Donna Braman
Great Joy Filled The City
Wouldn't you love to see great joy fill Wilson, North Carolina? We're going to take a look at what it takes to fill a city with great miracles, and wonders that follow for those that are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
We see in Acts 8:4, where Jesus had poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit and the church had been born. The church was filled with the wind and the fire and power from the person of the Holy Spirit. The third person of the trinity.
The church was being persecuted because they were preaching Jesus everywhere they went. Signs and wonders followed them where ever they preached. That's the way it should be in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what period of history we're living in.
I thank God for my Pentecostal roots and the power of Pentecost that fell upon the first church. I thank God that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more. What he did back then when he walked on the sandy shores of Galilee, he will do today what he did then. He needs to find people that seek him and will separate themselves from the world of darkness and love him with all their heart, worship him and praise him with all their hearts.
In Acts 8:4, we see Phillip going down to Samaria and preaching Christ unto them. There was great joy that filled the city. That's what you get with the manifest spirit of God. I never had great joy like I was given by the Holy Spirit by anything in this world.
In verse 7 it says, unclean spirits came out of many of them with crying voices. And those that were lame were healed. They had signs and wonders. Healings were taking place. Verse 8 again says, and there was great joy in that city. What would happen if we had such a great joy fill our city and our churches? Well, that's what you get when you see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
I've never received such joy since I received the person of the Holy Spirit. In verse 14 it says, now when the apostles were at Jerusalem they heard that Samaria had received the gospel of Christ and were being saved. They were being baptized in water but not by the Holy Spirit. So they sent Peter and John to baptize them in the Holy Spirit. This shows that there is another work in salvation after being saved.
In verse 17 it says, John and Peter laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. Simon the Sorcerer was supposed to be saved but he was still walking in the natural. Look at Acts 8:18, now when Simon saw that laying on of hands through the apostles brought the Holy Ghost upon them he offered them money saying, give me also this power.
Peter said unto him, "may thy money perish with thee, because you thought you could purchase this gift. You're not in this, for thy heart is not right in the sight of God." You've got to have a transfusion that takes place in your heart. There's a transformation that has to take place in the heart.
You see, with the heart, man believes unto righteousness. With the mouth confession is made unto it. I don't want to just believe in salvation, I want to be unto it. I don't want to just believe in great miracles, healings and the Holy Ghost, I want to get unto it. I don't want to just believe in sanctification, I want to be unto it wholly. We have leaks and we need to be refilled. How many of you already know that you need to be refilled?
Simon the Sorcerer wanted to buy the gifts of God. You can not purchase God's gifts. You're not even saved by works. By grace are you saved through faith and not of yourself. It is not of works, least any man should boast. Jesus paid it all, sin left a crimson stain and he washed it white as snow. What we can't do he does it for us.
It's a transaction that takes place by faith in the death, burial and resurrection and the ascension of Jesus Christ, as Lord and High Priest of the new covenant. If you believe this in your heart and you confess him in your heart, there's not enough devils in hell to keep you in darkness. You can be saved and you can know you're saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit.
You'll know that you're filled, and you'll know you've been divinely healed. No doctor will have to tell you anything. He will manifest himself to you and praise God you will know that he has completed the work in you. And great joy filled the city. I thank God for our Pentecostal heritage from the early church. Don't let anyone limit your God, for he can do anything in your life, not some things, but all things for those who believe.
Jacob had an encounter with God and he changed his name, and he changed his nature. He fought with God over his destiny and for the rest of his life he walked with a limp leaning on a staff. That's what happens to us, God changes our name, writes his new name in him on us and then puts his divine nature in us.
He changes us from nature to grace. We are made partakers of God's divine nature. We're in this world but not of it. We have been touched by a divine hand from another world by the hand of the Master. We've been purchased with a price and we belong to him. We are to be about the father's business.
There's power in Calvary's blood. We have a living faith, and this living faith is the word. It's called logos, the word become flesh. The word is life. The word is living because Christ is living. I thank God for the new birth and the new covenant.
The Holy Ghost wants every child to see the unveiling of Jesus in our lives. He wants us to be partakers of what Christ has for us. The church has lost a lot of treasures. We need to pray for joy again. I didn't get saved to just drag through life. Christ didn't put his promises in his word just to tease us. He has gifts for us. Jesus said, if you being evil have good gifts for your children think how much more the gifts are from the heavenly father.
If you'll ask God on the line of living faith and approach him in humbleness and according to his word, God will give you the good things of his treasures. The reason you need the Holy Ghost is so he can unveil to you the fullness that is in Christ Jesus. When we become filled with him great joy will flood us.
Phillip shows us in the new testament how the church is supposed to look. Phillip was filled with the Holy Ghost. He went down to Samaria and he was filled with such power and glory that God lifted him up into the office of evangelist.
The bible says he began to preach Christ unto them. That's what Holy Ghost filled people do; they talk about Jesus and his power in our life everywhere they go. I know I have worn out a lot of people in my life just talking about Jesus and his awesome love.
