks and Satan.  The Anti-Christ will lie to cover up this truth in the end time, and many in our churches will believe him because most Christians don’t know the word concerning it.
     The Palestinian Muslims (Philistines) who are of the line of Ishmael will try to tell you that it was Ishmael who was the favored son and not Isaac.  Do not believe this because Isaac was a miraculous conception in the dead womb of Sarah who was ninety years old. The seed of the woman carries the mystery of the blood and that trail leads to the savior coming from the stump of Jesse, the young David. (1Samuel 16:12.13)  You will see as we go along here that God stayed with only one certain bloodline that led to Jesus being a direct descendant from Judah.  
     Now King David purchased the city of Jerusalem where His throne will never end, because Jesus, his descendant is the King of Kings forever. When King David killed Goliath, who was a seed of Satan, he dragged the head of the giant 16 miles to Jerusalem, to the hill we call Calvary or Golgotha Hill (hill of the skulls) where Jesus' blood dripped onto the evil seed and took away the sin of the world and stripped Satan of his power. David purchased Mt Moriah (Jerusalem) where his throne will be forever and Jesus will reign.  But let's get back to the promise for a moment.  God promised Abraham that he would be the Father of Nations and he clearly showed him on Mt. Moriah that Abraham saw far off, into a three-day journey, the unblemished Lamb of God that was to come. Mt Moriah is the temple mount in Jerusalem. (Genesis 22:14).  The ram’s horn became a symbol of the coming of Christ and was blown at the gathering of the people on the Feast of Tabernacles, the Jewish New Year, called Sukkot in Hebrew, and was a sign of the coming Messiah.  The ram’s horn  is called a shofar.  In fact Jesus was born during this feast time. On our calendar it is October.
     The stipulation of the covenant with Abraham was for the people to put no other God’s before them.  Idols and idolatry was forbidden.  So the first lesson God wanted to teach us was not to have dependence on anything self made that took us away from him.  You see, God’s jealousy is not the same as ours.  Our jealousy causes strife, but God’s brand of jealousy is to bring us in line with him.  So when he displays his jealousy it is to correct us and bring us back in line with him and he desires for us not to be led by things that lead us to death and away from the source of light that leads to life.
     God also established the first fruits law through Abraham, that is the tithe.  Abraham took a tenth of all he had to the High Priest Melchizedek.  He was to perform a bloodletting on every first born male by circumcision of the foreskin, and it was to be a sign of their blood covenant with God. 
     With every blood covenant God made he appointed a High Priest as well.  God anointed Melchizedek to be the first High Priest in the covenant with Abraham.  Melchizedek had no history and there was no beginning or end to him.  He is the foreshadowing of Christ's High Priesthood. Melchizedek was told by God to take bread and wine to Abraham which represents blessing and the the bread of life and the fruit of the land as well as the foreshadowing of Jesus who said, "I am the bread came down from heaven and no one goes to the father except through me, meaning his blood, the wine.


     The second covenant God made was with Moses, a Christ-like figure who freed the Israelites from bondage. God set his word down to Moses to give to the chosen people to be the keepers of His Word and commandments.  God took Moses upon Mt. Sinai and there he showed him the Heavenly Temple and told him to build it and he would bless them and his presence would dwell among the people. The heavenly temple reflects the tent tabernacle, its dimensions, divisions and furniture.  The Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven and the temple is the throne. (Rev. 11:19) God instructed Moses to appoint the Levites as priests of the tabernacle in the line of Arron who would be the High Priest.  The High Priest was to sacrifice a bull and a red heifer once a year at the Feast of Tabernacles ( Yum Kippur) for redemption of the people’s sins.  An unblemished lamb was to be sacrificed at Passover each year. Passover is God's favor to smear you with his purified blood over your dwelling so death and the evil one can not pass through. Now, you get a glimpse of the power of Christ's blood over you.

      Let's look at the structure of the tabernacle and we’re going to be able to see the trinity and Christ in its layout and how it foreshadows the third and final blood covenant we have with Christ.  We’re also going to look at the seven procedures the priest performs that show the weapons of war against the devil, which represent the 7 places Jesus shed his blood for us.

     In Revelation, Jesus’ feet is described as brass, which is representative of the brass basin in the tabernacle, the water represents Jesus’ knees, his waist is represented by His spirit in the Holy of Holies, and His Head is the Holiest of Holies.  His right hand outstretched represents the Jews and his left hand outstretched represents the Gentiles.  The female cow represents the Bride of Christ. The red heifer ashes symbolize purity, the crucifixion of Christ (the scape goat for sin, Numbers 19:2)   In the Temple service the priest would mix the red heifer’s ashes with cedar, hyssop and scarlet and sprinkle it seven times to the right and seven times to the left, the right for the Jews and the Left for the Gentiles.  There is only one entrance to the Tabernacle, on the East side, the tribe of Judah, which is where Jesus’ bloodline is.  The trinity is clear in the layout of the Tabernacle as well, the Holiest of Holies is the Father, the Holy of Holies is the son, and water basin is the Holy Spirit.

