Friday, April 30, 2010

The Prophetic Preacher

     I had the opportunity to hear the Rev. Jeffrey Brown give a testimony and preach at a revival in Wilson, North Carolina in 2007.  He took his shoes off and stepped up into the pulpit.  He had my attention.  I walked away that day my mind forever changed about healing power and I knew I would never allow people, limitations or circumstances to stop me from reaching the potential God gives to all of us.
     He began by saying, “I have to tell you right from the start that people have planned my funeral six times.  I’ve had cancer and recurring cancer.  One morning after I was healed from all this I felt my throat and a big lump had formed.  Back I went to the surgical room again.”
     This preacher continued on coming down into the midst of the people in his sock feet with an unbelievable strength of voice while his frail lanky body showed the visible scars of the numerous battles for his life.
     “The devil thought he had shut me up with this last surgery,” he said twisting up his mouth in a determined, rebuking manner.
     “During the surgery my vocal cords were damaged and separated,” he said with finality.
     He thought about the surgeon for a second, smiled and said, “I had this Iraqi doctor and he came in my hospital room the next morning with his charts and notes to try to explain to me why I would never speak again.  But he didn’t know people had already prayed for my healing once again and I had spoken to my wife that morning.  I just let him talk on and after he was finished telling me I would never preach again, I looked at him and said, is that right?”
     Well if I was the devil I would shutter when this man got up on his feet to speak because when he pointed his finger at you a supernatural knowledge was released from him onto you in a prophetic affirmation.
     Now I’m here to tell you that this preacher did not know anybody that day with the exception of the pastor and one deacon, yet he spoke the truth over about eight people’s lives.  He looked at one man and said, “God has a protective shield over you, I don’t know what you do or if your job is dangerous but you got a hedge around you.”
     We all looked at each other because the man he was speaking to was in law enforcement.
     Then he looks at another and says, “You’re called to a ministry.”  That man had recently rededicated his life and is a gifted singer and pianist.
     He told one young lady that she would preach to thousands.  That young lady preached at our church a few weeks ago.  I sat stunned and remembering Jeff Brown's prophecy over her.  She said she was more stunned than anybody over that prophecy that day.
     He asks an elderly lady what her daughter’s name was and she says, Marie.  He said, “she’s got grace in her life.”  That daughter’s little six year old girl’s name is Grace.
     He points his finger at me on the second night of the revival and says, “You got power in your tongue.  I see a garment on you with bells on the hem.  I am now a speaker and minister of education.
     The first night he was in the middle of his sermon and suddenly he looks up in the choir loft and points at my husband and tells him to come down.  He looks at me in the congregation and said, "This is your husband isn't it?"  Well I was crying by then because my husband and I had just gotten married a month earlier.  Still crying and overwhelmed by this man's discernment he wrapped an anointed cloth around both of our wrists and said, "You have a covenant and you two are going to the promise land."

     What this preacher didn't know was that in this Jubilee Year that I was a Jubilee birth.  It was my season.  God had moved me geographically to Wilson, North Carolina.  I remember saying, Lord has anything good ever come out of Wilson?  God had changed my name, and my husband had nicknamed me Hepzabah.  Two months after this revival God opened a door for me to go back to school where I earned my degree in biblical studies.

     Prophecy is not complicated.  You are either anointed for it or you're not.  In bible times if your prophecy didn't come about you would be killed. If someone prophecies over you make sure it is confirmed by two or more.

     Rev. Brown has went on to be with the Lord, but he touched so many people's lives and his words still linger in our lives today. God had allowed a thorn in his side but then it was that weakness in him that made the glory of God so pronounced in him.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Guarding Your Home From Spiritual Termites

A Story of Spiritual Turmoil

All our lives we totter on a tightrope,
 stretched across a vast chasm
 without a net below to catch us and save us
 from the internal erosion that manifests
 generation after generation

Spiritual termites are destroying the family.  You labor in vain to build it but the termites come and eat away at it until your house comes tumbling down.  I'm going to tell you a story of one house that came tumbling down and how it was rebuilt and eventually put into divine order and became a solid foundation that God flowed his blessings onto.

Idols were the number one termite in the home thousands of years ago and it is so of today's family.  Genesis 35:2.  Put away strange God's.  Don't let anything take the Lord away from you.  Go back to your Bethel and remember your struggle with the Lord and how you reckoned with him and entered into a covenant.  We have forgotten our first love. Don't ever think that you're so strong you can ignore God's word and have a fine family. Work to build the bedrock of God's word into your home and you'll have harmony.

If the men of their families could ever get to their rightful place in the world, in the home and in the church and operate in the authority God has given them we would have a different family structure in this nation.  Be a daddy duck, and the momma duck will follow and then all the baby ducks will following right behind. What kind of duck is leading your home today?  Are all your baby ducks in a row behind you or are they scattered across the pond with the momma duck searching to see if the dangers lurking about in the waters have swallowed up her babies?

Let's look at one man's journey and see how termites overtook his family.  Genesis 25:7 tells us that Jacob's life is in a big mess.  He has no peace because he's been running from God.  This is the same Jacob that laid his head down on a rock, and that saw the ladder from heaven with angels descending and ascending.  He saw God do supernatural things in his life, and then he walked away from God.

