Friday, May 21, 2010

Worthy Is The Lamb

 John The Revelator

John,  The Revelator is on the Pat mus Isle, and it is a lonely Island.  He got into the spirit and he received the word of Christ in another spiritual realm. We are going to look at just what all John saw and heard from Jesus in the flesh, and Jesus on the throne.

God is spirit.  You don't just touch him from the intellect but through your spirit.  Pentecostal people has it right, with a shout, "Glory to the Lamb of God."  Every creature in heaven and on earth heard them saying, "Blessed is he who sits on the throne."  (Revelation 5:9-12)

Christ is worthy of our honor, love and everything that is in us.  We need to give all the praise to him that is in us.  He redeemed us with his precious blood and only he is worthy.

John had been an eye witness to Jesus' ministry. (1 John 1:3)  So when we come together it should be a celebration when we invite Christ in our churches, homes, and our work places.  He wants us to have fellowship with him and the Father.

John said, I walked with Christ.  I heard him teach and preach.  I'm writing these things so your joy will abound.  John was there the day Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.  Water baptism is a outward sign of our inward experience with Christ.

My Pastor told a story of this lady once that wanted to be baptized in a service that he was a visiting minister at.  She couldn't get up in the pool of water to be immersed.  She could not bend very well. She just couldn't physically do what it would take to go up those steps and be bent backward into a pool.  The Pastor said, "So, I decided, she has faith and she wants to be baptized, so I took a pitcher of water on the minister stand and said, come here, and I poured it over her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I thought the Pastor of that church was going to call me down.  He stood and pointed his finger at me and said, "my brother, now that is faith in action."

You may not be where everyone else is in your faith and walk, but God will honor faith acted out. You should testify of him when he saves you.  When Jesus came up out of the water, a dove lit on him, and a voice was heard saying, "This is my Son, whom I am well pleased."  There you have the trinity in the Baptism of Christ;  the voice of the Father, the Son, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

We are a bible based teaching church and we preach the word. His own received him not, but those who did receive him received the spiritual birth.  If you don't like your first birth try the second birth. Oh, taste and see how good it is!

Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost giving evidence when he came up out of the water.  God wants us baptized in the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a surprise package.  I don't know how or when he will move when giving his word.  They are supernatural surprises.  So go to church and see what he is doing. Get in the spirit and take your eyes off of people and he might reveal some things to you from the Kingdom.

Just start praying and pray in faith.  You get to a place where you think you can't lay hold of the things in the spirit, but prayer and worship brings breakthrough.  Persist, and lay hold of the altar until you get your answer.

John was there when Jesus came up out of that water.  It is God's will for you to be filled with the spirit and sanctified.  He wants us to be filled and walk in his power.  All of the nine gifts will work through your life with the Holy Spirit.  Don't ever underestimate the power of the blood, the name of Jesus, or the power of the Holy Ghost.  All he needs is a virgin spirit.

While Jesus was tempted for 40 days and nights, he overcame all the temptation by saying, "It is written."  The word leads you to truth and power over the enemy, so make every effort to learn who God says you are and the power you have through Christ.

John was there and saw Jesus rebuke and overcome Satan, the tempter.  Jesus went into the temple on the Lord's day as was his practice every Sabbath.  He lived by the commandments and he kept the Sabbath Holy. He rested on the 7th day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if America could get a hold of that truth about the Sabbath.  And that is another sermon!

John was there when Jesus picked up the scroll and said, I have come to free the captive, its Jubilee! John was an eye witness to the Messiah.  He gave an overview of Jesus' ministry.  He saw Jesus heal many and restore the Samaritan woman's life. John was there with that wayward woman.  He saw Jesus change her life. The gospel will change your life and give you hope for a future.

I don't know how you feel about women preachers but Jesus made that Samaritan woman an instant evangelist.  John heard Jesus say to a dead girl, "Damsel, I say unto you rise."  John saw a funeral procession come through and boom, light and darkness clashed.  Jesus stops the whole funeral and he tells the young man that is dead, "Arise young man."