     Rabbi Richmond who has a weekly Torah teaching from the Temple Institute says there’s no way to understand the mysterious purification of the red heifer but that it means a final redemption, and they believe Israel will be redeemed during the month of Nissan (Passover). Some Orthodox Jews believe the red heifer will play a role in the purifying of the 3rd Temple that is to come.  The cost of a red heifer was 30 pieces of silver, the same that was paid for Jesus to Judas. (Lev. 27:4)  In Hebrews 9:13-14, Paul refers to the burning of the ashes as a symbol of Jesus.  The last red heifer that was sacrificed was just before the destruction of King Herod’s temple.  The Talmud (Jewish bible) states that the High Priest would stand in the temple facing the Mt. Of Olives when he sprinkled the blood 7 times.  The Menorah had to be brought out when sprinkling the blood, (the seven spirits of God in Revelation).

     So, yes there is discernment of the mystery of the red heifer and those whom the Holy Spirit gives discernment has no problem seeing that Jesus became the symbolic red heifer, and in the third temple he is the only one that can purify it from the abomination of desolation. The word says that 2/3 of the Jews will see that clearly when God opens their blinded eyes. Unfortunately, and it was to the distress of Daniel when Christ showed him how a 1/3 of the Jews will perish for their obstinate unbelief and like a third of the angels that fell from heaven, that third will perish at the hands of the enemy that will form against Jerusalem. The 2/3rd's remaining that run to the hills will survive and there will be a great repentance with weeping and wailing for Jesus, and all of Israel will be saved. God will split the earth and swallow the armies that come against Israel and onto his Holy Mountain. He is beckoning his enemy now in this day that we live, the enemies are forming and God is moving his people from the four corners of the earth. 

It Was Through Abraham That Our Inheritance Came 
     It is through this red heifer that we can see a far off (as Abraham did) the sacrificial blood of Christ, and that New Covenant earns us the presence of the Living God, dominion in the earth as the children promised to Abraham.  Through that blood covenant of Christ we have everything Adam lost for us.  We’ll get into just what our dominion is through Christ’s blood in the Divine Intervention article, but for right now I just want you to understand your inheritance through Abraham and where your placement in the Kingdom is in these end times. God has placed before us a duty toward the Jews and we'll get into that more when we discuss the beginning of tribulation.


     In the Jewish feasts there are lots of mysteries to be discerned.  Lets take a look at the 7 Feasts and how the timing of these feasts reveals the first and second coming of Christ.  Three of the feasts are appointed times God calls us before him.  The first is Passover, then Feast of Weeks (first fruits or Pentecost) and then Feast of Tabernacles (atonement). The Passover is called Yum Kippur in Hebrew.  The feast of weeks is called Shavuot in Hebrew. The Feast of Tabernacles is called Sukkot in Hebrew. The first four of these feasts were fulfilled by Christ’s first coming and represent his shed blood.  The final 3 feasts will be fulfilled by the return of Christ.  The trumpets represent his return, atonement will complete his judgment at the Great White Throne and the tabernacles represent the gathering of the Bride.  The last three means royalty, a king coming to claim his Kingdom.  (appointed times Lev. 23).

     It is important for Christians today to come before the Lord at His appointed times.  God is a seasonal God and he hands down blessings in His seasons, not ours. Passover is a time to celebrate the risen Christ and the redemption His blood gave to us, when he took us from darkness to light, from bondage of sin to freedom, more importantly it gives us entrance to the Holiest of Holies.  The feast of weeks, or first fruits is a time when we give to the widows, the homeless, the alien and to the priests that minister to us.  It is a seed principle that you must put into practice if you are to receive the blessings and promises.  The feast of tabernacles, which is known today as Sukkot, is called the season of our joy.  I believe Jesus was born during the season of Sukkot.  He obviously was not born in December, for Luke 2:8 records that at the time of Jesus’ birth there were shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.  From the biblical times to the present the shepherds of Israel leave the cold of the open fields and pen their sheep at night which would have been true in the month of December. Due to the nighttime cold there were no shepherds in any fields in December.  Jesus’ birth, then, had to occur  in early October since Shepherds were still in the fields. Also, the people were required to travel to Bethlehem to register for the new census that only occurred in a new year. That is why Joseph and Mary were traveling to Bethlehem. The Jewish new year is the beginning of October and not December.  The biblical facts point to Jesus being born during the festival of Sukkot, the season of Joy! That would make sense too of why all the Inns were full.

     In conclusion, the patterns of God were established long before man had a revelation of them.  I think a lot of times with Christians it is not that we are doing something wrong as much as we are not doing enough of what is right and required by God – understanding  the precise patterns and seasons of God.  Begin walking in the power of the promise and release God’s abundant blessings throughout the year and in all three of God’s seasons.  God has instituted principles for your victory and a wealth of promises, peace, protection, and everything to meet your needs.  First fruits in Hebrew is “bikkurim” and literally means “promise to come.”  First fruits is a principle of faith and obedience that God established from the beginning, it is an eternal law and it’s one of the most life-changing principles in Scripture.  The promises of God’s Blessings are based in the principle of the First Fruits.  You can plead promises all day long with no results when you violate God’s principles and His appointed seasons for the latter and former rains.  When people don’t see God’s fullest manifestation of blessings it is because they are not following God’s ordained patterns for blessings and provision. (Lev. 23)  This divine establishment of God’s order is actually the root, the foundation that governs the rest.  “For if the first fruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.” (Romans 11:16).

