Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Military Strike on Iran imminent by US-Israeli forces within days

US and Israel Amassing war ships around Iran
   Iranian war preparations   US-Israel                       
Instead of Wilson Christians planning B-B-Ques this 4th of July weekend, prayer for our nation and Israel needs to be at the forefront. The very thing we have dreaded is upon us.  God protect the US and Israel and may all the voices of Christians in every church in Wilson pray. 
Iran's land forces are on ready to retaliate.
In a rare move, Iran has declared a state of war on its northwestern border, debkafile's military and Iranian sources report. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps men and equipment units are being massed in the Caspian Sea region against what Tehran claims are US and Israeli forces concentrated on army and air bases in Azerbaijan ready to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.

The announcement came on Tuesday, June 22 from Brig.-Gen Mehdi Moini of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), commander of the forces tasked with "repelling" this American-Israeli offensive. He said: "The mobilization is due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border," adding, "Reinforcements are being dispatched to West Azerbaijan Province because some western countries are fueling ethnic conflicts to destabilize the situation in the region."

In the past, Iranian officials have spoken of US and Israel attacks in general terms. This is the first time that a specific location was mentioned and large reinforcements dispatched to give the threat substance.
Other Iranian sources report that in the last few days, Israel has secretly transferred a large number of bomber jets to bases in Azerbaijan, via Georgia, and that American special forces are also concentrated in Azerbaijan in preparation for a strike.

No comment has come from Azerbaijan about any of these reports. Iranian Azerbaijan, the destination of the Revolutionary Guards forces reinforcements, borders on Turkey, Iraq and Armenia. Witnesses say long IRGC convoys of tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft units and infantry are seen heading up the main highways to Azerbaijan and then further north to the Caspian Sea.

On Tuesday, June 22, Dr. Uzi Arad, head of Israel's National Security Council and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's closest adviser, said "The latest round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran is inadequate for thwarting its nuclear progress. A preemptive military strike might eventually be necessary."

Developments that have set off Iran's war alert:
1.  A certain (limited) reinforcement of American and Israeli forces has taken place in Azerbaijan. Neither Washington nor Jerusalem has ever acknowledged a military presence in this country that borders on Iran, but Western intelligence sources say that both keep a wary eye on the goings-on inside Iran from electronic surveillance bases in that country.

2.  Iran feels moved to respond to certain US steps: The arrival of the USS Harry S. Truman Strike Group in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea and its war games with France and Israel, which included live-fire bombing practices against targets in Iran.

3.   The execution of Abdolmalek Rigi, head of the Sunni Baluchi rebel organization (including the Iranian Baluchis), on June 20 was intended as a deterrent for Iran's other minorities. Instead, they are more restive than ever. Several Azeri breakaway movements operate in Iranian Azerbaijan in combination with their brethren across the border. Tehran decided a substantial buildup in the province would serve as a timely measure against possible upheavals.

USS Nassau: More US naval-air-marine
Debkafile's military sources report that Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel.

The USS Nassau (LHA-4) Amphibious Ready Group 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, tasked with supporting the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet area of operations, is cruising around the Bab al-Mandeb Straits where the Gulf of Aden flows into the Red Sea. Its presence there accounts for Tehran announcing Sunday, June 27 that its "aid ship for Gaza" had been called off, for fear an American military boarding party would intercept the vessel and search it.  This would be permissible under the latest UN sanctions punishing the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program.

The third US carrier group to reach waters around Iran consists of three vessels:
1. The USS Nassau Amphibious Assault ship is not just an enormous landing craft for the 3,000 Marines aboard; its decks carry 6 vertical take-off AV-HB Harrier attack plans; four AH-1W Super Cobra, twelve CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters, as well choppers convertible to fast V-22 Osprey airplanes capable of landing in any conditions.

This vast warship has 1,400 cabinets for sleeping the entire Marine-24th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard.
2.  The amphibious transport dock ship USS Mesa Verde which carries 800 Marines equipped for instantaneous landing.

3.  The amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland which carries 400 Marines and 102 commandos trained for special operations behind enemy lines.

These new arrivals are a massive injection of naval, air and marine muscle to the strength Washington has deployed in the Persian Gulf-Red Sea-Indian Ocean arena in recent months. The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group consisting of twelve warships is cruising in the Arabian Sea opposite Chah Bahar, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards biggest naval base not far from the Iranian-Pakistan border. It is there that most of Iran's special commando units are housed.

Also posted in the Arabian Sea, further to the west, is the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike Group.

According to World News Today, the Prime Minister of Israel and his military heads will be meeting with President Obama and his military heads next week at the White House. Contrary to the nature of the Israeli leader's two previous meetings with US President Barack Obama, this time the meeting will be public.

According to a report by Debkafile, the Israeli Ambassador to US, Michael Oren said Netanyahu would also meet with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, but will not be seeing Secretary of State Hiliary Clinton, who will still be on trip to Europe. Orren, US Ambassador said the US administration's approach had changed since Obama took office, with a policy of change.  It's not headed the direction of abandonment, it's a shift and our job is to figure where that shift is going and how to adapt. 

Is The Church Ready For His Return

What's Really Going On In The House of the Lord

A lot of people are in fear of losing their soul even though they sit up in the church because they know they have forgotten to get things in order. We've got to get sight of his return. He is knocking at the door. What condition are we in, do we fear his return or are we glad and looking for him?