John was there when he heard Jesus say,  "Lazarus, come forth,"  Jesus commanded, oh death loose him.  If you are bound by darkness or bondage, when Jesus says, loose him, then you are free by the blood.  He is able, cry out to him.  Hear him say back to you, loose him!

You can be free!  You don't have to be bound by your past, or anything anybody did to you in your past.  He said in John 10:10, "I have come to give you life abundantly."  John heard the leper say, "Master, if you are willing you can make me well."  Jesus said, "I am willing."

I believe when John preached, he told about the transfiguration on the mountain.  Jesus' body broke forth into a countenance as white as snow.  A voice said, "This is my son, whom I am well pleased, listen to him."  Moses heard the voice of God say, "I AM  that I AM."  The people heard the voice say, "he carries my word."

I love the story of blind Bartimeus.  He was sitting on the road side.  He cried, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me."  Back in the old bible times, a beggar had to wear a certain garment to identify him as a beggar and needy.  It was a red and white garment and it gave you the right to beg for your support publicly.

Bartimeus heard about Jesus, but Jesus kept walking.  Bartimeus cried a little louder, "Jesus, Son of David."  We need to cry out with persistence and a little louder.  Jesus suddenly stood still, he heard Bartimeus.  Jesus said, "Bring him to me."  Jesus may have been thinking, Oh this is why I came down Jericho Road today, to run into Bartimeus.  Peter probably said, Oh Bartimeus, you got it made now for you have gotten the attention of the Master and he is calling for you.  Bartimeus laid his garments aside on the Jericho Road.  Well, glory!

When Jesus comes the tempter turns away.  The blind receive their sight again.  Jesus said, "What is it that you need?"  Bartimeus  said, "Lord, that I may receive my sight."  Immediately as Jesus touched him his eyes were opened.  You see his faith healed him when he called Jesus Lord.  He has dropped his garments and made Jesus Lord.

Jesus is the Son of the Living God.  He takes care of all of human suffering.  He was in the beginning, and the word made flesh.  We behold God's glory in the flesh.  John was there at the last supper.  Jesus passed the wine, his blood and the bread, his body.  Jesus was laying the new covenant in order.

John saw Judas betray Jesus.  John was there when Jesus said, "stay awake and watch."  John was in the garden when the sin of the world was on Christ's shoulders.  The man in Jesus said, "Father, let this cup pass from me, but your will be done."  John said, I heard him cry in agony in the night, but I got sleepy.

His brow dripped blood and the weight of sin nearly caused death unto him in the garden. It was the beginning of a dark night for the work that our Lord had to accomplish for us to be redeemed, and that darkness lasted until the following evening when Jesus said, "It is finished." So never wonder why in heaven when everyone looks around no one can be found that is worthy to judge or to pass out rewards, or to open the book of life.  No one, but the Lamb of God.

John said, I saw him die on Calvary for us.  John heard Jesus say, "I will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days, and that's just what he did.  Jesus stood up in the tomb and he walked out of that make shift altar where his blood spilled for us.  He had taken the keys from Satan and death reigned no more.

John saw Jesus return and he spent 40 days with him.  John was on the Pat mus Isle on the Sabbath and he was taken up in the spirit and he saw Jesus.  (Revelation 1) The glory of his power and majesty. His hair was like wool.  His voice was like many waters. His eyes like flames of fire. And his feet like unto fine brass. He held seven stars in his right hand.  Out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword.  His countenance was as  the sun shining in its full strength in him.

 Jesus said, "Fear not, I AM the first and the last.  I AM he that liveth, and was dead, and behold, I AM alive forever more and have the keys of hell and of death."  John said, I was there and saw the eternal Son.  He is worthy of our praise.  Worthy is the slain Lamb.  Worthy to be praised by ALL nations.

John had been washed in the blood, and a beloved disciple of Christ.  Thank God for our redeemer.  Let us be his unblemished bride.

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