     We have to understand God’s never-changing principles and seasons for possession to occur, we must work in the divine order, governed by the truth of the Word of God.  When you are obedient to God’s commands and appointed feasts these are the promises of your inheritance:  Exodus 23. 
Covenant Blessings
1.        Assign an angel to you.  “Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Verse 20)
2.       Be an enemy to your enemies.  “I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” (verse 22)
3.       Give you Prosperity.  “So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water.” (verse 25)
4.       Take sickness away from You. “And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.” (verse 25)
5.       Give you a long life. “I will fulfill the number of your days.” (verse 26)
6.       Bring increase and inheritance. “Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased and you inherit the land.” (verse 30)
7.       Give a special year of blessing. “For I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you.” (verse 31)




1.        Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul
2.       Keep the Sabbath Holy
3.       Pay a tenth to the Lord
4.       Love your neighbor as yourself

     If you are still laboring to do the ten commandments then you are still on spiritual milk and now let us go to spiritual meat. It is time to look at what the Lord is saying to us and burn it into our minds, spirits and hearts of what it is that he desires in our walk with him.  If you do these four commands then you will not break the others.  Furthermore, there were 7 commands established for the Gentile believers.  In the council of Jerusalem, only 7 commands were laid out for the Gentile believers.  They were called the Noahide laws. These stipulations permitted Gentiles to worship with the Jews without having to do animal sacrifice, which was their blood covenant, and the Abrahamic circumcision, which included ritual cleansing laws. The law of Moses never became moot and Jesus said, "I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill, or do away with the feasts but to fulfill it.


Galations3: 8-29
     The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham (through the sacrifice of Isaac).  God told Abraham,  “All nations will be blessed through you.”  So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.  (So if you rely on the law without faith you are cursed.)  That means trying to attain righteousness by dead works of eating only certain foods,  sacrificing animals for redemption, wearing certain clothes, laying burdens on the children of God that enslave them to righteousness, man made doctrines, requirements of attending church 4 times a week, praying a certain rehearsed prayer  Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law and traditions that actually keep us from attaining true righteousness. 

      Jesus redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.  No one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case with the blood of Christ.  So, know what your covenant is through the blood and not what man tells you in order to maintain a certain image that robs you of a pure heart and love toward others.  The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed.  The scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to Your Seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ.  What I mean is this:  The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise to Abraham and his seed. Inheritance does not depend on law.  Otherwise the promise would be no good, but God did give it to Abraham through grace. The law was given for transgressors to be redeemed from their sins through blood sacrifice until the seed to whom the promise referred had come. Righteousness cannot come through the law.  The law was put into place to lead us to Christ and his blood redemption through faith. The law is a guide to show us how far off we are to righteousness and how impossible it is to attain through dead works.  So we are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ.  There is neither Jew or Greek or Gentile, male or female, slave or free man, for we are all one in Christ and heirs to the promise. 

     No matter what denominational church you belong, or what color your skin, or what man made doctrines you’ve adopted, there will be many nations and races who enter in the Kingdom of God and we’ll get into the legalism that has slipped into the Christian church that has split us up into so many different denominations in a later chapter (Christian replacement theology.

Dueteronomy 28:1-14
     These are the blessings I give to you this day.  I will set you high above all the nations on earth.  All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.
     You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and your crops and your flocks.  Your basket and you kneading trough will be blessed.  You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
     The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you.  They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.
     The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.  The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
     The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep his commands and WALK IN HIS WAYS.  God will give us the grace we need to walk in covenant. Then all the people on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you.  The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity, in the fruit of your womb, your livestock, and your crops, in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you. That would be Abraham and His seed.
     The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend money to many but borrow none.  The Lord will make you the head, not the tail.  If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and careful to follow them, you will always be at the top and never at the bottom.  Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left or follow other God’s or serve them. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Muslims plan to squash God's temple in Jerusalem and erect their own as well in US too

Whose Temple will reign the God of Israel or Allah?

 $100 Million  9/11 Mosque Project To Be Erected In New York By Terrorist Money

A “last-chance” public hearing to block the proposed 13-story $100 million mosque planned near Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 attack on New York Tuesday puts Mayor Bloomberg on the defense. He has rejected opponents’ demands that the backers of the plan be investigated for possible links with terrorists or terrorist groups.

New York City officials already have approved the project, and the only hope by opponents to block its construction is to convince the Landmark Preservation Commission to prevent the demolition of the 152-year-old Cordova House warehouse in order to make way for a mammoth Muslim community center and house of worship.

Opposition groups from a wide spectrum of the population—ranging from Jews to Sikhs—staged a large demonstration in early June against the planned mosque.