Have you ever walked away from a sermon you heard after knowing that it was word for you?  Jacob wrestled all night with the Lord, and he was strong but the angel knocked his hip out of its socket.  Jacob said, I won't leave until you bless me.  Jacob got his blessing, but he was just plain uncommitted.  Aren't we like that?  We go from church to church.  We don't want the Pastor to get up in our mess.  We say, oh but we want it like Burger King, ordered to our liking.   When we don't get our way, we whine and say, why does the preacher shout and jump around?  Because he's got a fire in his bones to deliver the power of God's word to you.  Everybody gets offended!  I don't like the way they shook my hand, I'm just gonna find me another church.

Jacob is in trouble again after asking God to bless him!  His daughter had been seduced and defiled by going to an ungodly crowd.  Jacob's sons take revenge that shamed the family.  Those 12 son's become the leaders of the 12 tribes of God's people.  Because the blessing had come to Jacob.  Their daddy was a man of God, away from God.  The story of this family is complicated and makes you ponder why God chooses to bless who he does.  But that was God's chose because of Jacob's inheritance blessing from Abraham and Isaac.  You see a Godly man chosen by God gives a covering to his family and his children.  But you've got to get the family in divine order to stop the termites.

Your covering is at your Bethel, which means the House of God, where you come to a reckoning of who you are in God and enter into a covenant.  We need to keep our family in the house of the Lord.  That's where God has placed his anointed ministers to speak to you.  You need to hear what God is wanting to speak to you.  All you single mother's, God will give you a loving church.  God will give you a Pastor.  Jeremiah 3:15.

He will give you the word that will split soul and sunder and pierce through bone and marrow.  He says, I will give you Pastors to feed you the word of God.  God told Jacob, if you'll come back to where I appeared to you; the place I first revealed myself to you, he promises he will cover you.

How does a single mom get covered?  By Godly men in the church.  Sunday teachers, children's church teachers.  Never underestimate the power and influence over children from Christians.  If your church is not loving others and making provisions for their lack, then find one with the fruit of the spirit in it.  Because serving in the church is not about you.  It's about lifting other lives up.  You can make a difference in someone's life in your church.

Jesus made a difference, one man.  One man, one woman, can make a difference.  Have you ever looked at a church bus driver?  He's happy!  You don't have to be in the leadership to serve. The least of them all makes the biggest difference and makes the body one.  One drink of water in His name will get you a blessing.  Think about that the next time some single mother comes to you and says I'm having a problem with one of my children.  Are you too busy being in leadership to stop and say, hey I can give some of my time to help this mother get through this rough spot.

God came to Jacob and he had a defiled daughter, and shame from his sons.  Can this happen in your family? It happened in Jacob's family and it will happen in your family for you to come into your Bethel. Prov. 22:6.  Well, you say, I can't make my children listen, but you teach by example. You are affecting generations to come.  You say, I can't call my adult children in college or on their own all the time.  They don't want it.  Call them anyway!  It won't drive them away.  Stand up and let them know that Holy Ghost power in you.  They will reckon with it. It will save their soul down the road.

These tribes weren't sanctified, but they became leaders of the family of  God. Guard your home.  It's the little foxes, those little sins that rob the peace in a home and that cause arguments. I'm not talking about abuse and such, that totally destroys the home.

You see, God is a generational God.  He wants the family together.  Well, my children don't want to go to church.  Well try that plea with the school system.  Does the school have more control and power than you over your children?  Church is a given and should not be discussed as an option to not go from the child. They are supported by the parents, and the parents say, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.  The children will know this is a part of our family structure. Let it be you that influences your children, don't give it away to the school, friends, and well meaning family members.

Sooner or later the Lord will take what is in you as a parent and it will get into the children. Your passions will become theirs, your delights will be theirs. That seed will be planted in them and they will not depart from it when they are older. What is the passion in you that is getting into your children?  I guess I am like the preacher, 'cause I'm getting up in your mess here. I'm not talking about going to any old church.  I'm talking about a church were love is demonstrated, the presence of God and the word preached in truth and spirit that can set a strong foundation for the family.

Let us rise and go up to the house of the Lord.  Put away the strange god's among you.  Know what your children are worshipping with the books they read, with the music they listen to,  and the friends that are influencing them.  You say, oh but my kids don't have strange gods.  What posters are on their walls?  What music is on their IPODS, what pictures are they looking at on their phones?  What sights are they visiting on the internet?  Now tell me, do your kids have strange gods influencing them?  Some of the daddy's need to put away the strange gods too!

If you've got something that is drawing you away from God, then its a strange god.  One step at a time we ease ourselves into sin, but then he delivered you from it, don't keep going back to your Bethel.  Keep your heart fixed on him and never go back.  We can learn a lot from Jacob and how God gets us to come to our Bethel.  I'm like David, I was glad when they said, come let us go to the house of the Lord.

You may say, but my child is strong willed, well daddy better get strong willed back.  Put away all the idols and when trouble comes in your family you will be covered.