Some people's favorite subject is their sport's team, or their grandchildren, but mine is the Lord. You get filled with the Holy Spirit or get healed or have a miracle happen to you and that's all you'll talking about too. You won't be thinking about football anymore.
This is what happened to Phillip and he went down to Samaria to tell people about Jesus. Many gave heed to Phillip seeing and hearing of the miracles that were happening in his ministry. There ought to be something supernatural to every spirit filled Christian. It's supernatural to give your testimony and to tell what Christ has done for you. It's supernatural to lift your hands and praise the Lord with our tongues.
If you don't believe it get around a group of folks that don't praise him and start praising him in their midst and you'll see what supernatural power comes. You'll stir up a hat full of devils. People that aren't used to praising God and sending up some glory's. A lot of people in churches say amen. But shout "Glory," or Hallejuhah, or Jesus. You won't even get that far, everybody will look and say, what's going on with them? They have been divinely touched by the hand of Almighty God. They've got such joy they can not contain it.
I refuse to let the devil take our praise through some legalistic tactics. I got a King David dance and praise and no one can take that away from me; praising the way my heart leads me to praise. That Holy Spirit power was sent to the church by Jesus himself and that power belongs to spirit filled Christians.
It's supernatural to lay hands on the sick. It's supernatural to speak in tongues. Supernatural things happen when you're filled with the Holy Spirit. We need that supernatural element in us at all times. What a word! If you'll go to that little church called Westmoreland, people are getting healed over there. How do I know? I've seen it with my own eyes. I went there and the Spirit got a hold of me and healed me.
Religious folks can't stand it. I'm not talking about churches who love Christ but the general church age we're living in; luke-warm. Start operating in the Holy Spirit gifts and the religious establishment will despise you. I'd rather please God and walk in the supernatural than to be silenced by man that just wants to be somebody in the religious establishment. The world loves its own and religion loves its way. They don't want the Holy Spirit power because it wouldn't be all about them anymore.
Notice in Acts 8:7 what the miracles were. Unclean spirits crying aloud. Many were taken with palsy and the lame were healed. We need to demonstrate a Holy Spirit power so profoundly that unclean spirits come out of people. We need to desire to help people and see them free from bondages. It will cost you to walk with Jesus. He tells us to pick up our cross and follow him, not to live in the world acting like worldly people.
It cost Jesus everything , so if you want to be like Jesus it will cost you something. We need to preach Jesus with such power that unclean spirits come out of people. The justified shall live righteous and holy lives. They are the ones that see the manifest presence of God. Some people think this is hard teaching. But God says to be ye holy as he is holy.
I know what sin does to churches. I already know what happens to sipping saints and Christians filled with pride and jealousy. I know what happens to sexually immoral Christians. Those sins master you, so if you don't ever step into them then they can't become an idol. Jesus warns us not to allow anything of this world to master us, because that's idolatry.
If you dip your spoon into the devil's plate he will knaw you all the way to your elbows. Give no place to the things of the devil. God expects a change in our lives when we get saved, not just more of the world in us. He died to free us from the law of sin and death.
When Jesus preached with the anointing what happened? Unclean spirits came out. The same thing happened when Phillip preached. When an anointed preacher gets up to preach unclean spirits have to flee. They have no choice for they must obey the anointed word of God.
If you're full of Jesus, the devil knows it. There's power in the blood, and there's power in the name of Jesus. Every preacher can't speak to or come into the presence of spirits and cast them down. You better have the Holy Spirit or they will turn on you like they did the apostles before Pentecost.
When the church starts operating like the apostolic church did we won't be worried about this nation's economic problems, social problems and the political scene. What this nation has is a sin problem. We're a nation that has cast the name of Jesus aside and stepped out of covenant with the God. God blessed this nation when it had character but when character goes in a nation then goes morals.
People need to stop playing church and give all their hearts, minds and souls to Christ, and joy will fill the city again. The devil is real and he has released spirits upon this earth for these end times like we've never seen. He rules over the world system. He has no power over you if you're clothed in the blood of Christ and walk in covenant and righteousness. If you've allowed him in your domain you will have to battle to get him out. You use spiritual weapons to do that.
Jesus made a show of the devil and was triumphant over sin for us. We need to walk in that victory that he died to give us, and joy will fill us. If all the churches in Wilson would pray for our Mayor to be blessed, pray for our Sheriff, pray for our city council, pray for the drug communities, help the poor, open our doors to the lowly, joy would fill the city. Start today speaking words over our city. Word are power, they create and changes come.
What signs and wonders follow your church today? When God heals you and your land you will be filled by him. You'll tell it the rest of your life. Whose got a testimony of him today? I don't know about other folks but I'm not going to get saved and just drag through life.
This article was a teaching from Westmoreland Phc by Rev. Jerry Nelson. To see complete sermons go to: or email me at:
Further articles at:
Phillip shows us in the new testament how the church is supposed to look. Phillip was filled with the Holy Ghost. He went down to Samaria and he was filled with such power and glory that God lifted him up into the office of evangelist.