Jesus is speaking to his church.  Whether you believe it or not, even people doing good will not make it to heaven.  Jesus wants to come in and have an intimate relationship with us.  He is saying, I am knocking. I am trying to come in.

You've shut him out if you're no longer in an intimate relationship. We've been too preoccupied with the things of this world. I'm not talking about people who are lost, but the Christians who attend church regularly. Church goers that don't give Jesus first place. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

This is not a suggestion from Jesus, but a command.  If you want him to take care of your needs get your mind on things above and not on things of this world.  Make up your mind that Jesus is going to be first.

I Corinthians 6:20 says, "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."  Paul says the same thing in 1 Corinthians 7:23.  So Christians today will be afraid to see Jesus  while others will be ready and glad of his coming.

Christians don't like challenges like this.  They say I have a chose to get involved with Christ.
Some will show up at church, but remember you were bought with a price and you sure expect Jesus to show up when you're in a crisis.

Jesus said, my church is not ready, they will not obey the call upon them.  Let me ask you this today, how do you prioritize your time?  As a Christian you are supposed to come into his presence on the Sabbath and come together in fellowship with one another. Is He Lord of your life?

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "Let us consider one another and stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much more as you see the DAY approaching."

We've had a falling away and preachers need to preach this message. Its a terrible fear to fall into the hands of the living God if you are not living right. I want you to know that I'm telling you the Word of God today!  You see, the people only want a Sunday service.  We are in the Laodicean age, and we've been deceived and seduced by a spirit to draw us out of Christ's will. Hebrews 10:26-39.

Some people have an opinion but I have the word on it!  People come up to you in the church and say all manner of things that are not biblical.  One woman said the Lord told her to leave her husband. So watch out for those self prophecies that are self motivated and have no biblical basis to them.

God said not to forsake coming into the House of the Lord. Psalms 134:2 Some people say, you don't have to be in church to be a Christian! Well, the bible says something else; that if you're not then you are forsaking his house. He says for us to come into his house and bless His Holy Name. He commands us to pray for one another, yet you see hardly any churches that have altar services much less a night of intercessory prayer every week.  You can miss your miracle because you weren't where you should of been.

We're in the last days and Jesus doesn't leave us wondering what will happen, he tells us plainly what the world will be like in the ends days. Luke 17:27-30. Our society endorses carrying on in worldly matters and endorses it, but God calls it abomination.

Jesus said I have come to preach recovery, and no demon in hell can stop this, and know that the blood will deliver you.  Jesus said that right before the judgment falls, they were marrying and building and drinking and being merry.  He didn't say anything about them committing sin, but a people that didn't put him first. The church is full of this type of people.

Jesus is trying to tell us something about our eternal destiny.  Don't put importance on the flesh life but on the spirit life. Don't be like the people in Noah's day that didn't want to hear preaching of the word. Many of us live like this today, and we are living in the prophetic day. No longer do we search the scripture to find out what will come but we search the scripture and see that that it is here. People are so wrapped up in their self that they have no time to listen to a challenging message that can make a difference.

I don't want to see Christians miss the mark.  They neglect prayer, reading the bible and worship, but they don't see this as sin.  Jesus said, they have forgotten me for many days.  There are two types of righteousness. There are those who have righteousness unto Him, and there's personal righteousness, the pure in heart that will see Jesus.

We preach a soft gospel and it will take you where you don't want to go. We've all been saved (if you've accepted him as your savior and repented) but Jesus said, if you keep my commandments you will be righteous.

Why didn't the Lord talk about abortion, drugs and the overcrowded jails? Because the sin that comes from the same acts in Noah's day will come again. We're in it now. Jesus is calling his church to a place of intimacy.

I've seen people come to church and little by little give up church.  Jesus will never take second place whatever your excuse. Christ is the head of his church, preimminent, meaning first place. I'm not talking here, Jesus is.

Luke 14:17-21 says, "Come, for all things are now ready." But the people made excuses, one had to go buy land, one said, I have to test my oxen (new car), and yet another said, I'm busy with family matters. Is this the report the Master is getting on you? The Master in this scripture is angry.  Does Jesus get angry? Yes he does, he took a whip into the temple when they violated the House of the Lord.

Jesus wants his house filled. He said, For I say unto you, come into my house with thanksgiving and praise. He has invited us to come together in his house and be filled.  He says, take up your cross and follow me, but you want to go your own way. The people that made excuses in this scripture in Luke weren't committing a sin either, but they displeased the Lord. You see, the world, if you follow it will slip you a Mickey Finn if you don't stay in the word, in church and in relationship with the Lord.

America has forgotten who prospered us, who made us strong, yet we refuse to honor the Sabbath. We've removed the blue laws and its business as usual on the Lord's holy day. We've lost honor for the day our Lord commanded us to be holy before him. We need to get back to the basics of Christianity, a return to our first love and a return to covenant.

What was the sin in this scripture? The family matters, taking the oxen out, or work? It was that they didn't honor the command to keep the Sabbath, the eternal command that God established upon his creation.  Pastors see these things that take people away from church, and see a laziness that come over people and habits that are formed that slowly takes them away from the Lord's House.

