Donna Braman
Today Is The Day The Lord Has Made And I Will Rejoice In It!
Read: Luke 15: 11-32
The New Testament uses three Greek words to express love:
1. eros - physical love or intimacy
2. philia - friendship
3. Agape - love produced in us by the Holy Spirit (Galations 5:22)
Our Father cares for us with agape love. He sacrificed His Son Jesus to bring us into a right relationship with Him. (1 John 4:10)
We are demonstrating agape love when we:
RESPOND CALMLY TO DIFFICULTIES. To the Prodical Son's untimely demand for his share of the inheritance, the father didn't reply with angry words about ungrateful children. Though the boy's attitude must have caused pain, the man held his tongue and did not retaliate. In calmness, he could think more clearly and choose to love. (1 Corinthians 13:5)
SACRIFICE WITHOUT COMPLAINT. The father, quietly and without complaint, gave the son his inheritance as requested. Although he knew his son was committed to a ruinous course, he directed his efforts towards preserving their relationship. In so doing, he chose the way of love.
WAIT PATIENTLY. Out of deep affection, the father allowed his son to leave and to stay away. What heartache he must have had; yet he remained hopeful. He waited for the boy to recognize that sin cannot deliver what it has promised. Waiting pays off through the power of agape love. (1 Corinthians 13:4
The Holy Spirit's work in our life empowers us to show selfless and sacrificial devotion to the development of another person. In that way, we become people who respond calmly, uncomplainingly, and patiently. Which kind of emotion do you offer to others, human or divine?
Families have such emotional ties that I think its harder to be calm in a situation where we feel one is about to do wrong or act selfishly but when we can let go of control and keep our emotions from going out of control we can respond with agape love. That person may still not do as we see fit but our relationship doesn't become bitter with pent up anger and communication is easier to acheive and it is that communication, putting self aside that helps families to grow in love.