To order complete sermons on cd of Pastor Jerry Nelson's email me at: or
To see more articles on Christian living by D.J. Braman go to

The Power Of Forgiveness

Empty Hands Mean A Full Heart

Do you have  pent up bitterness or anger toward a family member?  Do you bring up a hurt from the past every time you and your spouse have an argument.  Do you have a hatred for people because they are different than you?  If you answered yes to any one of these questions then this message is for you. People say they have the love of Jesus in them but lets see if you can pass the 90/10 test.  If you fail this test you will lose all your battles!  If you pass it heaven's door will open up to you.

The greatest power in the universe is the power of forgiveness.  There could not be salvation or healing without it.  No Holy Spirit power could be ours without it.  Jesus hung on the cross and said, Father forgive them.  Three world's were affected by these words; a dispensation of grace opened up because of one word, FORGIVE.  Healing and forgiveness are tied together. 

James 5:15 says, "forget no all his benefits from the one who heals."  Many people cannot get healed because of unforgiveness in their heart.  Bondages are broken in the presence of forgiveness.  The same power that was released at Calvary is released in us with forgiveness.  He will forgive anyone who calls upon His name and asks for forgiveness.  

Look at Psalm 86: 5.  The two angels on the mercy seat were guarding the ark at Jesus' tomb.  The ark angels were standing.  But the angels over that makeshift concrete slab, where Jesus lay and was the last and final sacrifice to be laid on the mercy seat, were seated.  This is so because the work for redemption had been finished through the act of forgiveness. 

Forgiveness changes everything, and it changed our eternal destiny.  It will do the same for you too.  We are to forgive others.  But, you say, you just don't know what they did to me.  I don't care.  Imagine having forgiveness in your heart and speaking it while someone is murdering you. And that you were blameless for any wrong doing.  

You see as Jesus hung on the cross forgiveness was essential in order for him to be raised up.  He had to forgive the ones who had killed him.  So, if someone has killed your spirit, forgiveness is still a must in order to be regenerated and lifted up into the spiritual life.

Jesus became sin.  If there had been no forgiveness there would be no salvation.  So as they were killing Him, he said, "Father, forgive them, for they no not what they are doing."  Jesus showed us the Father's mercy and grace.  Do you want blessings in your life?  Then you'll have to love your enemies.  Those that persecute you, that lie on you and that hurt you.  Don't you ever let your happiness be in somebody else's head.  Forgiveness is not for the benefit of the one you are forgiving but it is for the benefit of you maintaining a pure heart with mercy and grace before you can walk in the love Jesus wants us to demonstrate toward each other.

Look at Matthew 6:12, it says, "If you forgive not, the Father cannot forgive you."  You're locked out of the blessings.  It locks you out when you don't ask for forgiveness and when you refuse to forgive.  Unforgiveness will eat you up and spite don't even make sense.  A bull dog can whip a skunk, but what does it prove other than that you both stink in the heart.  They both have stopped blessings from flowing.  It causes health problems, ulcers, heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure.

The greatest part about forgiveness is that the devil fears it. He has no hold on your heart when you step out and forgive.  I loved the scene in Shindler's List, when he tells the prison camp guard, real power is when you are in the position to pardon and give it freely.  That truth saved a Jew's life that day.

There will be times when you'll have to give forgiveness when you don't want to.  When a bad person suffers and dies we say, oh they deserved it.  When we see a saint suffer and die, that's hard for us to accept.  But there are things God don't reveal to us in these matters because they are secret things God keeps to himself so we can love by faith even when we don't understand it.  Those things we don't understand God always works to our benefit.

The spirit of prophecy came from that kind of trust and unquestionable faith.  If you can imagine holding a bird in one hand and he can't get loose from your grip, and then imagine a bird in your other hand and you freely release him.  We do this same thing with our acts of forgiveness and unforgiveness.  So the state of your heart affects the spirit of others.  When we are able to free others it will come back to you if it's God's will.  

If you hold on to things Christ wants you to let go of it will eat your life up.  He puts the good and the bad together so He can bless you.  So what are the blessings God wants to give us.  They are in Duet. 28. God tells us that we will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  Blessed when you come and blessed when you go.  You see, God's eyes are running to and fro looking to see a perfect heart that is set upon him and reflecting Him in us.

Look at the people who have broke your heart today; a woman, a spouse, a child or someone in your church.    You've asked God, why?  God says you'll just have to trust me.  I've got a plan and I can fix it.  It may not be the way you would work it out.  Some things we have to leave with God.  But when he sets forth a spiritual principle for us to walk in, it may not always make sense to our natural mind, like the forgiveness principle or the tithe and giving principle but when we apply things change in our circumstance.

I wish I could tell you that you would never get hurt.  Hurt is reality, but bitterness is a reaction.  We have a chose in what reaction we are going to do.  Forgiveness is a foundational principle that Jesus demonstrated on the cross for us, so don't blame the devil for your bitter heart.  Bitterness is an internal characteristic and is shown in how you react to your circumstances.

Now, lets look at the 90/10 principle. This principle was explained by Steven Covey, a professor of religion.  He said, "10% of life is made up of what happens in your life.  The other 90% is how you decide to react.  We have no control over the 10% but you determine the other 90% by your reaction."