If this doesn't break the heart of every Pastor, then God help us. Your Pastor is the caretaker of your soul and he's supposed to be concerned about your relationship with the Lord. He should worry about whether you will taste of the Lord's Supper. He should be concerned about the matters of your heart. If he doesn't then the Lord will look upon him with eyes of fire and say, "I never knew you."

If you have ears, hear the word.  If you have eyes, see with a spiritual eye.  I want you to look at the scripture in Revelation 3:19-22 and see again what it says, "To him that overcometh the world, I will grant you to sit with me in my throne and I will write my name in your forehead, and Satan will bow at your feet. Hear what the spirit is saying to the 7 churches."

Most of the scripture here came straight from the mouth of Jesus! Hear what he has to say to you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The prophetic word God speaks over you

The Prophetic Test

Westmoreland PHC continues this week in the Robert Morris series From Dreams to Destiny. Wednesday night's class was on The Prophet Test God puts all of us through before reaching our destiny.

Pastor Nelson gave us a story about a prophetic word that was spoken to him in 1986 he said, "the Lord told him that he would satisfy him with long life  Ever since then the devil has done everything he could think of to steal God's promise over my life. You'll have to hold on to your prophetic word until you get through the test."

In continuing the 10 tests God puts before us to build our character, you will see how we have to pass these tests to reach our destiny.  World's are framed by the word of God, so everything that God created was by speaking.  God brings things to pass for you through speaking. John 1:3.

Joseph had a prophetic message from God, but he still had to pass these tests too.  If he had relented to Potipher's wife's advances he would have never reached his destiny. He had to hold on to that promise as a dream interpreter and a ruler in the face of circumstances that looked like this would never come to fruition.

The word in John 1:3 is speaking of God's word that creates.  Now if you get a prophetic word that does not match up with God's word, then don't believe it.  We are in a time when there are many people who say they have prophecy but we hear a lot that just doesn't go along with the word. Like what day Jesus is coming back. That is not biblical because Jesus tells us that no man knows the day or hour.

God has a plan for you just like he did Joseph.  When the word is released, a prophetic word, God has already spoken it over your life.  The prophetic word is to make the dream a reality. It's more of a confirmation of what is already in your spirit.  The prophetic word will not come to life without obedience to the word.

It looked impossible that Joseph's dream was going to happen when he was sent to prison. So those words were tested. Would he believe God's word over him or circumstances that confirm hopelessness? Joseph never lost hope or quit believing in his dream because we can see that by his attitude and helping others in prison and giving hope by interpreting dreams of others.

In Psalm 105:17-19 we see that, "The word of the Lord tried him."  Until the prophetic word comes to reality God will test you with his word.  It's when the circumstances suddenly don't line up with the prophecy over you that you're in your test.

Your prophetic word comes to you by way of a dream or in God's word through the Holy Spirit.  The bible is the word that must be measured by all other words that is coming before you in the world.  All prophecy should be measured by the word.

God spoke through a dream to Joseph concerning his destiny.  When you were born God spoke a word over you.  It is up to us to find that word and destiny through our relationship with God and from his word.

Preachers that say God doesn't speak anymore will still say, I was called to preach.  Then they need to tell us who called them!  If you want to know God's voice then you'll have to spend time in his presence and in his word.  The bible says not to despise prophecy, but prophetic words are only a part of knowing your destiny.

No one has the full loaf of bread to begin with, but only a piece, but if you'll put your piece with other pieces you'll come up with a loaf.  We have a tendency to pick and choose prophetic words of those we like only.  So if you hear two preachers prophecy and one says, it's going to be a dark year, and the other says well, I got a word from God that it's going to be a light for the people this year.  They may both be right because when put together it may just mean like it was in Egypt when darkness covered the land there was light in Goshen.

So how are prophetic words judged? Deuteronomy 13:1-3 says, "If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other gods', which you have not known, 'and let us serve them, "you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul."

Hold onto prophetic words for they are your confirmation words for you to step into the dream that is already in you. Look at 1 Thess 5:18-21 and 1Thess 1:18-20.  So not holding on to a word from God is blasphemy when you know you have clearly heard it.

No matter what anybody says to hurt your dream or does to stop your dream you hold on to that word that God has said over your life.  Sooner or later Christians are going to have to read the bible to get to the truth, you might as well start now.

These classes of the live tape series from Robert Morris will continue next Wednesday night at 7:00 at Westmoreland PHC, 2425 Nash Street, NW, Wilson, North Carolina, (252) 237-0636. Leading the introduction will be Pastor Jerry Nelson.  These classes are open to anyone who wishes to attend and are welcome to the singing prior to the classes.

To view other series articles go to:

Ordained To Be The Head; Who Is The Pastor Of Your Home?


Paul said, I'm going to preach the gospel as God has given it to me, and not just to please man. 1 Thess. 2:4. We are to live to please God and that includes how a man runs his home. You are entrusted to the word of God as the head of the home as Jesus is head of the church. Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 6:4, Heb. 10:25.

Look around, we have a nation that has been compromised.  But God has commands concerning the family. I see homes where the woman has taken on the role of head of the home.  Believe me, I know this kind of preaching is not popular. But God's word stands whether its in season or out of season by man. This just goes to show you how far off we are in having Godly homes.  I'm not giving you my opinion here, I'm giving you God's word on it. What we see in the natural as a real man is not what God's definition of a man as he sees him. 