The Park Place site is 600 feet from the area where Muslim suicide terrorists hijacked two planes and aimed them at the two towering Twin Towers in the early morning, when the planes’ fuel tanks were full.

The resulting explosion and intense fire melted the metal structures, toppling the towers and killing nearly 3,500 people, including police officers and firefighters who arrived to control the blaze and cordon off the area. One of the engines of the hijacked planes crashed into the Cordova House roof, causing severe damage.

Mayor Bloomberg has taken heat for not conducting a probe into the backers of the mosque project, while Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rick Lazio last week called on Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, his Democratic opponent, to conduct a probe. Lazio questioned the sympathies of the center’s backers, and said that “the people have a right to know if this ‘charity’ is using its resources in a legitimate, legal, and charitable way.”

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, has charged that “the imam behind [the] proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea.

"Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its website. Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel's blockade of Hamas-run Gaza" May 31.

“It’s just two blocks away. They will pass it on the way to the memorial,” Roman Gertsberg, a Queens resident who lost his only daughter Marina in the terrorist attack told am/NY.

Building a mosque just several blocks away from Ground Zero is an insult and an affront to every single person that was killed on 9/11, to their families, to the first responders and every concerned American who cherishes liberty, democracy and freedom,” Pamela Geller, executive director of 'Stop the Islamization of America',” said at last month’s protest.

Tuesday’s hearings, which are expected to be hotly contested, are expected to last for two hours, but a decision will not be announced until later this summer.

At the same time a crowd of 10,000 declare that the temple mount in Jerusalem belongs to the Jews

Thousands of Jews gathered at the old gates of the Temple Mount Monday night and declared their allegiance to the holy site, which rally organizers said is being separated from Jews by discriminatory practices by the police.

The “pledge of allegiance” to a Jewish Temple Mount and a united Jerusalem was part of the monthly “March around Old City Temple Gates,” a colorful event featuring the recital of Psalms at various closed gates around the Temple Mount.

The monthly march usually attracts 2,000-3,000 people, but organizers successfully brought out thousands more Monday night as Jews around the world marked the beginning of the Hebrew month of Av. The Ninth of Av is marked every year as the day when foreign invaders destroyed the First and Second Holy Temples.

The marches feature music and dancing and are peaceful, but police have barred several of the monthly prayer rallies during the past year because of fears of Arab violence.

National Union Knesset Member Uri Ariel told the crowd that deterioration in security and the increasing discrimination against Jews in Jerusalem prompted the unusually large turnout. In his speech he described the “surrender of Jerusalem to Arabs,” the worsening security in several Jewish neighborhoods, disturbances by anarchists and the discrimination by police who severely restrict the ability of Jews to ascend the Temple Mount.

Jerusalem council member Aryeh King reminded the crowd that the Temple Mount site is closed to Jews most of the time while police allow non-Jewish tourists to freely visit the holy site.
Israel accepts Muslim rules that forbid a Jew from praying out loud or even carrying a prayer book when ascending the Temple Mount.

Wilson Voice: How long will it be before bibles and open prayer will be shut down for Christians? Can we say we still live in a free country when terrorist money can determine when and where Muslims temples can be built while the University of Iowa fires a professor of religion for teaching on the church doctrine of how God is displeased with homosexuality? But its okay to teach how Allah  will reward you for killing in his name. 

This country better decide just what constitutes hate crime. What a slap in the face for the 3, 500 Americans that were killed by Muslim terrorist to use their money to build over the blood that still soaks the earth of their loved ones with a Muslim Mosque.

Folks you better start reading the bible, you need for it to be burned into your mind and heart before too long.  That the Jews cannot even openly pray on the Holy Ground of the temple before their God is just another way of the Palestinians to show disdain for the living God of this universe.  

The PA wants a two state Jerusalem when they won't even allow the Jews to pray openly or go to the temple mount on the Sabbath with the Torah, God's Holy Word. It doesn't take a genius to see its not very popular to worship Jesus or God in this nation or in Israel.  How come is it that the Jews show up for God but Christians sit back in denial of what evil is trying to do to our nation and Christianity?

Holy Commandments: The Finger Of God

Write Them Upon Your Hearts

God wrote his laws on the heart of Moses.  The law can't save us but they do serve a purpose in bringing us to repentance, which you have to have to apply the blood.  A sinner can never accept grace until he faces his sin described through the law. Sin is in our nature. Ask a three year old who stole the cookie and watch his the sinful nature. I'm going to show you how Mt Sinai reflects and leads to Mt. Calvary.

The sinner has violated the law but Christ came to redeem us from sin. We were conceived in sin because of the fall of Adam, and at birth we are lawbreakers by nature. Atonement had to be made. In the Mosaic law the sins were covered by the blood shed of an unblemished lamb once a year. But Jesus came as the final blood sacrifice and lifted sin once and for all. Jesus met all the conditions of the Messiah to come for the redemption of the people. Thank God that he sent his son who knew no sin but died a sinners death.  Thank God his blood freed me.