The bible says he began to preach Christ unto them. That's what Holy Ghost filled people do; they talk about Jesus and his power in our life everywhere they go. I know I have worn out a lot of people in my life just talking about Jesus and his awesome love.
Some people's favorite subject is their sport's team, or their grandchildren, but mine is the Lord. You get filled with the Holy Spirit or get healed or have a miracle happen to you and that's all you'll talking about too. You won't be thinking about football anymore.
This is what happened to Phillip and he went down to Samaria to tell people about Jesus. Many gave heed to Phillip seeing and hearing of the miracles that were happening in his ministry. There ought to be something supernatural to every spirit filled Christian. It's supernatural to give your testimony and to tell what Christ has done for you. It's supernatural to lift your hands and praise the Lord with our tongues.
If you don't believe it get around a group of folks that don't praise him and start praising him in their midst and you'll see what supernatural power comes. You'll stir up a hat full of devils. People that aren't used to praising God and sending up some glory's. A lot of people in churches say amen. But shout "Glory," or Hallejuhah, or Jesus. You won't even get that far, everybody will look and say, what's going on with them? They have been divinely touched by the hand of Almighty God. They've got such joy they can not contain it.
I refuse to let the devil take our praise through some legalistic tactics. I got a King David dance and praise and no one can take that away from me; praising the way my heart leads me to praise. That Holy Spirit power was sent to the church by Jesus himself and that power belongs to spirit filled Christians.
It's supernatural to lay hands on the sick. It's supernatural to speak in tongues. Supernatural things happen when you're filled with the Holy Spirit. We need that supernatural element in us at all times. What a word! If you'll go to that little church called Westmoreland, people are getting healed over there. How do I know? I've seen it with my own eyes. I went there and the Spirit got a hold of me and healed me.
Religious folks can't stand it. I'm not talking about churches who love Christ but the general church age we're living in; luke-warm. Start operating in the Holy Spirit gifts and the religious establishment will despise you. I'd rather please God and walk in the supernatural than to be silenced by man that just wants to be somebody in the religious establishment. The world loves its own and religion loves its way. They don't want the Holy Spirit power because it wouldn't be all about them anymore.
Notice in Acts 8:7 what the miracles were. Unclean spirits crying aloud. Many were taken with palsy and the lame were healed. We need to demonstrate a Holy Spirit power so profoundly that unclean spirits come out of people. We need to desire to help people and see them free from bondages. It will cost you to walk with Jesus. He tells us to pick up our cross and follow him, not to live in the world acting like worldly people.
It cost Jesus everything , so if you want to be like Jesus it will cost you something. We need to preach Jesus with such power that unclean spirits come out of people. The justified shall live righteous and holy lives. They are the ones that see the manifest presence of God. Some people think this is hard teaching. But God says to be ye holy as he is holy.
I know what sin does to churches. I already know what happens to sipping saints and Christians filled with pride and jealousy. I know what happens to sexually immoral Christians. Those sins master you, so if you don't ever step into them then they can't become an idol. Jesus warns us not to allow anything of this world to master us, because that's idolatry.
If you dip your spoon into the devil's plate he will knaw you all the way to your elbows. Give no place to the things of the devil. God expects a change in our lives when we get saved, not just more of the world in us. He died to free us from the law of sin and death.
When Jesus preached with the anointing what happened? Unclean spirits came out. The same thing happened when Phillip preached. When an anointed preacher gets up to preach unclean spirits have to flee. They have no choice for they must obey the anointed word of God.
If you're full of Jesus, the devil knows it. There's power in the blood, and there's power in the name of Jesus. Every preacher can't speak to or come into the presence of spirits and cast them down. You better have the Holy Spirit or they will turn on you like they did the apostles before Pentecost.
When the church starts operating like the apostolic church did we won't be worried about this nation's economic problems, social problems and the political scene. What this nation has is a sin problem. We're a nation that has cast the name of Jesus aside and stepped out of covenant with the God. God blessed this nation when it had character but when character goes in a nation then goes morals.
People need to stop playing church and give all their hearts, minds and souls to Christ, and joy will fill the city again. The devil is real and he has released spirits upon this earth for these end times like we've never seen. He rules over the world system. He has no power over you if you're clothed in the blood of Christ and walk in covenant and righteousness. If you've allowed him in your domain you will have to battle to get him out. You use spiritual weapons to do that.
Jesus made a show of the devil and was triumphant over sin for us. We need to walk in that victory that he died to give us, and joy will fill us. If all the churches in Wilson would pray for our Mayor to be blessed, pray for our Sheriff, pray for our city council, pray for the drug communities, help the poor, open our doors to the lowly, joy would fill the city. Start today speaking words over our city. Word are power, they create and changes come.
What signs and wonders follow your church today? When God heals you and your land you will be filled by him. You'll tell it the rest of your life. Whose got a testimony of him today? I don't know about other folks but I'm not going to get saved and just drag through life.
This article was a teaching from Westmoreland Phc by Rev. Jerry Nelson. To see complete sermons go to: or email me at:
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