God is the ruler of the family.  He's God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  He has eight compounded names that shows you how high he is over his creation.  He's Raphael, Redeemer, Jehovah, El Shadai, Savior, Lord, Elohim, King of Kings.  And of him 1 John 5:7 says, "This is He who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood.  And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. And there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." 
So Jesus tells us in the above scripture Ephesians 5:25 and Ephesians 6:4 how the man is to love his family as Christ loves the church. Wives are to be submissive unto their husbands and that fathers are not to provoke their children. He is trying to tell us how to have a happy, contented family full of blessings and right living.

The world does not determine the foundation of the family, that was already established upon God's creation in the Garden of Eden, and what he establishes does not come in and out of season as societies like to determine it. God did not establish this family unit and its principles for fun, but so that all would go well in the family.  His love for the family is not to be matched by anything else that is why our covenant with Christ is so closely linked to the marriage covenant.

If you will get in the word and get up under a preacher that knows the word and is obedient to preaching it, you will get some doctrine that will save your family. God is the one who chose to make the man the head of the home. It is not because he is favored over the woman but because he is the stronger of the two and God has put a great responsibility on him in that role. God holds him responsible for leading his family into the paths of righteousness.

Men evaluate themselves by how good of a provider he is; his income, how smart his children are, and what people say about him.  But how God sees him should be the most important, because God is never wrong. People judge your worth by measures that God does not.  You may be all these things but they're worthless without God.  You may be good but are you pleasing God or more concerned about self evaluations based on material emphasis and how the world views you?

I'm going to give you some scripture of how man sees himself and how God sees him that you won't soon forget.  He gives us this illustration in Revelation.  I'm going to show you how you can not compromise the scripture without consequences with God.

Revelation chapter 2 and 3, says, "These are the things that he has to say who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars." These are the churches and this is what he says. See if you find yourself somewhere in here. To the church of Ephesus (Rev. 2:5), "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil, and you have tested those who say they are apostles and have found them to be liars. You have persevered and not become weary."

Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love and have fallen from my works." How many of us are doing our own works these days and hardly even take the time to praise him anymore but chase after our own dreams.

To the church of Per'gamos he says, "He who has a the sharp two-edged sword, and I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is.  You hold fast to my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells." 

"But I have this against you, because you have there those who hold doctrine of Ba'laam, who taught Ba'lak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel."  Do we look the other way when we see sexual immorality among us and not correct it? Do we allow our children to run after idols of this world and pretend like that is okay and acceptable in our homes and in our churches?

To the church of Thy-a-ti'ra, "these things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass; I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience. and as for your works, the last are more than the first." 

"I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols."  How many of our churches are run by Jezebels who have hurt and caused people to leave the church because there's more sin in the church than in the world?

To the church of Sardis, "These things he says, I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead, but you have a few left that have not defiled their garments."

Have you ever been to a church where when you walk in you feel death is all around spiritually, and the preacher gets up and says a few rehearsed words and you are dismissed so quick that if a lost person was in there he left lost too? That's the kind of church where they need to build an altar and all of them repent.

To the church of Philadelphia, "He who is Holy, He who is true. He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.You who have little strength. I will make those of Satan come and worship at your feet, and to know that I have loved you. You have persevered and I will keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole earth to test those who dwell on the earth. Overcomers will take their crown and I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God and I will write my name on him."

I see the Christians that are of the church of Philadelphia, they are the ones who have no recognition in the church but are powerful prayer warriors, who open their mouths and declare the word of God over their situations and for others and see manifestation. They know who they are in the Lord and they know the word and use it to move mountains. They seek the Lord and inquire of him on everything, and they know their weakness and are made strong through His power.

To the church of La-o-di-ceans, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. You say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." 

The word has become dead to them, the heart is numb and they have no recollection of what the Lord did for them so long ago.  They don't read the word, nor do they want a preacher full of truth and spirit to shake them alive again. They are full of themselves and think they already know all truth, but discernment of the Spirit eludes them and they reject truth. They couldn't save a cat.

You see, you may be thinking that you are running your church and home in a good way, as you see it, but until you have the word in you on what a righteous church and home is your idea of good could be filthy rags to the Lord.

There is a cost to compromising the word.  But if you'll let God do it his way he will do some work on you.  There will be a change in your life, you'll be filled with the word, sanctified and blessed. He'll make you flush all the filth out of your home and life.  You'll press on to a high mark of the calling of God and you'll be a high priest in your home.  You'll be freed because the blood will set you free.

It's not how much tithe you pay, what your position in the church is, or how loud you shout or how pretty you pray, but are you the leader and Pastor of your home first? God has given all man's ears unto his voice to comfort the hungry, to pray for the sick, to give guidance to loved ones you see going astray.  This is what a pastor does in the church, are you doing that with your family?

Do you grieve when one stops coming to church? It's not an easy job to be a pastor.  Men, you should be the same in your home.  Your wife should be able to come to you with any need.  You need to have your family in church.  There is a real devil that is trying to destroy your home and your influence in your home.

Your walk with God should be affecting the US culture, not the other way around.  Husband's love your wives as Jesus loves the church and gave himself for it. If he loves it so should we. He will wash you with the word and sanctify you. It's like putting you in one of those old wringer washing machines and turning you about this way and that until the stains become white as snow. 