Something is terribly wrong in the church today. Lets look at Romans 6:14-16 and 23. It says, "for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.?" In verse 23 it says, "But now having been set free from sin, and having your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Some people get confused about the law.  Sin is what drives you to the law, otherwise no one would learn obedience.  You can't keep sinning because you're under grace.  Moses, oh Moses went up to Mt Sinai and God engraved the eternal laws in stone, and they are eternal.  They prepare us for the day of judgement.  The world disregards these laws.  The church disregards these laws.

The law was for the entire human race, even though they were entrusted to the Jews, the chosen.  There are 613 laws.  Christians live by the 10 Commandments, or so we say we do.  The first 4 commandments deal with our relationship with God and the last 6 deals with our relationship with each other.

Oh our nation needs to hear this! Commandment number 7, you shall not commit adultery. Our politicians need to read number #8, thou shalt not steal. These commandments are forever settled in heaven.  Our nation needs to return to God and covenant.  In Galations 3:24, it plainly tells us, "therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith."

These laws were not written to bring us to Allah, to Buddha, or some Guru in India, but to escape the wrath of God when he comes to judge the nations.  The preachers of today are producing backsliders.  The church is teaching love without the law of obedience.

The Apostle Paul preached the law. Look at Timothy 1:9,10 where it says, "knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust."

The law is our school master that lets us know how much we need the blood of Christ. No one makes it to heaven by just keeping the law, because if you've offended one of God's laws then you've violated all of them.  No flesh comes to be justified by the law, but it shows us our sinful state and how short we fall from God's righteousness. I don't care how many times you've been baptized, without obedience you will go down a sinner and come up a wet sinner.

Jesus didn't die for our happiness he died to make us his holiness.  Something is radically wrong in the church today. People profess the name of Christ but have never departed from iniquity.  The bible says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  Christians today are not afraid. They have no fear of judgement, because if they did they would lay their sin on the altar and walk away from it. When we're changed, all things are new, that means letting go of old behaviors of sin.

There are thousands of people who profess Christ who do not live righteous before him.  We need the light of God's word in us, to see what righteousness is. You won't find that outside of the law. Jesus' blood must be applied through repentance of sin, then you must renew your mind in God's word to search for his holiness and righteousness.

The world is full of people where they are not living up to God's word in what they profess.  They are law breakers.  Why does this type of preaching seem so harsh?  Because we know inside that we've broken his law and we are refusing to allow our problems to drive us to the cross.  But we know we need to be set free from sin.

Our preachers have failed to show what law breakers are in the congregation.  If you are committing sexual sin, lying, stealing, treating people unfairly, endorsing the killing of babies, watching pornography, cussing then you are a law breaker.  I am not judging you, God's word is judging you.

There are Christians who have been deceived and think they're going to heaven.while still sinning. Grace will not get you to heaven when you continue to break God's laws by putting idolatry in your life and ill treatment of your fellowman.  God's law was made to save your soul, and it is good and it is just. But many today don't see the need for it. Just be happy and please yourself is the spirit we see.

God's people are being destroyed by this false teaching behind the pulpit and lack of knowledge and truth from the word.  Blood will drip from their fingers before God one day.  Men must be warned of what will happen if they continue in sin.  They laugh, but they dance upon their graves.  Have we become so insensitive to the care of the souls that have been entrusted to us?

Paul sat under the best teachers of the law.  Jesus was versed in the law. Asked by a rich man what one must a man do to have eternal life Jesus said, "go sell everything you have and follow me." Today, we are so fat and think we have no need of God. That wrong thinking  will take us to hell because we think the law is seasoned by grace.

Felix was a judge Paul witnessed to.  Paul stood before him and boldly told him how to become righteous. Without holiness you will not see the Lord.  Oh they will cry, but Lord look what I did in your name. He will say, I never knew you.  Paul told Felix, you'll have to stand before God for your acts. Felix trembled in fear at this news. Paul had told him a truth that reflected himself. He said to Felix, God will judge your actions, your temperance, and your judgment toward others.

Study some of the teachings of the great ministers to the Christian church if you think the law is not important.  Charles Spurgeon said, "I don't believe any preacher can preach the gospel without the law.  The law is perfect for converting the soul.  John Wesley said, "The first duty of a preacher is to show us the law."

These preachers raised sinners to the cross.  They are not the preachers of today, with a soft message of the gospel and skirting around the word of God on what it takes to go to heaven, for fear of offending someone. That kind of preaching will not save a cat.  You can't set the captive free without teaching what sin is and you can't teach what sin is without the law, so that they know they need the blood applied to their life.

Spurgeon went so far as to call preachers murderers when they fail to warn people of the reality of hell. He said, "Men must be warned, he said, as to what will happen if they continue in sin.  Ho, Ho, Sir Surgeon, you are too delicate to tell that man that he is ill.  You hope to heal the sick without their knowing it. You therefore flatter them, and what happens?