Your wife knocks over your coffee on your business papers.  How do you react?  Do you yell?  Do you criticize, accusing her of setting the coffee cup to close to the edge of the table?  Now  a series of things begin to take form.  You can't finish breakfast.  You rush to the car, you're late and so you speed.  You get a ticket and you get to work and you realize you forgot your briefcase.  When you arrive home you've got a wedge between your wife.  What caused it; your wife, the policeman, or the coffee?  The truth is none of the above caused it.  It was your reaction that set off multiple events.

Let's look at another scenario of the spilled coffee.  You say it's okay honey!  You pick up your brief case, kiss your wife goodbye, have a pleasant drive to work, and have a great meeting at work.  When you get home you have a happy wife.  Very few people know and apply this principle.

Everyone who comes into your bitterness will feed out of you and be bitter also.  Jesus forgave even before they asked his forgiveness at Calvary.  He canceled the debt and that takes Satan out of your situation.  Forgiveness is not a one time thing.  It's essential to your work with God, and it will be tested over and over again.  If you pass the test, you get the treasures of heaven.

You can order the cd on this teaching by requesting it at: or to see more sermons from Pastor Jerry Nelson at Westmoreland PHC in Wilson go to:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Taking Back What The Devil Stole From You

Protect The Seed Of God's Word In You

All of us have lost things, opportunities, money, relationships, family members that have walked away from God. But God can restore all of these things back. He brings recovery to us through 5 principles that I'm going to lay out for you.
King David understood these principles. They are not hard but most people simply don't do them. They changed the outcome for David, and they will you too. In Samuel 30 is a story of miraculous recovery and restoration.
As a young man David knew both victories and struggles. He grew up as one of the eight sons of Jesse. When God withdrew His favor from Saul, King of Israel, the prophet Samuel was sent by the Lord to seek a new King for His people. He went to Jesse's house, took the oil flask and anointed David (1 Samuel 16:12-13).
King Saul's days as a leader of the nation were numbered. But David, he went from victory to victory. Armed with only a sling shot. He stepped up on the plate with faith. Then the future King had to flee from the enemy. You get some anointing and see how the devil will come at you. In 1 Samuel 22 we see that David's band of followers were all in distress, in debt, and discontented with the situation. They wept and they cried. David's two wives had been taken captive. He was surrounded by trouble. It got so bad that his group even talked of stoning him.
But then an amazing restoration occurred. Joy returned and abundance and victory. This story in the bible is one of the most astounding transformations of any in history of restoration. I began to ponder about what it was that made the difference and the shift.
The following is what made the difference.
1. Encourage Yourself In The Lord In The Middle Of Your Trouble. (1 Samuel 30:6).
Praise is difficult to do when things are going wrong. We ask, Lord what are we going to do? Praise brings God into your situation, no matter how bad it is. "Thou art Holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3). You may feel like doing everything but praising, but the second you start lifting your praises to God, He walks into the midst of your mess. He dwells in the praises of His people! Praise not only brings God into your situation, but it also gives you access into the presence of God. (Psalm 100:4).
Isaiah 61:3 says, praise is a God-given garment that covers your life. That garment of praise covers your life of pain, hurt, worry, stress, confusion, and it brings you deliverance, protection, and preservation. Praise is a believers weapon, releasing God to fight your battles for you.
2. Find someone to come into agreement in prayer with you.
This is David's story throughout his life. Agreement is a spiritual principle: "Again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 18:19).
Agreement delivers God's people from temptation. (Matthew 26:21) It helps you make right decisions ( Acts 1:14), releases the power of God (Acts2:1-2), brings the miraculous (Acts3:1-7), takes away lack (Acts 4:31-33), breaks away the shackles (Acts 12:5-11), brings deliverance (Acts 16:25-26), gives boldness (Ephesians 6:18-20), opens doors (Colossians 4:2-3), and gives the Word of God free access (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2).
3. Act and move in faith.
We know that God moves and responds to our faith. "David inquired of the Lord, saying, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue, "for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all." (1 Samuel 30:8). When you act, God acts. David didn't sit around fuming and screaming. He didn't evens sit around confessing to the Lord. He released his faith by acting on what he was told to do.
God will not force you to step out in faith. The Bible even tells us that Jesus did not do great works in Nazarene because of the people's unbelief. Lack of faith literally stops the Lord's powers from flowing. Once we know what to do, we must do it!
4. Take your God-given Authority.
Attack the enemy! We are told, "David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day." (1 Samuel 30:17). Take your authority by commanding things to happen. Penetrate the camp. The passage in 1 Samuel 30 tells us that David and his followers not only attacked, but they kept fighting until the enemy was subdued and all was recovered (verse 19).
5. Seal your restoration in GIVING.
After all was taken back, it says in 1 Samuel 30:26, "That when David came to Ziglag, he sent of the spoil unto the elders of Judah, even to his friends, saying, Behold a present for you of the spoil of the enemies of the Lord." Giving was David's declaration of total recovery. It is a supernatural law that must be activated to bring continued blessings from God. There is no other way to see outpouring after outpouring from God. When Israel was delivered from Egypt, they gave an offering that would go toward building the Tabernacle. It sealed their recovery. That's why David planted seed; he knew it would protect his future.
If you need deliverance from anything, a strong hold from the devil, stress, financial problems, a discontent soul then putting these principles into practice will cause your faith to abound and victory will surely be yours. We are not an island, we need each other to come into agreement to pray for one another, to give to others in need, and God needs to hear our praises with a shout that stirs the angels in heaven. Power is when no one is looking and in your private chambers you get up from your troubles and you open your mouth HOLY, HOLY, HOLY and tell him how awesome he is and the earth will move for you. Well, Glory!