If men would take the words of Jesus more seriously and their responsibility as the head of the home as he has given them it would change the church and the nation.  We have to love the Lord to the core of our hearts, minds and souls.  David stripped down to a linen ephod and danced like a wild man before his Lord.

I'm gonna look old David up when I get to heaven on Praise Ave and Worship Lane. I'm gonna say, come on let me show you my dance.  Do you have a dance or song for him in your heart that is bursting out the seams? 2 Samuel  6:14 says, "they began to shout and dance before the Lord."

Michal, David's wife looked down on him and criticized him.  She was a compromiser like her Daddy. She had the spirit of her daddy.  See how profound we pass on our spirits to our children. 2 Samuel 6:18-19 says, after  blessing the people David went to bless his own home.  Even after taking care of all the business of Israel and God he didn't forget his own family.

What was it about David, was it killing Goliath, or being anointed King? No, it was his heart. It was after he took care of God's business he turned his heart toward his family. 2 Samuel 6:20.  He was balanced in all his ways.  Here is a balanced priority order; to God first, to your wife and children, then to the church. God doesn't want burnt offerings, he wants you. There is nothing better in the whole world than to hear your wife say, thank you for giving me a Godly home.  There's nothing better when your children say, I love you daddy, thank you for directing me the right way.

It's okay for man to misunderstand you but God never does misunderstand you because he looks upon the heart. And if you'll look closely at his grievances of the churches you'll see that he is judging the heart of the people and not their works. What grievance would God have against you today as the spiritual leader in your home?

Tell your family, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. That's what Joshua told the people of God when he became their leader.  He didn't ask his wife and kids, do you want to go to church today?  He understood his role as a leader of the house of God.

You are the one God will hold responsible, not your wife or children.  If you know you're not ready to be the leader get under some right teaching by a Godly pastor who is the leader of his home and church that lives by the word and not the whelms of the world. God has anointed you to be the leader of your home.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Struggle In Israel On The Rights to Her Waterways

The Body Of Christ Has A Vested Interest In Jerusalem

Iran  Provoking Israel and Mocking The World

There is a news report that Iran is sending three supply ships to challenge the Gaza blockade. The tyrannical regime is doing this under the guise of providing medical assistance to the supposedly starving people in Gaza on ships flying the Red Crescent flag (The Islamic version of the Red Cross.)

This provocative act is being organized with the militant government of Turkey. To add fuel to the fire Iran's Revolutionary Guard is planning on sending military escort ships.Given the barbaric nature of the Iranian regime, this stunt (that could develop into a very dangerous confrontation) is comparable to Nazi Germany sending "aid" to the victims in the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Iranians, the Turks, and Hamas have the opportunity to exploit the international stage because the civilized world, led by the Obama Administration, has allowed them to behave badly while it has focused every form of criticism on Israel. That Iran that is being economically raped by its own Revolutionary Guard makes laughable its new role of savior of the Palestinian people.

It also is another demonstration of the failure of the Obama administration's policy of engaging the tyrants of Tehran. On the geopolitical front this is one more move by Iran to gain supremacy on Israel's borders by currying favor with the Arab street. These developments heighten the threats against Israel, the United States, and the West.For anyone who wants to know the truth about the humanitarian situation in Gaza we strongly recommend reading the new report issued by the Jerusalem Center. In short there is no humanitarian crisis.

According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs there are several myths concerning starving people in Gaza.

· Since 2007, Israel has maintained a legal maritime blockade around Gaza whose purpose is to keep rockets and other weapons out of the hands of Hamas, while letting food and other humanitarian aid in. Yet there have been a wide variety of officials and commentators who insist that Gaza is starving, setting the stage for the repeated efforts of "humanitarian" ships to break the Gaza blockade.

· Gaza is not cut off from the outside world. In the last year, the markets of Gaza have been flooded with produce and merchandise. In fact, in 2009, a total of 30,576 truckloads of humanitarian commodities passed from Israel into Gaza. From June 2007 (the date of the Hamas military takeover of Gaza), overall monetary transfers to Gaza have totaled over $5 billion from governmental and extragovernmental sources. The governor of the Central Bank of the Palestinian Authority, Jihad al-Wazir, confirmed that 56 percent of the PA budget is designated for Gaza. Gaza receives additional aid funds directly from Iran and the Arab countries.

· There is also an established economic system of Palestinian imports from Egypt via hundreds of tunnels operating under the control of a Hamas government that grants approval for operating them and collects taxes from their owners. The tunnel network has increased imports from Egypt to Gaza from $30 million annually during the years 1994-2006 to more than $650 million annually. Given the abundance of supply, the price of diesel fuel and gasoline, delivered to Gaza through pipes from Egypt, is half that of the price in Israel.

· Farid Zakout, director of the Gaza Construction Association, told the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam that the price of a ton of cement now stands at NIS 800 as opposed to NIS 1,200 two months ago, and over NIS 3,000 more than a year ago. Cement prices fell after some 80 percent of tunnel owners began to import cement. The renewed surge in construction activity has fostered a rise of 25 percent in the number of those employed in the industry.

