He Will Come In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Blow The Trumpets Of Zion
Blow The Trumpets Of Zion
No More National Prayer Day! The Churches in Wilson are praying.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the Shunamites, the Hitites and all those it-ites from the bible? Well, they were scattered across the four corners of the world because of disobedience. But God is gathering them once more to the land of Canaan, (Israel) that was deeded to Abraham by God Almighty. All of the land that was promised to Abraham has never been controlled by the Jews.
The enemy wants to take even what King David purchased, Jerusalem. All of Canaan in today's Israel would include Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and parts of Iraq. It's been a long time to see this end. God will not forget his promise to the Jewish people. His anger doesn't last forever and he is a God that can not lie. People we are about to see the promise come about right before our very eyes. Don't you put your eyes on what is going on in the world, but keep your eye on Israel. God will move on his people. The Holy Spirit is moving on the body of Christ. Through the blood of Christ we are the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I've had the earth quake in Haiti and Chili, and the Volcano eruption in Iceland (that is expected to dump ash on four nations) on my mind today and I have prayed for revelation of what in the world is happening. Nation against Nation, nations falling economically, corrupt governments, the enemy gathering around Israel, immoral living and thinking its normal. We need to kick the world out of the church and return to our blood covenant. I pray that our churches here in Wilson will sound the alarm, for the earth's labor pains are getting closer and closer together. Soon and very soon we will hear a trumpet blow and a loud shout.
More and more of our sister churches are returning to preaching the gospel and more are having intercessor prayers for Israel, our nation and our communities. We prayed fervently last Friday night at our church and cried out for revelation and for our nation to come back to righteous living. Let our hearts turn back to God. Our Pastor, Jerry Nelson cried a heart breaking cry for Christ's church body. The darkness in this world surrounds us, and we need more than ever to come together in one spirit and pray for anointing, and empowerment to finish Christ's work. The church is changing before our very eyes. We have discernment more than ever. I'm seeing a falling away of the tares and a return from people God is calling back to the church.
I was meditating today on what Jesus said about John the Baptist. He said, "I tell you that Elijah has already come." John prepared the way for Christ. Where are our preachers today that's ordained to prepare the way for the second coming? That Elijah spirit is heavy on us. It's not about shouting and receiving our blessings. It's about us teachers and ministers preparing the way for the great meeting in the air when he will snatch us up in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus' prophecy of the end time is at your door. He's standing outside his church knocking to come in.
Pray today for our churches to unit in the spirit of Elijah. I see the clouds, the latter rains are coming with power from on high to the church. Let our hearts become overwhelmed for Jesus who redeemed us. Let us build an altar and lay our worldly mess on it. It's dark, as dark as pitch black, people can not see the light. Pray for righteousness and coming back into covenant so our flames will be bright enough for the lost world to see. Pray for a fresh anointing and strengthening to finish the race. We're almost home church, don't grow weary of nay sayers, persecutions, and sin among us, but let our love for Him overwhelm us so we run our last mile home.
In the Jewish wedding, the groomsmen blow the trumpet and run through the streets with the sound of the trumpet and with shouts, "the groom is coming, wake up, the groom is almost at your door, get the bride adorned. Let us get faithful again, let us stay fresh with fine linen and precious jewels, with our oil lamps full. The Groom is coming for that unblemished bride. The earth is groaning for the hour has come to fulfill His promise to Israel and the return of the Son for his bride.
I was meditating today on what Jesus said about John the Baptist. He said, "I tell you that Elijah has already come." John prepared the way for Christ. Where are our preachers today that's ordained to prepare the way for the second coming? That Elijah spirit is heavy on us. It's not about shouting and receiving our blessings. It's about us teachers and ministers preparing the way for the great meeting in the air when he will snatch us up in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus' prophecy of the end time is at your door. He's standing outside his church knocking to come in.
Pray today for our churches to unit in the spirit of Elijah. I see the clouds, the latter rains are coming with power from on high to the church. Let our hearts become overwhelmed for Jesus who redeemed us. Let us build an altar and lay our worldly mess on it. It's dark, as dark as pitch black, people can not see the light. Pray for righteousness and coming back into covenant so our flames will be bright enough for the lost world to see. Pray for a fresh anointing and strengthening to finish the race. We're almost home church, don't grow weary of nay sayers, persecutions, and sin among us, but let our love for Him overwhelm us so we run our last mile home.
In the Jewish wedding, the groomsmen blow the trumpet and run through the streets with the sound of the trumpet and with shouts, "the groom is coming, wake up, the groom is almost at your door, get the bride adorned. Let us get faithful again, let us stay fresh with fine linen and precious jewels, with our oil lamps full. The Groom is coming for that unblemished bride. The earth is groaning for the hour has come to fulfill His promise to Israel and the return of the Son for his bride.
Volcano from Iceland is expected to cover five nations; UK, Germany, Russia, Sweden, France with heavy ash at 20 to 80 miles per hour. One million people are stranded at airports in UK today and a food shortage is expected in several of these countries. See more photos at www.daily.co.uk
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