This teaching is a collection of biblical articles by Donna Braman

How The Devil Steals Your Seed

How The Devil Steals Your Seed

The Law Of Displacement 
Seed Cultivation

Now lets get in our garden and get rid of all the tares that have slipped in while we slept.  The result of our profession as we plant seed, and the acknowledgement of the truth of the scripture pertaining to us in Christ will cause the law of displacement to begin to take effect.  In other words, the seed of Christ roots out the seed of Satan.

Light is more powerful than darkness.  One simply turns on the light switch and displaces the darkness.  John 8:12 says, "I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  Just turn on the Word of Truth and the lie will go.  It is that simple.

This is why Christ said in Matthew 11:30, "for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."   If Jesus said this then we can expect it to be true.  If you are experiencing anything to the contrary, if it's becoming complex or overbearing to you, then we are walking in the realm of the "self life."

Jesus said he will give us rest when we lay our burdens down to him.  This is precisely what he was talking about, resting from your own self trying to fulfill what God wants for you in your own power. All things will manifest itself from His power within us.  Because when we don't use His power we fall away in unbelief.

Timothy 2:25-26 says, "In meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves."  They actually oppose themselves by what has been planted within them.  They can't overcome these obstacles, because these obstacles are actually within them.  "If peradventure will them repentance," changing of the mind, "to the acknowledging of the truth."

Repentance is the first step.  Changing your mind or saying I don't want to be that way anymore.  You have to acknowledge you have a problem and then that you have an answer to that problem and that is Truth.  When you begin to acknowledge the truth, manifestation comes.  You don't oppose yourself anymore.  The rest of the verse says, "and that they may recover themselves."  Did you hear that?  Recover themselves.  "Out of the snare of the devil."  You see, God already recovered you.  Now you must recover yourself, by renewing the way you think.  Blindness to this truth is the reason why people continually say, "Why hasn't God done this," or "How come God hasn't come to my rescue," and so on.  He has done it all, it's already completed, it's within you and you need to release it.

What we hear, see, and say comes back to us.  It will manifest.  It is planted within you and you will see it come out of you and echo back.  Through prayer and meditation we can sow the concepts of what we are in Christ into our inner man and start having victorious thinking.  Acknowledge that the old man is dead.  It is done, it is finished.

After a seed is planted, we must cultivate it, and care for it, or it will die.  If we don't we will have wasted our time in trying to grow that seed within us.  Cultivate, according to Webster means, 1. to prepare and use (soil, land) for growing crops. 2. to break up the surface soil around plants in order to destroy weeds, prevent crusting and preserve moisture. 3. to grow from seeds, bulbs, shoots. 4. to improve or develop by various techniques. 5.  to improve by care, training or study, refine and cultivate your mind. 6. to promote the development or growth , as he cultivated a social conscience. 7. to seek to develop a familiarity with; give one's attention to, pursue.

The word of God says to break up the fallow ground and to not sow among thorns.  Jeremiah 4:3 says, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, for it is time to seek the Lord, till he comes and rains righteousness upon you."

Cultivation is basically a two-fold process, the first being the preparation of the soil, and the second is caring for the seed sown.  In preparing the soil, which is our heart, there are several attitudes we must mix within us to fertilize and break up the fallow ground.  They are humility, sincerity, honesty, Godly sorrow and patience. 1Peter 5:5 and James 1:4.

This two fold process can be done by completely opening yourself up to God's spirit through surrender and fellowship with Him.  Be willing to observe the areas of your life that need changing, knowing they can be changed, and don't be intimidated about facing different areas of your life because you feel that if you try to overcome them that you will fail.  That's why we bury some areas of our lives, subconsciously, and we get into the realm called "denial."

Matthew 10:39 says, "He that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.  If we continue to hold on, through our pride some old ways, instead of coming to a place of repentance (knowing that God will give us the power to change) we will never change the things that we desire to change.  We can give ourselves a momentary fix, but unless we uproot them through humility and mind renewal we will eventually be given back over to the root.

There is one thing I must add here, and that is that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman.  He will never expose your frailties in a condemning way, but gently, one at a time with great love and mercy.  Satan, on the other hand, will condemn, bombard and intrude upon you with the problem that you have.  He will do that to get you to close up so change can not occur.  His goal is to make you defend yourself and if you are defending then you are not surrendering.