They dance upon their own graves. At last they die! Your delicacy is cruelty, your flatteries are poisons, and you are a murderer.  Shall we keep men in a fools paradise? Shall we lure them into soft slumber from which they will awake in hell? Are we to become helpers of their damnation by our smooth speeches? In the name of God we will not. Lower the law and you dim the light by which man perceives his guilt."

John bunyan said, "The man who does not know the nature of the law cannot know the nature of sin." Marin Luther said, "The first duty of the gospel for a preacher is to declare God's law, and show the nature of sin."
John Wesley stated, "It remains only to show that the use of the law, and the first use of it, without question is to convince the world of sin."

John 14:6 says, "Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  11 John 1:9 says, "Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God.  He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son."  When you stand behind a pulpit and you don't give the right word to bring people into repentance to save them, then you are a transgressor of God's word.

1 Corinthians 10:20 says, "Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You can not drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, nor can you partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons."

God didn't give us the law to choose false Gods.  We've been given an assignment to preach and teach the word, and the whole word.  Popular preachers with a popular message will stand before the Lord.  I want to stand before him blameless. I am about pleasing my Lord not pleasing men while souls are perishing in their sight.

John 16:8 says Jesus will reprove the world of sin. How do you know you need a Savior without knowing the law and being able to see your sin?  Watered down, none confrontational messages will not show you that. People would never be able to see themselves in the glory of his light with preaching like that, and it only leads to sin and monetary happiness. Your very soul is at stake here.

We are in the end and the doors will soon be closed. We have a message to preach and to preach it with the power of the word that convicts. Don't play games with church because a feel good preacher will cause you to lose your soul. Feel good messages never made me repent of anything and it won't you either. Repentance is a must before the blood can be applied. Repentance is where holiness begins.

A woman was caught breaking the law with adultery and the law said she deserved death. But Jesus said, let those without sin cast the first stone."  He began to write in the dirt with his finger.  We don't know what he wrote but he may have been writing the commandments, the finger of God.  Whatever it was it made all her accusers leave one by one.  The law strips us of self righteousness.  It left that woman with no choice but to run from her accusers into the arms of the Savior.

The law can only be erased by the finger of God.  God has not done that, and neither did Jesus. He clearly said, "I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tribute to Nate Henn, killed in World Cup blast

Wilson Tribute To Nate Henn

Explosions tore through crowds watching the World Cup final at a rugby club and an Ethiopian restaurant, in Kampala, Uganda killing at least 64 people, including former Raleigh resident Nate Henn.
Nate was a worker for Invisible Children, a San Diego, Calif.-based aid group that helps child soldiers. The 24-year-old lived in Raleigh.

Nate traveled all over the United States without pay advocating for the freedom of abducted child soldiers in Joseph Kony's war.  He raised thousands of dollars to put war-affected Ugandan kids in school.  Nate lived a life that reflected care and love of children in need.  "He sacrificed his comfort to live in the humble service of God and of a better world, and his is a life to be emulated," the group said in a statement on its website.

The attackers were the Lord's Resistance Army  which has waged one of Africa's longest and most brutal rebellions, in northern Uganda.  Police feared an al-Qaida-linked Somali militant group was behind the attacks, as Uganda's president declared Monday "we shall get them wherever they are."
The blasts came two days after a commander with the Somali group, al-Shabab, called for militants to attack sites in Uganda and Burundi, two nations that contribute troops to the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia.

Police said Ethiopian, Indian and Congolese nationals were also among the injured and dead, police said.  Ugandan government spokesman Fred Opolot said Monday there were indications that two suicide bombers took part in the late Sunday attacks, which left nearly 60 others wounded.

Blood and pieces of flesh littered the floor among overturned chairs at the scenes of the blasts, which went off as people watched the game between Spain and the Netherlands. The attack on the rugby club, where crowds sat outside watching a large-screen TV, left 49 dead, police said. Fifteen others were killed in the restaurant explosion.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni toured the blast sites Monday and said that the terrorists behind the bombings should fight soldiers, not "people who are just enjoying themselves."  "We shall go for them wherever they are coming from," Museveni said. "We will look for them and get them as we always do."  Ugandan army spokesman Felix Kulayigye said it was too early to speculate about any military response to the attacks.

Kampala's police chief, Kale Kaihura, said he believed Somalia's most feared militant group, al-Shabab, could be responsible for the attack. Al-Shabab is known to have links with al-Qaida, and it counts militant veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts among its ranks. Simultaneous attacks are also one of al-Qaida's hallmarks. The U.S. State Department has designated al-Shabab a terrorist organization.  If those suspicions prove true, it would be the first time that al-Shabab has carried out attacks outside of Somalia.
Several Americans from a Pennsylvania church group were wounded in the restaurant attack including Kris Sledge, 18, of Selinsgrove, Penn. He said from a hospital bed afterward that he was "just glad to be alive."

Uganda's government spokesman said the first blast occurred at the Ethiopian Village restaurant at 10:55 p.m. Two more blasts happened at the rugby field 20 minutes later, he said.
Officials said the attacks will not affect the African Union summit being held in Uganda from July 19-27. Many African leaders are expected to attend.

