Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Come Into His Presence

Donna Braman
copyright 2009


     The bible calls him a man after God's own heart.  I call him a man that had a garment of true praise about him evidenced by a passionate heart for worship that ushered him into the presence of the Lord.  The worship style he implemented resulted in a return unto the Lord by the people.  Something powerful occurs in a church when worship is energized collectively by our love and passion for the Lord. Such worship cannot be generated without covenant living; walking in Jesus' commands and in relationship with His Holy Spirit.
      In contrasting views I will analyze the biblical presence of God by King David and how many churches today are lacking in the principles required to achieve the Lord's favor and his presence. Knowing how to come into his courts is a protocol missing in the lukewarm church.
     When the Lord anointed King David he was a sixteen-year-old youth, the son and stump of Jesse. David was a ruddy skinned Sheppard from the land of Judah.  He was the least noticed of his household and certainly had nothing, according to his Father, that looked like a future King much less the potential to become a mighty praise and worship leader and a fearless military conqueror.
     When it comes to who God draws near to and who he anoints to build his Kingdom or to fight his battles it is never the obvious that can be seen with the natural eye that pleases the Lord.  More often than not, the one that the Lord calls has a hidden asset in the heart that the Holy Spirit gives power and life to.  David was bold and did something that no other King had ever attempted.  He pitched a tent and brought the Ark of the Covenant inside and the people praised and worshiped in the presence of the Lord without the veil.  That same power of the Spirit that worked through David wants to restore us again to worship in the presence of the Living God, to draw us back to communion and holiness, that splendor and spotless heart that the Father requires for the Son to have a spotless, unblemished bride.
     Praise and worship is not all about singing, swaying and swooning or feeling goose bumps for an hour on Sunday morning.  But when you see true worship manifest in a congregation of believers, look with your spiritual eye and you will see the work of the Holy Spirit manifest the gifts in different individuals. 
     As I will outline here for you, there is a form of worship and coming into the presence of the Almighty that King David demonstrated that has all but been lost in today's church.  My soul earns to see all of the churches have such love and great passion for the one who is coming soon for his bride and wants to unite with her adorned in her fine linen of righteous acts and draped in the precious jewels of the Holy Spirit.
     God longs for praise and worship that reflects a heart of thanksgiving and a daily life that reflects him as Sovereign over his creation.  As we etch closer to the second coming of Yeshua, a direct descendant of the throne of David, Christ, that is seated on that everlasting throne, we will see, as the bible prophesies, the church again will gather at his tabernacle in a revival of the latter house of glory in heartfelt thanksgiving and praise will continually be on their tongues.  No longer will congregations sit back in the pews lukewarm content for praise and worship teams to entertain them and praise for them.  Praise will be on all of our lips and worship will be a reflection of our righteousness before him.  In the ladder house we will again be a covenant people and the presence and manifestation of the Holy Spirit will empower the true church of Christ and endue it with the gifts and anointing.  We will see miracles and healings, but most of all we will see the fruit of the spirit demonstrated in our Christian walk.
     What was this true worship that King David did so well that God gave him victory over his enemies and blessed him in all that he did?  Why was it that when King David sinned and dropped to his knees contrite in his heart with repentance that God's love endured for him, and even made his kingship and throne to last forever?  
     What is clear and prophetic is that the unveiled tabernacle was a foreshadowing of Christ's church.  This kind of discernment does not happen automatically, but after much meditation, prayer and reading of the word these truths are made known to your spirit. Discernment about the old testament is necessary to understand what is to come. Jesus is foreshadowed from Genesis to John in the gospels.  It is baffling to try to understand why the Jews rejected Jesus.  But now I know it was all in his end plan for the number of Gentiles to come into his kingdom.  The blinded eyes of the Jews will be lifted sometime during the tribulation.  But there are a lot of Christians who will be asleep in these end days.
     I've seen some things in churches, as a minister of education that have made me fall prostate on my face with my soul crying out the Lord.  What happened to mercy and justice Jesus demonstrated for us?  We need some Joshua's to say no, this is the way we are going to do church, and we will start with coming back into covenant and doing away with the worldly church.  The church as a whole has lost its power to draw the lost in because of a hardening of the heart. There is no flame burning to shine into the darkness. Don't you boast that you are a Christian and grace is the answer to your sinful heart.  God's wrath can come upon the Christians just as quickly as it did his chosen, and after all we are just and engrafted root.  Somebody ought to shout right now and give Jesus praise for that.