God wants us to have dominion and to prosper.  He doesn't want us in ill health, negative and in need.  It is just common sense to know that evil is not God's will for His children. Genesis 1:28.  In our hearts we know that it is not God's will for us to live that kind of life.  Yet somehow people have bought the concept of suffering, poverty, depression, confusion as being part of God's plan.  It is no wonder why the scripture says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge," Hosea 4:6.  It is this very thinking that has caused people to accept the seed of the serpent.  Then he has you in the bondage of fear and guilt.  That's why people fear or run from churches, they are teaching and approaching people in bondage the wrong way.

This article is a collection of teachings by Donna Braman

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Churches Blow The Trumpet Of Zion

He Will Come In The Twinkling Of An Eye

Blow The Trumpets Of Zion
No More National Prayer Day! The Churches in Wilson are praying.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the Shunamites, the Hitites and all those it-ites from the bible? Well, they were scattered across the four corners of the world because of disobedience. But God is gathering them once more to the land of Canaan, (Israel) that was deeded to Abraham by God Almighty. All of the land that was promised to Abraham has never been controlled by the Jews.
The enemy wants to take even what King David purchased, Jerusalem. All of Canaan in today's Israel would include Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and parts of Iraq. It's been a long time to see this end. God will not forget his promise to the Jewish people. His anger doesn't last forever and he is a God that can not lie. People we are about to see the promise come about right before our very eyes. Don't you put your eyes on what is going on in the world, but keep your eye on Israel. God will move on his people. The Holy Spirit is moving on the body of Christ. Through the blood of Christ we are the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I've had the earth quake in Haiti and Chili, and the Volcano eruption in Iceland (that is expected to dump ash on four nations) on my mind today and I have prayed for revelation of what in the world is happening. Nation against Nation, nations falling economically, corrupt governments, the enemy gathering around Israel, immoral living and thinking its normal. We need to kick the world out of the church and return to our blood covenant. I pray that our churches here in Wilson will sound the alarm, for the earth's labor pains are getting closer and closer together. Soon and very soon we will hear a trumpet blow and a loud shout.
More and more of our sister churches are returning to preaching the gospel and more are having intercessor prayers for Israel, our nation and our communities. We prayed fervently last Friday night at our church and cried out for revelation and for our nation to come back to righteous living. Let our hearts turn back to God. Our Pastor, Jerry Nelson cried a heart breaking cry for Christ's church body. The darkness in this world surrounds us, and we need more than ever to come together in one spirit and pray for anointing, and empowerment to finish Christ's work. The church is changing before our very eyes. We have discernment more than ever. I'm seeing a falling away of the tares and a return from people God is calling back to the church.

I was meditating today on what Jesus said about John the Baptist. He said, "I tell you that Elijah has already come." John prepared the way for Christ. Where are our preachers today that's ordained to prepare the way for the second coming? That Elijah spirit is heavy on us. It's not about shouting and receiving our blessings. It's about us teachers and ministers preparing the way for the great meeting in the air when he will snatch us up in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus' prophecy of the end time is at your door. He's standing outside his church knocking to come in.

Pray today for our churches to unit in the spirit of Elijah.
 I see the clouds, the latter rains are coming with power from on high to the church. Let our hearts become overwhelmed for Jesus who redeemed us. Let us build an altar and lay our worldly mess on it. It's dark, as dark as pitch black, people can not see the light. Pray for righteousness and coming back into covenant so our flames will be bright enough for the lost world to see. Pray for a fresh anointing and strengthening to finish the race. We're almost home church, don't grow weary of nay sayers, persecutions, and sin among us, but let our love for Him overwhelm us so we run our last mile home.

In the Jewish wedding, the groomsmen blow the trumpet and run through the streets with the sound of the trumpet and with shouts, "the groom is coming, wake up, the groom is almost at your door, get the bride adorned. Let us get faithful again, let us stay fresh with fine linen and precious jewels, with our oil lamps full. The Groom is coming for that unblemished bride. The earth is groaning for the hour has come to fulfill His promise to Israel and the return of the Son for his bride.
Volcano from Iceland is expected to cover five nations; UK, Germany, Russia, Sweden, France with heavy ash at 20 to 80 miles per hour.  One million people are stranded at airports in UK today and a food shortage is expected in several of these countries.  See more photos at

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blessings to God's children

Jesus Came To Give Us Life More Abundantly
What are the blessings from the Lord to His children when we love Him with all our heart, mind and soul? They are so numerous I can't count them all in a single article, but here are a few important ones.
Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6.
Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see, how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8.
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. Jeremiah 17:7.
See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse, the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. Deut. 11:26-27.
Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it. 1Peter 3:9.
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble. Psalm 41:1.
The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delights is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:1-2.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all you iniquity, who heals all your diseases.