"The summit will go on. The AU and African countries have the resolve to fight terrorism with the international community," said Ramtane Lamamra, the AU's peace and security commissioner.
Al-Shabab's fighters, including two recruited from the Somali communities in the United States, have carried out multiple suicide bombings in Somalia.

Ethiopia, which fought two wars with Somalia, is a longtime enemy of al-Shabab and other Somali militants who accuse their neighbor of meddling in Somali affairs. Ethiopia had troops in Somalia between December 2006 to January 2009 to back Somalia's fragile government against the Islamic insurgency. Ethiopia later withdrew its troops under an intricate peace deal mediated by the United Nations.

In Mogadishu, Somalia, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa, an al-Shabab commander, told The Associated Press early Monday that he was happy with the attacks in Uganda. Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible for the bombings.

"Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us," Sheik said.  In addition to Uganda's troops in Mogadishu, Uganda also hosts Somali soldiers trained in U.S. and European-backed programs.

White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said the U.S. was prepared to provide any necessary assistance to the Ugandan government.  President Barack Obama was "deeply saddened by the loss of life resulting from these deplorable and cowardly attacks," Vietor said.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton joined Obama in offering condolences and added, "The United States stands with Uganda. We have a long-standing, close friendship with the people and government of Uganda and will work with them to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice."

Wilson Voice:
 Groups that advocate attacks on civilians to prove a political point are wimps and only want to win their fights with fear.tactics That is typical of how powerless the devil really is. What he meant for evil against Nate Henn God turned it around for good for Nate. He is now with his Savior and crowned as an obedient servant which he demonstrated in his young life before the Lord and the world. Thank you Nate for all that you did to give to children around the world.
AP News source, contributing writer, Godfrey-Olukua, Kampla, Uganda

Monday, July 12, 2010

Grace That Demands Change

Has there been a change in you since Christ came into your life? I thank God for his amazing grace, that grace that comes not of yourself but by his power. It is God's amazing works that saves us. Romans 6:1 and 5-7 and 15,16.

It's God's goodness that leads us to righteousness, amazing grace, and how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. John Milton penned it right on the head in his song, 'Amazing Grace'.  God is an awesome God. There's none like him in his excellence or wonders. Exodus 15:11.

We've come to a point in the church where we don't need revival, we need a spiritual awakening.  Christianity is not a humanistic religion, but that's what it has become.  King David says, "Serve the Lord with fear and trembling."

We don't see that kind of fear and trembling as Christians walk in their daily life.  They are busy doing everything but putting God first; making a thousand decisions a day without inquiring of the Lord.  God  knows your every thought and every move, and we don't even acknowledge that in our lives. Yes, we need a move of God from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  We need a movement of his presence and his light. How many of our lights have dimmed, yet we are supposed to be the light of the world.

We straddle the fence and eat at the table of the Lord one week and the table of the devil the next.  Without repentance in the heart change cannot truly come.  Joy cannot come because joy comes from a soul that has been washed in the blood.  Where sin did abound grace abounded much more.

No one can feel comfortable in God's presence with a life of sin.  What brings salvation's goodness is obedience.  There are some things grace cannot do and I'm going to outline those and talk about each one.

1. Grace cannot condemn the sinner or excuse the saint.

Sin drives your nature, like lust, and lust will take hold and drive you to things that you will be ashamed of.  Jesus gives us freedom from that flesh drive.  When you're saved and sanctified, you are a partaker of the divine and sin can not rule you any longer.  The first thing that happens is the old man dies and is freed from sin. It is appropriated by faith and freedom then comes by the blood.

The word sanctifies you, so sanctifying yourself comes by the hearing of the word of God.  We are buried by him in the baptism and by his death. Romans 6:22.  You should see fruit in your Christian life. We are in a  Laodicean era.  The churches are empty, and no one is going to the altar.  People don't want to be offended but that's what the law does, it cuts through bone and marrow to the core of who you are and where you stand with God.

2.  Grace cannot forgive unconfessed sin.

After you have received God's amazing grace and continue to sin and violate God's law, the 10 commandments, and forsake the Sabbath you are going to fall back into the devil's hands.  You will fall from grace.

The first four commands show the eternal laws and your relationship with God.  Forsake not the assembling of yourselves with other believers.  Your blessing may be wrapped up in someone God wants to connect you to in the church but are you there to meet your destiny?  Five through Ten of the commandments deals with our relationship with others.  These laws are eternal and permanent, written in stone.

God can't forgive unconfessed sin, but you've got to know what sin you're doing to feel conviction.  Before a heart can be healed it must be broken.  The word of God breaks your heart and shows you your short comings so you can change and walk right.

3.  Grace cannot forgive an unrepentant heart. 2 Corinthians 7:10

We cry when we are caught in a civil court for breaking the law and say, Judge, I'll cut my right arm off
if you'll just pardon me.  How do people think they can stand before God and forgiveness when they can't get it from a civil judge.  Because you have an advocate with God and his name is Jesus Christ.  He stands in the gap.