     Whatever happened to the church that stayed long after 12:00 noon to pray and worship in God's sanctuary at the altar of sacrifice (praise).  That seems to have been replaced with gathering to meet at the resturants, you know leaving church and still the same when you leave.
     The Sabbath has become two hours instead of a 24 hour period and many churches don't even hold service every Sunday anymore. That is not a committed love to our savior that died to free us from bondage and sin.  That is not the kind of love that saves a lost and dying world.  Of the churches that have a problem with this, well, all I can say is I didn't write the commands I just follow them.  Go ahead and short circuit the Holiest command and see if you get any blessings; and then they asked themselves, why are they leaving the church?
     Of all the holy days outlined in Dueteronomy the Sabbath is the holiest and the church of today has desegrated it.  In several short months of visiting churches I saw continually God's holy day so dishonored with back biting, carnal minded thinking and the world so up in his house, and not even an altar call or a gathering in his altar to pray and worship.  Wake up church, this is the very things the Israelites did when God allowed a whole generation to die. The Joshua's are coming out, and they are going to raise a standard, and when they do you won't have any problem with discerning the wheat from the tares in the church. His righteous church will be visible.  I cry out to my Lord, "Jeshua, Son of David, where is the remnant church?" 
     The love and passion I have for the church in all it's faults cuts through my heart to bone and barrow.  That kind of  agape love forces you to start making a difference by being the true church through deeds and actions. I'm thankful for the church for it is the fellowship that Jesus called us into for lifting each other up in him and learning of his word together.  The greatest joy that comes out of me in church is when one is saved and you know the journey they are about to take that transforms their life because that precious blood was poured over me one day long ago in the altar of his court. If I never receive another miracle, that was miracle enough for me and I will thank him and praise him till there is breath left in me.
     King David had a thankful heart, even for little things and he never forgot what God had done for him.  I believe we are living in a day where the Holy Spirit is pulling nobodies from the gutter and off the pews and anointing them to witness the power of Christ to the lost. So don't sit back and let the flock lower the standard, that's why Moses didn't get to go to the promised land, and Joshua took the mantle because he wasn't afraid to confront the flock and say, no, we will enter back into covenant and we will walk in his ways, and not the world's way.
     The Lord is calling us today to return to our first love and to put zeal back into our worship and to put him first in our daily lives, in our homes, in our workplace, instilling his truth into our children and loved ones, and not be so about self that we don't even know anymore how to take yokes and burdens off of others that we stand and worship with every week, much less a stranger we may encounter.  It's time for ministers and teachers to bring down the veil of hypocrisy, man made doctrines, legalism, trying to change the word instead of allowing it to change us.  When the churches begin to teach righteousness, biblical principles, and worship him with all their hearts, instead of looking around at what kind of clothes someone is wearing, or their cars, we will have the ear of God and his presence will manifest for all to see.  I'm ready to start making the Jews jealous! Give me my Tallit, for I was one that he did not seek, the daughter that was not natural that now has become natural.  I will take my inheritance that God Almighty promised Abraham that I would one day have.
     I'm not trying to link all the churches into one category by any means but Jesus is calling us to be one in spirit and this has been a 'suddenly' year for a lot of churches that are delivering the word and a passion to worship him and to come into his courts with praise and thanksgiving.  That kind of love takes you through your week and leaves you with the weapons necessary for spiritual warfare that we are faced with daily in the world. Get ready to see in your  lifetime the greatest spiritual awakening in the church that the world has ever seen. The glory of the latter house is upon us.  If you can not see this, then you need to get yourself back down to the altar and get cleaned up from the inside out instead of on the outside, and get spiritual eyes and spiritual hears, for the worldly minded cannot not comprehend the glory that the Holy Spirit is pouring onto Christ's church, not to mention the horrific events and the shaking of the nations that IS occurring.
     To sum up it up best I quote a prayer by Rev. Robert Lowry, at the presidential inaguration; "Let not our feet stray from the place where we met thee."