May the Lord bless you all and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Seed principle, the incorruptible verses the corruptible

Multiplying Our Seed Is All About Choosing The Seed and Soil


There are two dimensions of the seed principle and they are spiritual and physical.The seed and harvest laws are shadows of the natural laws that govern all spiritual principles. Today through Seed Principle you are going to become free and learn how to apply seed principle to your physical and spiritual lives.
The physical world is a result of the spiritual. In Hebrews 11:3, God spoke the universe into existence. The things which appear were created from things which do not appear. The tangible is a manifestation of the intangible. The things we see in the physical world were made from things we cannot see in the spiritual world.
To understand the spiritual seed principle, you must understand the physical seed principle. Studying the seed principle in the physical realm helps to understand the spiritual dimension. This is why Jesus uses an illustration of sowing seed in the physical realm to clarify the concept of seed in the spiritual realm. Mark 4:14, “The sower soweth the word.”
The parable of the sower is the parable that gives discernment and understanding to all parables, to all truth and the foundation of the earth. It gives understanding and truth to the foundation of the old bible (physical) to spiritual foundation of the New Testament. Jesus uses the physical seed to illustrate faith being implanted in the heart and growing.
The Kingdom of God is also illustrated by the seed principle. Mark 4:30-33, It is like a grain of mustard seed, and when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds in the earth but becomes the biggest tree with the largest branches and birds build their nests in it. And with many such parables, Jesus spoke the word into us, as we were able to hear it. Jesus spoke in parables for a reason. Jesus was saying, unless you have my seed in your spirit you cannot understand the planted word from heaven.
The parables of Jesus by-passes the conscious mind into the spirit in order to by-pass the seed of the serpent planted in the mind through imaginations and suggestions. We’re going to unlock the power of the seed principle today so you can begin to plant abundance in your life and stomp out the seed of Satan. If you want to build a Christian life that reflects holiness and righteousness, or build a ministry or sow seed in your children, in your business and begin to see a harvest then this is the lesson for you.
The Seed Of God : When God spoke his thoughts the universe was formed. When you came into being, you started from a single cell and grew into what you are today. John 1:1-2 says, “In the beginning was the word and the word was God and Jesus was the word became flesh. Only God’s word can be transformed into physical matter or become life in the spiritman.” John6:63 says, “It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, the word that I speak into you are spirit and life. So all incorruptible seed manifests from God.
The Seed Of The Serpent: John 8:44 says, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do and when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own seed, for he is a liar, and the father of lies.”
God’s word or seed is full of truth, life and blessing and will set us free. Satan’s word by contrast is a lie and has a curse in it and will put us in bondage and leads to death. Ezekiel 28:13, says, “thou has been in Eden the garden of God…” He devised a plan to invade man’s domain and through deception upsurge man’s God-given dominion and authority over the earth. See Genesis 1:28
Satan was the first corruptible seed and he sowed that seed into man. He first gained entrance into the mind of Eve to plant his corruptible seed by getting Eve to question God’s word. Then, when the seed of his lie was conceived in her mind she acted according to the seed sown within her and disobeyed God. Genesis 3;1-6, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, “yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”
Listen very carefully here, God never said “Don’t touch it,” he just said, “Don’t eat it.” Genesis 2:17, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Right away the devil realized that Eve did not know the Word that God had given to Adam to give to her. Now this made her all the more susceptible to deception of course, because she didn’t know what the rules were. She didn’t know her rights. She didn’t know her authority. She didn’t know what God really had said. And she didn’t know what her authority and dominion was.
So first of all, we have to know the word if we’re ever to overcome the seed of Satan. Now when Satan tempted Jesus it was a different matter, Jesus quoted the word to him and he overcame that temptation for Satan could not plant the seed of the lie in Jesus. He shows us here that we have to know what God says in order to stand firm on a solid foundation of truth, it is what sets you free from the serpent’s seed.
Now Satan further tempted Eve in the progressive stages of deception. The lust of the eye, the desire to be wise in one’s own eyes, pride. Satan always deceives in stages. It is always mingled with truth to confuse. The best kind of lie is one that is 90% truth and 10% lie. It’s still an entire lie, because of that 10% which can put you into bondage.
Satan directly contradicted God’s command of Genesis 2:17, by twisting God’s wordinto a lie! Satan knows just enough of the word to twist it, but he has no discernment. There lies the truth in discerning spirits. So now that we’ve defined the two seeds lets look at what manifested from the two kinds of seeds.
In Genesis, Chapter 3, we find the first reference by God of two contrasting kinds of seeds. The serpent’s seed (corruptible) which is referring to Satan’s lie, and the seed of the woman, which is a prophetic reference to Christ.
God is judging the serpent, or Satan. Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” So, the seed of the serpent (Corruptible) and the seed of Christ (incorruptible) are staged by God for a showdown. In this verse you can clearly see how the seed of Christ got changed into the personal pronoun “He” will bruise your head. It was God prophetic announcement that he would send his son, Jesus Christ to destroy the works of Satan and his seed.
Now you can understand why David dragged the head of Goliath (a seed of the serpent) 16 miles to Golgotha Hill, because when Jesus’ blood dripped on that evil ground sin and death lost and a new seed had begun. Remember all seeds must die before they can regenerate into a new seed and yield a harvest. So when we die to him Satan’s seed dies with the old man, and all things become new in Him.
In Luke 1:38 it says, “And Mary said, behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to THY WORD. And the angel departed from her.”