People in the church confess Jesus but they don't have Godly sorrow.  Their heart is far from him. He tells us that if you love me, you will obey my commands. Matthew 7:23 says, "But many will say, look what I did in your name, and Jesus will say, I never knew you." We've got people claiming to be saved that has never departed from iniquity.

4.  Grace cannot grant eternal life to a person who refuses to obey God.

People say, you can't lose your salvation.  Well, they didn't have salvation to start with. No person with salvation would continue to commit adultery, kill babies, lie on his neighbor.  They never got grace to start with but they sure want to condemn the law.  Romans 6:16.  Sin brings curses and obedience brings blessings.

Don't you believe some hot shot preacher that tells you you can't slip from grace. Keep on sinning and see how quick you will fall.  People with salvation who walk a righteous life don't revisit the road of sin.  They've been washed and made into a new man and they are a slave to Christ.  Grace cannot give life to a person who refuses to obey.

5.  Grace cannot change God's law of sowing and reaping.  Galations 6:8

What God can do when you repent is to restore the years the canker worm and locusts have eaten away.  He can restore your joy.  God is the judge and no one can take that away from him.  He says, I'll give you the desires of your heart if you'll just give me your heart.  Inquire of him with all decisions you make.

You can't go to the bible and see who you should marry, but if you'll walk righteous and pray and put him first, he will lead to the person he wants you to marry.  We miss our seasons and destinies because our hearts are somewhere else. Put him first and you will see manifestation of certain things to you.

6.  Grace cannot keep a person from moral failure if they choose to sin.  Isaiah 59:, Psalms 66:18, and 1 Peter 3:12.

We need to get back to righteousness and purity in our hearts.  God didn't call us to uncleanness.  We've got to have holy preachers to result in holy people.  The true church wants holiness and righteousness.

So goes the priest, so goes the people.  A true preacher will never get on t.v. and wiggle his way out of speaking the truth in the word to keep from offending someone.  Exodus 15:11 How wimpy, and poor little Jeremiah had to deliver to the people hell and damnation and be persecuted for it, but it saved a nation. A preacher that cares more what people think than what his mandate by God is is not worthy to be called a man of God.

Where is God's glory?  Grace of today demands a change.  We have it all and are too fat and are Laodicean spirits but God says, you are naked and poor and in need of salvation. God is calling his true church to holiness.  He's awakening a remnant that will reign on high, a remnant that has hearts set upon him. Are you ready for the Lord to take the world out of you and sanctify you?  God will stir up a people who will love only him and not the world or the monetary things of this world.

The outpouring will be a great victory for the church, fear and reverence of God will return. We will see people work out their salvation instead of hiding behind a mask. They will tremble in fear when they approach his throne instead of mumbling some rehearsed prayer. Matthew 7:14.

I recommend reading Johnathan Edwards' sermon from the 18th century, 'Sinners in the hands of an angry God', he shook the foundations of the church, one woman at a revival grabbed hold of a post thinking God was going to lift her off the earth. Paul's preaching to Felix, the Roman judge had the same affect.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day never more important to observe

Tomorrow Americans will take the day off, watch ballgames, barbecue in the backyard, watch fireworks displays and fly the flag.
But it's more important they do more than that on this Independence Day.
Given the state of our nation this July 4, 2010, people should sit down with their family and their friends and read the Declaration of Independence. It's a document that is as relevant today as it was when it was written 234 years ago.

Try to read it with it's intended purpose like you've never read it, with a fresh perspective. We live in a society today that has misinterpreted its meaning and has lost sight of what freedom really means. We have been misguides as Americans and heard all kinds of interpretations and a battle is going on to maintain our freedom from people who want this country to embrace all kinds of things. The founders probably encountered such tyrant opposition as they were drafting  the Declaration of Independence.

Some of the issues our founding fathers were encountering were:
1. Government was failing to perform the limited responsibilities the institution was required to perform.
2.  Government was exceeding its authority;
3.  Government was violating individual rights.
4.  Government was obstructing immigration laws.
5.  Government was obstructing justice.
6.  Government was turning the land into a police state.
7.  Government was superseding the established laws of the land.

Can we relate to that today? Yes, indeed we can. It's worse today, because the colonists lived in a society far freer than the what we do today, with the huge government takeover, especially in light of the medical care in this nation. We in essence are being controlled more than the colonists ever were, not by a foreign government but by our own government. We have lost our financial freedom as we've become owned by China financially. We work hard all of our lives and we have no comforts in retirement because our government has squandered social security money.

We may have more modern conveniences. We may have a more comfortable life than the colonists. Food and shelter and the basic necessities of life may be easier to come by than they were in the 18th century. But, can anyone truly suggest that we have more liberty than most of the colonists had? I think it would be very hard to make that case.

Yet, those men and women were willing to sacrifice everything they had – their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor – to make a heroic stand for liberty. They were bible based men and set our government up to be nation IN GOD WE TRUST. But it seems like Christians today are satisfied with being indifferent.  Don't you think our founder fathers had opposition.  They fought a powerful nation, England for us to be free.