Since 2007, Israel has maintained a legal maritime blockade around Gaza whose purpose is to keep rockets and other weapons out of the hands of Hamas, while letting food and other humanitarian aid in. Yet there have been a wide variety of officials and commentators who insist that Gaza is starving, setting the stage for the repeated efforts of "humanitarian" ships to break the Gaza blockade.

To read this article in more detail go to:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Prison Test, From Dream To Destiny

The way to your divine appointment 
Every Christian experiences a trial or tribulation. It can last for years depending on what God is preparing you for. These types of trials are situations where we do the right thing but end up in a long, drawn out battle.
It seems like inspite of doing right, you get punished instead. It's a test of your character. Your faith is tested and in the end God rewards you. When you get through the prison test, you have a strength and power that no one can shake.
Christians are going to experience tribulation, the difference is who stands on the foundation during the trial that comes out a winner. Matthew 7:25-27 shows us how one house falls and the other stands. They both experience the same storm, but one had a firm foundation.
You will have to suit up and put God's armor on. The ones who get through it never give up. If you allow these situations to work through your life, it will do its purpose to create perseverance and character.
No one can stop you from reaching your destiny and we are going to see that in the story of Joseph. It's about building character and being able to go from dream to destiny. Everybody has a God given destiny, but you have to go through your tests to get there. Genesis 39:19-20.
When you do right and suffer the wrong result, you just hold on because you are about to build some character into your life. Potipher's wife had used Joseph's coat to fabricate a lie about him. I'm sure by this time in Joseph's young life he never wanted another coat.
Has anyone ever lied on you? How are you going to respond to that lie about you? Romans 5:3-5. If you never have tribulation you never have perseverance. James 1:2-3.
You see, trials produce patience. Patience is not just waiting, but waiting with contentment. Perseverance is fighting the battle while waiting with contentment. Because you see, perseverance in a long trial can take years to see a breakthrough.
Joseph waited 13 years, Abraham's test of faith took 25 years after God promised him a son. Moses waited 40 years. Paul waited 13 years while David waited 16 years to be King after he was anointed, and went through a tribulation and trial that put his life on the line.
You have to enter warfare with joy and maintain a good attitude, and this is the most difficult thing to do. Attitude is everything in working through a hard trial. With the wrong attitude you can easily give up and miss your destiny.
The worst thing anybody can do is to promote you before God has you ready.Because God is still going to make you go through your test. I see a lot of preachers coming out of seminary and they haven't gone through any real hard tests, and they need to be prepared to be a Pastor because they are going to encounter some real difficult situations in a church. They will have to know how to be obedient to God even when they don't want to.
So, tests help us to become more obedient. Obedience is learned through suffering.Long, difficult trials produce character. All the junk comes out of you and it's like putting fire to metal. God has got to get the tarnish off of you before you can walk in your destiny. Hebrews 5:8.
Most of the time, your test is a lonely journey. Everyone forgot about Joseph, the Butler forgot him too. You may ask, why did God make Joseph wait 2 years after the Butler was released? Why didn't God give the Pharoah the dream then instead of two years later? Well, if you look at the story more closely you will see how Joseph tried to manipulate his freedom by telling the Butler to remember me when you go before the Pharoah.
Inspite of that failing, Joseph never lost hope. Hope in God, not in your circumstances or in others for they will fail you. God never fails us. What we want to change or how we want to change may not be the way God wants to do it. You see, God is working all things out for you for your good. That hope in us is what produces appointments by God for us. Romans 5:5.
If you will allow your trial to work character and character hope then you are going to arrive at your destiny. You are going to be ready for a divine appointment. Prov. 13:12
The way we know that Joseph had hope is because he never had self pity. Genesis 40:6-7. Joseph had noticed sadness in others in the prison. He gave to others in the midst of his own sorrow and tribulation. He gives hope to others by interpreting their dreams.
When you get to a nowhere place in your own circumstances and start helping and giving to someone else, you are getting close to persevering with contentment.
Joseph didn't drown in self pity over what his brothers did to him, nor over what Potipher's wife did to him. Joseph was numbered with the transgressors just as Jesus was. Joseph has encounters with two men, one saved and the other not. He says, remember me when you get to the palace. The saved man on the cross tells Jesus the same thing. Remember me when you get to your Kingdom.
So the next time you have a test or go through tribulation, count it all joy because you are on the road to destiny and if you can have hope and trust in God to get you through you are going to meet with your divine purpose. I count it all joy when I am faced with trials for I know that through them God is pulling me closer to what I was born for.

This article is based on the teaching of Robert Morris in From Dreams to Destiny.  This article only lists one of the 10 tests you will go through before reaching your destiny.  To see more on this subject go to

To puchase this teaching go to:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Freedom Is Not Free

In our darkest hours hero's show us how to face our fears!

It's difficult for a person to sacrifice for someone else.  But it's worth it to some for a good cause, like freedom for our country. Christ sacrificed his life when we were but yet in our sin. 

Memorial Day has become a vacation time to many of us.  In 1971 our government extended Memorial Day to a full weekend.  Most of us think about barbecues and swimming season more than we do what it really stands for.  A sacrifice without thankfulness is meaningless, and that's what it's become.

I had a very unique Memorial experience at my church this Memorial Sunday morning and I am going to try to write my Pastor's story in his own voice. A Vietnam Veteran, he describes what freedom and Memorial Day really stands for.  He spoke with humility and a depth of love few of us know, and at moments with great emotion.  These are his words.