God gave woman the privilege of being the vessel through whom all mankind would receive deliverance from the power of death and avenge her of Satan’s deception. The bruised head is symbolic of a death blow and also symbolic of that place from which thought originates. This means God’s word, His truth, His sword, would come against the seed of the serpent or the lie of the wicked one. So you see here an example of how the physical from the old bible became manifest into the spiritual by King David, the sceptor of Christ’s throne.
The serpent’s seed has been sown and multiplied in the earth to produce many lies, moving man into a place of darkness, death, and destruction. But of course, Jesus came to reverse this and we live with hope and faith.
In 1 Peter 1:23 the Apostle Peter also makes a reference to two contrasting seeds, by saying “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but in incorruptible seed, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” Peter makes it emphatically clear that there are two contrasting seeds and could only be referring to the seed of the serpent when referring to corruptible seed and God’s word when referring to incorruptible.
In the parable of the sower (Mark Chapter 4), Jesus began to teach the disciples the key to all parables or all revelation knowledge. But you have to have the seed of Christ in you to discern truth by His Holy Spirit. The deciples asked him what it meant. He said, “Unto you is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God,” verse 11. Jesus is saying this parable is the mystery of the Kingdom of God. Then in verse 13 he says, “Know ye not this parable? How then will ye know all parables?” This statement implies very strongly the fact that this parable is the central theme to grasping all truth, and when applied will produce abundant living.
Again, I emphasize, when APPLIED, not just knowing but doing the parable of the sower. The word of God is the seed, verse 14, “The sower soweth the Word.” When the word is sown and internalized into the heart of the believer, it will bear fruit after its own kind, verse 20, “And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty fold, some sixty, and a hundred fold.”
This is why Satan tries to steal the Word out of your mind, verse 15, “And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. “He does not want to see God’s people blessed or prosper. He does not want to see them walking in health, he does not want to see them filled with joy, because then God is glorified and more people come into the kingdom as a result of their testimony. Read also Luke 17 starting with verse 5.
So in other words, faith begins as a seed in one’s spirit. We have to sow the seed of the word of God into the human spirit and it will breed faith after its kind of seed that was sown. If it’s a word of faith, or a seed of faith, concerning healing or renewing the mind it will give healing and mind renewal. It gives birth to what ever it is sown for. If it is a word sown to the lost then the seed of Salvation will be sown and the fruit of soul winning will result.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God,” Romans 10:17. For instance tonight your faith will be stronger in the seed and harvest principle because you will see the truth of it in hearing God’s word concerning it.
Notice that Jesus did not say that your faith must be as the size of a grain of mustard seed in Luke 17:6, but was implying it must start as a grain of mustard seed. Take a look at the ramifications of a seed, the whole seed concept, how it’s implanted, how it must be watered in fertile soil, and how it must be nurtured. In other words the misconception has been a little faith goes a long way, but the emphasis is not on size but on the faith-growth process.
The more you are fed the word and apply it to your life the bigger your mustard seed gets. It does not mean that you can walk the righteous life, dodge the devil and grow spiritually if your faith remains as small as the mustard seed, because the devil will come along and snatch what little faith you’ve got if you don’t keep feeding your spirit and mind with the word.
So faith is developed in the human spirit as a result of the sowing of the engrafted or implanted word into it, James 1:21, says, “Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.”
When you see Christians that are not growing it is because of lack of the feeding on the word. Now some people come to church to socialize, to be somebody, to hear the singing and feel good for an hour. But continued teaching on all levels that different members in the body are in need of is imperative for spiritual growth. So I pray that all of you will come and hear the bible teaching on Tuesdays by Larry. If you’re not coming to hear the word and seeking his truth and instructions then your motives for church needs an overhaul and you can be sure that seeds that you are allowing to be sown in you are not of Christ.
The seed of the serpent sown into one’s being will produce the opposite affects, doubt, fear, confusion, sickness, disease, and poverty. It will also produce bad character, jealousy, envy, and strife. Galations 5:19-21, says, “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleaness(of the mouth and negative thoughts from the heart) lasciviousness, idolatry (one foot in the world and one foot in the church) witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, seditions, heresies, envying, murders,(giving death to others with the tongue) drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past, that they that do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. These are the seeds of the devil who is your father which you emulate.
The seed of God’s word, on the other hand, will produce the fruit of the spirit.Galations 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” God’s seed will produce all of the good, whereas the seed of the serpent will produce all of the bad. This is further confirmed by Galations, Chaper 6:7-9, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Notice verses 7 and 8 clearing shows the sowing and reaping process. The corruptible is sown to the flesh and the incorruptible is sown to the spirit.
In John 8:44 Jesus says, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.”
In other words, you are going to live out the programming of the seed that is born within you either from you bloodline or your environment. If one is your father, then you are born of his seed and have his attributes, that is exactly what Jesus was implying here, that they were born of the seed of the serpent (Satan) or the thought or mind of the enemy was sown into them and would bear corruptible fruit or deeds.

Regeneration becomes a by-product as your divine nature develops through the renewing of the mind through the word and the blood of Christ. Which attributes of the father is in you? We can change our genetics through the blood of Christ. This is clear in the seed principle. Titus 3 calls it a new gene in Christ. The word genesis means new creation, new bloodline.