Freedom is not free.  We saw that on 911.  America had been drawn into war.  People had the idea that a hero was some sports person, but 911 gave us a glimpse of who the real hero's in our nation are.  That day helped redefine our values again.

This was the first time we had seen an attack on our citizens on our own soil.  I'm glad that Americans had never had to see legs blown off and hand to hand combat or your fellowman being shot down. But that day we saw our children bloody and blown up. We saw a steel tower crumble and disintegrate into a thick cloud of dust.

Being a hero is not kicking a football or ringing a basketball into a goal.  It means doing something good for others in a crisis.  You can be a hero yourself by doing good, like being a friend to a needy child or an elderly person, or helping someone overcome something you've overcome.  Caring enough to make a difference in someones life is a hero.

This day is a day of remembrance.  Remembrance of those who made a difference.  It cost them something to give us our freedom.  Think of the millions who have served in the military.  It has been one and a half million people who have served in all the wars beginning with the Civil War.  Today is about those who lost their lives for our freedom.  It is fitting to honor them today.

On June 05, 1967, Randy Jack Glenn, my best friend died before my eyes in Vietnam.  He was going across a rice patty when 50 caliber rifles began shooting at him.  I was asked to escort his body home to his parents.  Randy was the oldest of four boys from his parents.  I'll never forget his father as he picked his son's body up and hugged him.  His son had paid the ultimate sacrifice.

On June 15, 1968, I was dug in a hole in Vietnam.  That day the Vietcong came out upon us.  They were pushing towards us from the left flank.  We were calling to command to give us permission to clear for an air strike. Something told me not to come out and go across that river.

I heard a voice in my head that day say, you are going to die today just like your buddy did.  Don't ever take it light what servicemen have to go through for your freedom.  Romans 13:7.  May God continue to bless the USA and give us a spiritual awakening; a spiritual Tsunami. The hour is late, and the Anti-Christ Spirit is sweeping across this nation.

Politicians have taken away our 10 commandments and undermining the principles our nation was built on.  We must have a spiritual awakening.  We must get back to the bible.

Our men and women are willing to put their lives on the line and a lot die for our cause.  They're are people who refuse to serve.  There's people who refuse to serve in the church for the Lord too.  They do it because they realize that freedom is not free. You have to give of yourself to make others free.  It's difficult to die for someone else.

The age of servicemen in Vietnam was 18 to 19 years old.  I was a sergeant and was 20 years old so I was old compared to most of those boys.  But they all knew that if we die it was for a good cause.  People sit in the church all the time and hear the word and yet never surrender to God.  Tomorrow is not promised to you.

Jesus died while we were yet still filthy in our sin.  Our servicemen sacrifice for a good cause, but Jesus willingly died for those that were not even good.  Why would God send his only son to die for that?  Because of his amazing grace.  Jesus' life was not given because we deserved it but because he loved us. He loves his own creation.

None of us deserve the right to be forgiven sin.  We could never do enough to earn it.  The bible is a story of God's love for his creation.  But because of man's disobedience it separated us from God.  Sin will always separate you from God.  God keeps reaching out to save man. He saved Enoch, he saved Noah, Abraham for his faith, and David, a man after God's own heart. Forty two generations later he gave us his son.  John 3:16.  Yet, we glaze over this most read scripture of its true meaning in our hearts.  It's a dangerous thing to turn away from God.

I was in Vietnam and I was unsaved.  I heard bullets zoom past me, came upon booby traps that blew body parts off of men.  I remember praying, God, if you will get me out of this mess, I'll serve you.  But 17 years later, I found myself in darkness and dying spiritually.  Vietnam had put a darkness in me.

One day God called me out and light clashed with darkness.  I have an urgent message for you today. God will change your life.  A relationship with God is not for a week.  It is forever and forever and will never end. Jesus did not die so you could be rich with material things, but so you could have eternal life.

I seen what the natural life can do.  I've seen fire strike and stop nature.  It was a massive ball of fire, so powerful that it sucked the oxygen from the air.  War is destructive.  War is hell.  But war is nothing compared to the hell fire of damnation.  It burns on forever, unceasing, unending torment.

The fires of hell will never be quenched.  A place where your memory will never forget.  A preacher's voice will echo over and over into your ears in hell.  You'll go over those sermons you wished you had paid attention to over and over.  2,000 years ago Christ purchased your freedom and gave you eternal life.  No country can do that for you.  Freedom is not free.  Christ spilled his blood for that freedom. Romans 5:7-11.

You can serve the God's of this world and keep sinning but you can't serve Christ and keep sinning.  Sin is an enemy to God.  I didn't say that, God's word says it.  He saved us from sin: meaning to let it go.  Christ didn't fight that battle so that sin could overtake you again.  If you produce sin you will die and go to hell. We don't fight a terrorist  for him to come back on our territory.  That's what Jesus saved us from when he went into the pits of hell and took the keys from Satan.

We don't have to keep what life handed us, because Christ will give us a new life when we make him Lord of our life.  He washes you and gives you power to live above sin.  You can't straddle the fence.  You won't make it.  It's a heart matter.

My heart desired to do what was right for my country, but no matter how good I was as a person, I was lost and had I died I would have gone to hell.  I can't tell you enough what war does to a heart.  It turns cold and unable to love, but the blood of Christ restores it all.

Pastor Jerry Nelson is man of character who has raised the standard in his church for Godly living. I never understood what had built such a strong, moral character in him, now I know.  He has a mind that Christ's blood regenerated, for with his history he would have been like so many Vietnam Veterans spending their days dealing with injuries from agent orange and a mind with post trauma. God had a purpose for him and he is one of the most thankful and pure hearts I know today in ministry.  

He knows he was bought with a price and when they asked him who he is he simply says, I am the redeemed.  He's a King David spirit and has never lost his dance and praise for the one who restored him. He often thanks the Lord for satisfying him with long life.  He has seen evil and he has been touched by the Master and is anointed by the Holy Spirit with the mind gifts and healing. 

I am thankful today that he did not die on that battle field because he has changed my life and many others that has gone on to be disciples of Christ under his leadership.  He knows who he is in Christ and many people have been healed by his anointing and he is a preacher that has a voice of command of stronghold by the devil.  He often says, sometimes I kick the door in just to see if Satan is behind it.  He runs a tight ship in his church and has zero tolerance for division, backstabbing or ill treatment of another saint.

Sign Of Life From A Kidnapped Israeli Soldier In Gaza Prison

A Parent's Plea For Their Son
Gilad Shalit, a 22 year old Isaeli soldier was kidnapped 3 years ago by the Hamas.  He was on duty guarding and ensuring the security of the settlements around Gaza. Gilad's parents say that he is a well-mannered, quiet and introverted young man. Gilad was always volunteering to help everyone, even on his short vacations from the army he helped his parents run their Bed and Breakfast in Galilee.

Since the attack by the Hamas at Kerem Shalom on Sunday, 06/25/06, Gilad has been held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas. For over two years his parents had no news of him, if he was safe, alive or what his physical or mental condition was.  Now, after more than three years in captivity, the Shalit family receives a sign of life from Gilad in the form of a Hamas videotape addressed to Gilad's father.

"We are concerned by the images of him." said Gilad's father during a briefing last Friday night. "Aviva (Gilad's mother) and I are concerned in the face of the images we saw.  We must not forget that Gilad is suffering and rotting in the Hamas prison."

After 1,195 days in captivity, the roughly two-and-a-half minute video shows Gilad facing the camera.  The captive soldier appears to be in sound mental condition, although he weighs considerably less than he did 3 years ago.

In the tape, Shalit says, "Hello, this Gilad, son of Noam and Aviva Shalit, brother of Hadas and Yoel, who lives in Mitzpe Hila.  My ID number is 397029.  As you can see they let me see the paper today to read about myself, and in hopes of reading I hope to see information of my return home and my imminent release."

Gilad then continues, "I hope the current government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu reaches an agreement and as a result, allow me to fulfill my dream and be released.

Gilad addresses his parents and says, "I wish to send my well-wishes to my family and tell them that I love them and miss them greatly, and hope for the day I'll see them again.  Dad, Yoel, and Hadas, do you remember the day you arrived at my base in the Golan Heights, on December 31, 2005?  We toured around the base and you took a picture of me on a Merkava tank and on one of the old tanks at the entrance of the base.  Later, we ate dinner at Druze villages against the backdrop of the snowy Hermon Mountain."

He told his parents he was well medically, but they question that looking at him in the video.  He has a medical condition that they believe is not being treated.  He was low medical went he signed up for the Army. So it is crucial to get him out of this prison so he can be treated.

Gilad's parents viewed the video in the privacy of their home and later this week released it to the Prime Minister's office who released it to the public with the parent's permission. They have been told by the Prime Minister's office that negotiations are continuing for Gilad's release.

Groups have been formed around the world for the release of Gilad and a request for prayer for his release.

I am asking all the Wilson churches to put Gilad on their prayer list.  You may ask, what does one Israeli soldier matter? He would matter a great deal if he were your son, your brother or your grandson.  It reminds me of the last words of Schindler, in Schindler's list, "Just one, if I could have saved just one more."

As we speak, God is gathering his people from the four corners of the earth.  Gilad's family prays for mercy for God to send their son back to Israel from his captivity to his birth place, and asked us to pray that his captivity will end soon by the grace of God and intercessory prayer.

A petition to the Israeli government is in progress and hoping for a million signatures around the world. If you would like to help free Gilad go to

A prayer from Wilson, North Carolina for Gilad today:

Psalm 70

Remember Gilad O'Lord

Make haste, O God, to deliver him
Make haste to help him O'Lord!

Let his captor's (a terrorist group) be ashamed and confounded
Those who seek his life, Let them be turned back and confused Who desire his hurt.
Let them be turned back because of their shame, Who say, "Aha, aha!"

Let all those who seek You Gilad rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually, "Let God be magnified in this situation."

Gilad is poor and needy; Make haste to him, O'God!
You are his help and his deliverer; O'God do not delay!

In Jesus Name We Pray!

I want to encourage Christian's today to support Israel and pray for them just as we do for each other, for God said, "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you." Let us always remember the mercy that Jesus gave us and may we always return that mercy in our hearts and with prayers for those Jews who need deliverance and mercy! We love you Gilad and are praying for your release!